云南财经大学 3-a-1 京剧

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《云南财经大学 3-a-1 京剧》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《云南财经大学 3-a-1 京剧(70页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Peking Opera,刘慧婷杨梦琳宋惠婷李江芹王娆,小组成员:,Small Title Here,Introduction,世界上有三种古老的戏剧文化: 希腊悲剧和喜剧(Greek tragedy and Greek comedy)、印度梵剧(India Opera)、中国戏曲(Chinese opera),Do You know what kind of Chinese opera drama is regarded as the quintessence of China?,你知道中国戏曲中哪个戏种被视为“中国国粹 ”吗?,As the most popular and influen

2、tial opera in China, Beijing opera has a history of more than 200 years and is regarded as a genuine national quintessence of China. It originated from many kinds of ancient local operas, especially Huiban in southern China. At the end of the 19th Century, Beijing Opera evolved and took shape, becom

3、ing the greatest kind of opera in China. 京剧是中国流行最广、影响最大的一个剧种,有着200多年的历史,是地道的中国国粹。它起源于中国多种古老的地方戏剧,特别是南方的“徽班“。到了19世纪末,京剧形成并成为中国最大的戏曲剧种。,Different from the western dramas, Beijing Opera is a blend of performing arts. Through the four artistic means and the four basic skills of Beijing Opera singing, re

4、citation, acting, and acrobatic fighting, Beijing Opera completely portrays and narrates the plot and characters. 不同于西方戏剧,京剧是综合型表演艺术,通过唱、念、做、打这四种基本艺术形式和技巧, 叙述故事,刻画人物。,The characters of Beijing Opera are classified according to sex, age, disposition, profession and social status. The main types of ro

5、les in Beijing Opera are sheng (male), dan (female), jing (a male with painted face) and chou (clown, male or female). 京剧角色根据性别、年龄、性格、职业和社会地位主要分生(男性)、旦(女性)、净(男性)、丑(男性女性皆有)四大行当。,The development of Beijing Opera 京剧的发展,Origin period,In the Qianlong dynasty, with the development of social economy and th

6、e rise of the Kunshan Chamber Opera, Jiangbei and Jiangnan literati and riches began to raise their Family Troupe. The opera troupe raised by the merchant of Huizhou was known as Huiban. 乾隆时期,随着社会经济的发展和戏曲声腔昆山腔的兴起,江南江北文人士大夫和富商巨贾纷纷蓄养家庭戏班。长期为某个徽州商人所养所用的戏曲班社就被外人称为“徽班”。,Origin period起源期,The twentieth yea

7、r of Emperor Daoguang to the tenth year of Emperor (1840-1860), the with the confluence of Hui opera, Shaanxi opera and Hans tune, Peking opera was formed with the absorption of Kunqu Opera and Beijing dialect. 道光二十年至咸丰十年间(1840-1860),经徽戏、秦腔、汉调的合流,并借鉴吸收昆曲、京腔之长而形成了京剧。,Formative period 形成期,In Xianfengs

8、 tenth year (1861) Peking opera began to enter the palace for performance. In the ninth year of Guangxu (1883), Ci xis 50th birthday, 18 people such as Yang Longshou, Bao Fushan, Zhang Qilin, Cai Fulu, Yan Fuxi and so on were picked out to enter the palace, not only singing, but also teaching skills

9、 to the eunuchs as opera teachers咸丰十年(1861年)京剧始入宫廷演出。光绪九年(1883年),慈禧五旬寿日,挑选张淇林、杨隆寿、鲍福山、彩福禄、严福喜等18人入宫当差,不仅演唱,且当京剧教习,向太监们传授技艺。自此,清宫掌管演出事务的机构“升平署”,每年均选著名艺人进宫当差,Maturation stage成熟期 18831918,Because Ci Xi liked Beijing opera and opera masters frequently perrformed in the palace city, it was increasingly p

10、opular. Over the same period, the theatres located in the gate area of Guangde building, Three Qing , Qingle, Zhonghe, Wenming performed Peking opera everyday. As time went by, Peking Opera formed a unity. 由于慈禧嗜好京剧,加之京剧名家频繁在宫中献艺,声势日强。同期,位于大栅地区的广德楼、三庆园、庆乐园、中和园、文明园等戏园、日日有京剧演出,形成了京剧一统的局面。,Since 1917, a

11、 large number of outstanding actors of Beijing opera, showing a flourishing situation of the genre, the mature period to the peak period came up. The representative figures of this period are Yang Xiaolou, Mei Lanfang and Yu Shuyan. 1917年以来,京剧优秀演员大量涌现,呈现出流派纷呈的繁盛局面,由成熟期发展到鼎盛期.这一时期的代表人物为杨小楼、梅兰芳、余叔岩。,P

12、eak period鼎盛期,Look,Listen,Question,Feel the Pulse,Look,Facial painting(脸谱),Red contains commendatory, representing loyal and brave; black is neutral, on behalf of brave and quick-witted; the blue and green face also is neutral, on behalf of the yellow and white derogatory outlaws of the marshes, on

13、behalf of ferocious atrocity; gold and silver face is mysterious, on behalf of the demon God.红脸含有褒义,代表忠勇;黑脸为中性,代表猛智;蓝脸和绿脸也为中性,代表草莽英雄;黄脸和白脸含贬义,代表凶诈凶恶;金脸和银脸是神秘,代表神妖。,CommendatoryRepresent loyal and brave,红脸含有褒义代表忠勇,黑脸为中性,代表猛智,Neutral, on behalf of brave and quick-witted,黄脸和白脸含贬义,代表凶诈凶恶。,Yellow and whi

14、te are both pejorative, represent roughness and clever,蓝脸和绿脸也为中性,代表草莽英雄,The blue and green face also is neutral on behalf of outlaws of the marshes,Gold and silver face is mysterious, on behalf of the demon God.,金脸和银脸是神秘,代表神妖。,Classic tracks (经典曲目),Farewell to My Concubine 霸王别姬 Tale Of The White Sna

15、ke 白蛇传The Drunken Beauty 贵妃醉酒 The heroine of the Yangs穆桂英大破天门阵 Kongchengji 空城计 Sweet Dew Temple 甘露寺,Listen,Mu Guiying command,Hai Rui Dismissed from Office,Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy,The Fisherman Rebelled,The heroes,e,c,b,d,a,The instruments,Sanxian (三弦),Yueqin (月琴),Jingerh (京二胡),Jingh (京胡),

16、Wenchang(文场),Wuchang(武场),Tanggu(堂鼓),Daluo(大锣),Xiaoluo(小锣),Danpigu(单皮鼓),Naobo(铙钹),Question,The schools and famous performers of Peking Opera,Mei Lanfang 梅兰芳,Cheng Yanqiu 程砚秋,Xun Huisheng 荀慧生,Shang Xiaoyun 尚小云,The four great masters of Peking Opera,Cheng Yanqiu(1904-1958), has been learning Peking Opera, tsing yi, the division in the Mei Lanfang. Cheng Yanqiu is good at playing tragedy . (程砚 秋(19041958),自幼学戏,演青衣,受师于梅兰芳. 程砚秋擅长演悲剧),


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