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1、1,药本一班,Stay WithAIDS,与艾同在,2,3,1988 Join the Worldwide Effort,4,1989 Our Lives , Our World Let s Take Care of Each Other,5,1990 Women and AIDS,6,1991 Sharing the Challenge,7,1992 A Community Commitment,8,1993 Time to Act,9,1994 AIDS and the Family,10,1995 Shared Right Shared Responsibilites,11,1996 O

2、ne World One Hope,12,1997 Children Living in a World with AIDS,13,1998 Force for Change: World AIDS Campaign with Young People,14,1999 Listen, Learn, Live!,15,2000 Men Make a Difference,16,2001 I care, and You?,17,2002 Live, let Live,18,2003 Live, let Live,19,2004 Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS,20,2005-

3、2007 stop AIDS, keep the promise,21,2008-2012,2008 Stop AIDS, Keep the promise 遏制艾滋,履行承诺 2009-2010 Universal Access and Human Rights 普遍可及和人权,2011-2012 Getting to zero 行动起来,向零艾滋迈进,2018/9/10,22,Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is an AIDS virus, that the human immunodeficiency virus (human imm

4、unodeficiency virus .called HIV) dormant in the human body and the human immune function and occurrence of a variety of human tumors and incurable infection ,finally led to the deaths of a serious infection diseases .,艾滋病(AIDS)是一种由艾滋病病毒,即人体免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,简称HIV)侵入人体后破坏人体免疫功能,使人体发

5、生多种不可治愈的感染和肿瘤,最后导致被感染者死亡的一种严重传染病。,Whats AIDS?,2018/9/10,23,HIV & AIDS,HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV is actually the virus that causes the disease AIDS.,人类免疫缺陷病毒。艾滋病是获得性免疫缺陷综合征。HIV是导致艾滋病的病毒。,2018/9/10,24,The origin of AIDS,AIDS or

6、iginated in Africa, young people are also in Haiti in 1979 and distributed by the immigrants into the United States .June 5, 1981, the United States Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta .first in the “Morbidity and Mortality Weekly,“ a brief introduction to the five cases they found that the histo

7、ry of AIDS patients.1982 will be officially named the disease “AIDS.” Soon after, the rapid spread of AIDS in the continent .In June 1985, in Shanghai by a young American male tourists from Argentina AIDS patient cured invalid .died in the country, this is the first case of AIDS in China .AIDS has b

8、een in China since 1985 and nearly 10,000 people enter the AIDS virus carriers .,艾滋病发源于非洲,1979年在海地青年中也有散发,后由移民带入美国。1981年6月5日,美国亚特兰大市疾病控制中心,首次在发病率与死亡率周刊上简要的介绍了他们发现的五例艾滋病病人的病史。1982年正式将此病命名为“艾滋病”。以后不久,艾滋病迅速蔓延到了各大洲。1985年6月,由上海入境的一名美籍阿根廷青年男性游客因艾滋病住院,治愈无效,死于我国境内,这是出现在我国的首例艾滋病。艾滋病自1985年进入我国至今已有近万人为艾滋病病毒携带者

9、。,25,Twentieth Century 80 at the end of the 1960s, regarded as a terrible disease of aids. USA some artists use the red ribbon to silently mourning companions died of aids. In a World AIDS conference, AIDS infected persons and AIDS patients urging people to understand. At this time, a long red ribbo

10、n was left over the venue Supporters will be cut into small pieces of red ribbon, and folded with a pin and sign of the red ribbon in the other breast.,20世纪80年代末,人们视艾滋病为一种可怕的疾病。美国的一些艺术家们就用红丝带来默默悼念身边死于艾滋病的同伴们。在一次世界艾滋病大会上,艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病病人齐声呼吁人们的理解。此时,一条长长的红丝带被抛在会场的上空支持者将红丝带剪成小段,并用别针将折叠好的红丝带标志别在胸前。,The o

11、rigin of the red ribbon,26,27,28,Mother-to-child transmitted,spread through sex intercourse,blood transmitted,29,30,31,32,33,Get together,34,Like no other plague before, the AIDS epidemic threatens to wipe out an entire generation and leave another without parents. We must not let cultural, racial,

12、or social barriers distract us from the job that must be done. Nor can we let political inefficiency stop us from our task. This is an undeclared war that everyone must sign up for in order for us to win. We simply cannot let people continue to die because we dont feel comfortable talking about AIDS. Everyone must become an educator and learn to live.,35,不像之前其他的瘟疫,艾滋病这一流行病危险到可以摧毁整个一代并且留下没有父母的下一代。我们必须不能让文化、种族、或社会障碍来使我们对这个必须做的工作分心。我们也不能让政治的效率低下来我们的任务。为了我们能够赢,这是一场每个人都必须签署的不宣而战的战争。因为我们谈到艾滋的时候都会感到不舒服,所以我们不能让人们就这样的继续死亡。每个人都必须成为一个学者并且学会去生存。,36,The EndThank You,37,



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