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1、Module 10 Fitness,Unit 1. Ive got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics,学习目标: 1. 掌握U1 单词,词组 2. 完成听力任务 3. 小组交流:最喜欢,最擅长的运动是什么?,Task 1: Free talk: How do you keep fit?,running,Taijiquan,Youga,swimming,tennis,badminton,table tennis,weight training,Task 1: Read new words: fitness n. 健康 ache

2、 v&n. 疼 exercise n. 锻炼,练习 running n. 跑步 weight n. 重量 weight lifting 举重 give up 放弃 unlikely adj. 不大可能 bump v. 碰,装 bump into 碰见 interest v. 感兴趣 n. 兴趣,Task 2: Listening part 2: What sports do they like to keep fit?,Listening part 2Listen and fill in the blanks: 1. Why do Lingling like Taijiquan?Because

3、 its a great way to _ and _. 2. Does Lingling think Taijiquan is better than running? Yes, it makes you _ than running. Taijiquan can exercise _ as well. You can think better _. 3. What people is Taijiquan good for? It is for people _. 4. What will happen if you dont train carefully? It is easy to _

4、.,keep fit,stay healthy,stronger,the mind,in class,of all ages,make your legs ache,Task 2: listening part 3 1.How did Tony find the basketball training? Tony found it _. 2.Why does Lingling say Tony is lucky compared with her friends brother? Because Tony is only trained for the school _ 3.What will

5、 the boy in Damings team need to do? He needs to do _. 4.Why isnt Tony allowed to use his fathers camera any more? Because he almost _ the camera last time. 5.Who has Betty just seen and what does he want to talk about? Betty has just seen the head teacher and he wants to talk about _ with Betty.,ti

6、ring,basketball team,a lot of exercise,lost,the magazine,Task 3: read the dialogue L: How was your basketball training? T: It was OK, but Im a bit( ) tired. My legs ache a bit. L: Dont give up( ) if you want to stay fit.( ) Youre lucky youre only playing in the school team! Ive got a friend whose br

7、other is training for the Olympics. D: Theres a boy in our team whose parents want him to go to a sports school. But hes not fit or strong enough. L: Hell need to take a lot of exercise( ) go running( ) or do weight training( ). D: So what happened about the camera, Tony?,有点,放弃,保持健康,做大量的运动,跑步,举重训练,T

8、: Dont talk to me about that! I think my dad guessed that I nearly lost it at the school dance. Im not allowed to( ) use it any more( ). D: But we need some photos of the next basketball match. Are you going to buy a camera? T: Unlikely!( ) Its my father who gives me my pocket money( ), and hes the

9、person whose camera I nearly lost. B:Hi, everyone. Guess what! Ive just bumped into( ) the head teacher( ). He said he wanted to see me. D: Whats up?( ),被允许,不再,不太可能,零花钱,遇到,校长,发生什么事= what happened,B: He wants to talk about New Standard. D: Ask him if he wants to write something about staying healthy.

10、 B: He doesnt look like someone whose fitness( ) and health interest( ) him very much! D: Good luck, Betty.,健康,让感兴趣,Brainstorming 头脑风暴,stay fit/healthy,take a lot of exercise,exercise the mind(头脑),ache(疼),Dont give up(放弃),make you strong,Summary:If you want to _, you can take lots of exercise, such

11、as _, _, Taijiquan and so on. At first, you may feel tired and your legs may _ a bit. Dont _. If you keep doing sports, you can not only be healthy but also exercise your _.,stay fit,running,weight training,ache,give up,mind,1. He gave up his hope.Can you give up smoking?Hanhan gave up writing last

12、year.知识归纳: 1. 放弃/戒掉某物 give up sth. 2. 放弃做某事/戒掉 give up doing sth. 例题: 1. 最后他放弃了唱歌。At last, he _ at last. 2. He never gave up _ and he wrote a great book in 1978.A. write B. to write C. writing,gave up singing,C,language points,2. He keeps running until he is exhausted.If you want to keep healthy, do

13、 more sports. 知识归纳:keep doing 一直做某事keep + adj. 保持例题: 1. 这个孩子不停地问我问题。 The kid _ questions. 2. 你在图书馆必须保持安静。 You must _ in the library.,keeps asking me,keeps quiet,language points,35. He is likely to win the competition.He isnt unlikely to lose the competition.知识归纳: be likely to do sth. 有可能做 be unlikel

14、y to do sth. 不太可能做例题: 1.他有可能赢得比赛。 He _ the competition. 2. 他的车坏了,他不太可能准时到达车站。His car was broken, so he _ the station on time.,is likely to win,was unlikely to get to/reach/ arrive at,language points,4. I have a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics. 知识归纳:whose 定语从句引导词 谁的 E.g. 合并句子 1. I have a cat. Its name is Jim. = I have a cat whose name is Jim.2. The tree is tall. Its leaves are green. = The tree whose leaves are green is tall.3. I know the woman. Her child studies well. =I know the woman whose child studies well.,


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