the jeaning of america

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《the jeaning of america》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《the jeaning of america(48页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、BOOK TWO,Unit 10,The Jeaning of America,Global Reading - Main idea,Structural analysis,The text tells the story of blue jeans mainly from two perspectives: 1. how blue jeans came into being and developed; 2. why they are favored by Americans and have become a symbol of American popular culture.,Stru

2、cture Analysis,This is a piece of expository writing. The author recounts some key facts related to the invention and popularization of blue jeans by following the chronological (依时间前后排列而记载的) order.,Structural analysis 1,The author presents the status of blue jeans in America and in the world.,Levis

3、 Strauss, the inventor of blue jeans, is introduced.,This part is a detailed description of how Strauss made his first blue jeans.,It tells of the growing business and popularity of the blue jeans.,It highlights the merits of blue jeans.,Part 1 Para.1,2-3,4-5,6,7,Text Structure,Part 2,sturdy a. havi

4、ng rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships 强壮的,健全的; 坚固的,耐用的; 坚定的; 精力充沛的,Detailed reading1 symbol,e.g.,Sturdy grass withstands high winds; true gold stands the test of fire. 疾风知劲草,烈火见真金。 She was a short, sturdy woman in her early sixties.她是个 60 岁出头、身材矮小结实的女人。 The camera was mounted o

5、n a sturdy tripod.相机固定在一个坚固的三脚架上。,Derivation:,sturdily ad.,Comparison:,healthy 指身体无病,也可指身心健全、正常的。 sound 侧重身体各部分或器官没有病,无任何缺陷,即健康。 robust 强调身体强健。 well 仅指没有疾病,但不一定很健康。 strong 既指体格健壮,又指体力或精神上的力量。 vigorous 指人强健有力,精力充沛。 sturdy 侧重于结实的体格。 tough 着重指人的体格健壮。 wholesome 多指能给人留下身体健康、思想健全或品德良好等印象。 fit 既可指健壮又可指健全无病

6、。,symbol n. something that represents an idea,Detailed reading1 symbol,e.g.,It was a mysterious place, a symbol of the unreachable and the remote. The lion is the symbol of courage.,Derivation:,symbolic a. symbolism n. symbolize v.,Synonym:,representation,More,Detailed reading1symbol,Collocation:,sy

7、mbol of sth. which represents or suggests sth. else, suchas an idea or quality 象征,标志,e.g.,The white bird is a symbol of freedom. 这白色的鸟是自由的象征。,symbol for a letter, sign, or figure which expresses a sound,operation, number, chemical substance, etc.记号,符号,e.g.,We use x as the symbol for an unknown quant

8、ity. 我们用表示一个未知数。,Alexis de Tocqueville,French historian, political theorist, and author Alexis de Tocqueville became famous for his compelling analysis of,American democracy. While traveling through the United States in the early 1830s, Tocqueville recorded observations of American society, which he

9、 compiled in the book Democracy in America (1835-1840). A liberal, Tocqueville believed in the concept of democracy, but worried that the will of the masses might stifle individual freedoms.,manly a. having the qualities or appearanceexpected of a man男子气概的, 果断的,Detailed reading1 manly,e.g.,It is not

10、 manly for you to fence off the consequences of your action.你要是回避你的行动后果,就不像个男子汉。 I would say: Cast down your bucket where you are; cast it down in making friends, in every manly way, of the people of all races by whom we are surrounded.我要疾呼:从你们那儿把水桶放下来打水,果断地放下来,与我们周围的各族人民交朋友。,Derivation:,manliness n

11、.,legitimate a. able to be defended with logic or justification;legally valid合法的; 正当的,合理的,Detailed reading1 legitimate,e.g.,He is the legitimate heir to the property. 他是这宗财产的合法继承人。 He had a legitimate reason for being late. 他迟到有合理的理由。,Derivation:,legitimately ad. legitimacy n.,Antonym:,illegitimate,

12、Detailed reading1- favor,favor n. an act of gracious kindness; an advantage to thebenefit of someone or something,e.g.,In their discussion, I was in favor of Mr. Li. 在他们的争论中, 我支持李先生。 You did me a great favor. 你帮了我一个大忙。 A mother shouldnt show too much favor to one of her children. 做母亲的不应过分偏爱某一个孩子。 Th

13、at might be in your favor. 那可能对你有利。,More,Detailed reading1- favor,favor,e.g.,We favor Johns plan. 我们赞成约翰的计划。 A mother mustnt favor one of her children more than the others. 母亲不应对任何一个儿女有所偏爱。 The weather favored our voyage. 天气对我们的航行有利。 She favored him with a charming smile. 她赐给他迷人的一笑。,Derivation:,favo

14、rable a.,v. promote over another; consider as the favorite,Collocation:,be in / out of ones favor in favor of sb. / sth.,Detailed reading1 Yet they are ,They draw no distinctions and recognize no classes: they are merely American. Yet they are sought after almost everywhere in the world including Ru

15、ssia, where authorities recently broke up a teenaged gang that was selling them on the black market for two hundred dollars a pair.,Translation:,它们不分身份,不辨阶级:唯一的标签就是美国(制造)的。但它们却几乎在全世界都受到了人们的追捧包括在俄罗斯,那里的政府当局最近刚刚解散了一个在黑市上以200美元一条的价格卖出它们的少年团伙。,Detailed reading1- favor,draw / make no distinction (between

16、),e.g.,He is apt to draw / make no distinction between public and private interest. 他会公私不分的。 The police say the law makes no such distinction . 警方声明,法律没有这样的区别。,do not indicate differences;do not tell 不分,Antonym:,draw / make a distinction (between),e.g.,Draw a clear distinction between the primary and the secondary. 分清主次。 He is able to draw a fine distinction between very good wine and excellent wine. 他能够指出好酒和最好的酒之间的细微差别。,Detailed reading1- favor,


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