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1、美国主流文化介绍,一、形成根源 二、美国主流文化模式内容 三、中美主流文化模式比较,美国主流文化群体,WASP:White Anglo-Saxon Protestant白人盎格鲁-撒克逊新教徒,本义是指美国当权的精英群体及其文化、习俗和道德行为标准,现在可以泛指信奉新教的欧裔美国人。此群体拥有庞大的经济、政治势力,构成美国上流社会和中上阶层的绝大部分。尽管美国社会日益多元化,但他们的文化、道德观和价值取向仍在很大程度上影响着美国的发展。这个用法其实陈腐且不严谨,因为美国新教徒拥有错综复杂的血统,分散在很多教派中。新教徒的祖先可以来自英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、康沃尔、爱尔兰、德国、荷兰、丹麦、斯堪

2、的纳维亚半岛或法国的雨格诺派;可以属于美国圣公会、长老会、信义宗(路德宗)、卫理公会、公理会、荷兰改革派、贵格会、浸信会、福音派甚至摩门教等等。不光是精英阶层,各个社会阶层都有他们的身影,即使被讽刺为“白色垃圾”的下层贫困白人也可能是WASP。,美国地图,美国50州,Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland M

3、assachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wy

4、oming,形成根源历史影响,最初的四种殖民模式: The settlement in Virginia:the London Company伦敦贸易公司;in 1619, two events took place in Virginia, which would influence the shaping of American culture a great deal: 1) on July 30, 1619, in the Jamestown church, the delegates elected from various communities in Virginia met a

5、s the House of Burgesses(城镇自治议会) to discuss, along with the governor and his council members who were appointed, the enactment of laws for the colony; this was the first example for the United States, the first meeting of an elected legislature, a representative assembly, in North America. It was th

6、ought to be the brilliant example of self-government of Americans although white servants did not have their representatives. 2) A month later, A Dutch ship brought in over 20 Negros, who were bought to be held as servants for a term of years. Thus a start had been made toward the enslavement of Afr

7、icans within what was to be the American Republic. The two events combined constituted a unique American phenomenon. On the one hand, these very white people who were seeking and fighting for their own freedom deprived black Africans of their freedom. George Washington was a great fighter for Americ

8、an freedom, and Thomas Jefferson was chief author of the Declaration of Independence, and yet both of them were slave owners, each with over 200 black slaves.,形成根源历史影响,2. Puritan New England(Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, and Rhode Island; The Pilgrim Fathers(清教移民先驱);The

9、Mayflower Compact(五月花公约):这是有关北美移民团体的第一个自治性公约,也是有关北美移民的最早历史文献。这些移民先驱们起草了生死与共的公约,民主选举了总监,为尔后成立自治政府打下了基础。影响最大) 3. Catholic Maryland(Lord Baltimores Feudal Plan eventually failed) Quaker Pennsylvania(William Penn;Quakers were said to be so faithful to God when they spoke of God, they trembled; (The expr

10、ession: “Oh, My God!”) they believed that people could communicate directly with God because everyone had an inner light and God was in everyones soul and in mans heart. Since everyone had a divine light in his heart, all were born equal, and all were brothers and sisters. 总之,美利坚合众国和美利坚民族的形成时期也正好是资本

11、主义在西方主要国家的确立时期;因此,其主流文化明显体现资本主义上升时期的价值观特色(如自由竞争、物质至上等)。当然,美国国内和世界历史上的一些重大事件也对其主流文化的形成产生深刻的影响独立战争、南北战争、两次世界大战到民权运动等。一个民族主流文化的形成离不开历史的影响。可以说,文化推动着历史的发展,而同时,历史的发展也不断地塑造着文化。,形成根源宗教影响,清教徒传统(Puritan Tradition; the Pilgrim Fathers; the Mayflower compact1620)清教徒是追随卡尔文教旨的基督教新教教徒,其基本信念包括:1. 上帝不可知论;2. 人命天定(Pre

12、-destiny);3. 上帝的宠选民(Gods Elect);4. 上帝的召唤(Gods Calling):一个人工作上的成功和事业上的兴旺是上帝选民的标 志;所以,清教徒要努力工作,千方百计挣钱,多积累;5. 勤奋工作,品行端正:这也是上帝选民的标志之一;6. 圣经原文是最权威的教义:人人必须都要亲自读圣经,从中探索上帝的意志,建立自己与上帝的联系。这是清教徒与上帝直接联系地方方法,他们不通过教会或教士。他们强调个人,因此,美国的个人主义在很大程度上就是从清教传统而来;7. 重视教育:为了人人都能读懂圣经,必须让所有人都接受教育;8. 建立一个理想社会(a city upon hill)的

13、梦想:清教徒希望把他们的殖民地建成一座“山巅之城”,成为一个理想的社会;这种传统对后来的美国人产生很大的影响;至今,美国仍有一些人总是把自己的政治制度说成是世界上最好的,并企图强加于人;9. 使命感(sense of mission);个人主义、勤奋工作、尊重教育,形成根源政治影响,American Democracy Checks & Balance Separation of Power Have Ones Voice Heard 总统选举中,每州选票“Winner Takes All”(强烈的、近乎赌博式的竞争意识;宝洁公司Protector & Gamble (William Prot

14、ector the candle-maker and James Gamble the soap-maker) 美国式的民主政治制度和氛围对美国主流文化的影响是不言而喻的,John Locke (1632-1704): The Philosopher of Freedom,His arguments concerning liberty and the social contract later influenced the written works of Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and other Found

15、ing Fathers of the United States. Lockes political theory was founded on social contract theory (Thomas Hobbes, 1588-1679) . Locke believed that human nature allowed men to be selfish. Locke defines the self as “that conscious thinking thing, (whatever substance, made up of whether spiritual, or mat

16、erial, simple, or compounded, it matters not) which is sensible, or conscious of pleasure and pain, capable of happiness or misery, and so is concerned for itself, as far as that consciousness extends“. He does not, however, ignore “substance“, writing that “the body too goes to the making the man.“

17、 In a natural state all people were equal and independent, and everyone had a natural right to defend his “life, health, liberty, or possessions.” Locke assumed that the sole right to defend in the state of nature was not enough, so people established a civil society to resolve conflicts in a civil

18、way with help from government in a state of society. Locke also advocated governmental separation of powers and believed that revolution is not only a right but an obligation in some circumstances. These ideas would come to have profound influence on the Constitution of the United States and its Declaration of Independence. 体现平等观念、个人主义观念等,


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