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1、沈阳建筑大学城市建设学院毕业设计(论文)1附录一 全站仪的发展趋势及特点全站仪的发展趋势及特点 信息时代的测绘学已经不再是单纯的测量站点几何位置的几何科学,而成为一门研究空间信息数据的信息科学。测绘仪器获取的不仅仅是坐标,方位,距离,角度等简单的信息,还应包括各种属性特征。因此,现代测绘学不仅要解决地理位置的空间定位问题,而且要完成地理位置上属性数据的采集和管理,信息时代的测绘仪器应该有利于各种属性数据的采集,存储,管理,转移和利用,这样就可以使测绘仪器产生的地理空间数据更方便地纳入 GIS 的范畴,与属性数据集成并交由计算机处理。因此现代全站仪的发展面向如下几个方向:1.数字化。数字化要求全

2、站仪能够输出可以由计算机直接进行下一步处理,传送和交换的数字表示的地理数据,现代通讯技术的发展很容易就可以实现该项要求,这是全站仪实现测绘内外业一体化的基础。2.实时化。现代的测绘工作要求仪器应具有实时处理数据的功能,这样做一方面是可以实时检查测量的质量,提高效率;另一方面可以直接根据测量成果进行后续工作。3.集成化。现代测绘工作的一个显著特点就是是分工明确,各种测量相互渗透,这就要求全站仪在硬件上集成功能,软件则具有开放性,方便各种仪器采集的数据进行交换和共享,提高测绘工作的效率和进度。4.在线化。全站仪在线处理测量数据,可以提高测绘质量和效率,并通过现代的通信工具及时更新 GIS 数据库,

3、保持 GIS 的现时性。发明和发展全站仪的初衷就是为了最大可能地把人从繁重的劳动中解脱出来,并得到精度较高的数据。因此,未来全站仪的发展必将沿着数字化,一体化,自动化,信息化的道路进行。未来几年里嵌入式计算机系统将会得到很大的发展,这将为在小型,低功耗的全站仪中实现自动化打下物质基础,为钢筋铁骨的仪器装上“会思考的大脑” 。这使得测绘仪器不再仅仅是单一的观测工具,而是具有相当人工智能的测绘帮手。而这些嵌入式的操作系统也将越来越接近 PC 机桌面系统,方便用户进行二次开发。但是目前,这些系统的性能尚待进一步提高,它们在涉及数据库和图形等复杂的计算面前还显得力不从心,这正是目前全站仪实现数字化,一

4、体化,自动化和信息化的道路中的瓶颈。而解决这一问题的方法只能是通过数据传输接口将仪器采集的数据传输进便携式计算机,实现实时操作.未来仪器的进一步发展,肯定是在解决了全站仪的复杂计算能力问题的基础上,将目前这些需要外接设备完成的功能统统整合入测绘仪器中。未来全站仪在数据采集过程中,可以利用近景摄影测量原理,摄取观测部分的数字影像;使用 GPS 技术实现单点三维定位。在数据处理过程中则直接将平沈阳建筑大学城市建设学院毕业设计(论文)2差,成图,编辑,打印的文件数据导入 GIS 中,并通过无线接入等手段,与远端 GIS 数据库保持同步,接受远端指令,实现自动化,智能化。从以上内容可以看出,未来全站仪

5、的决胜技术如下:绝对编码 其简单的结构、很小的故障率、装调的高效率,使工厂能大批量地生产全站仪,而采用光栅技术则不可能大批量快速生产。双轴圆电子气泡 从根本上解决了国产全站仪测角的精度。激光免棱镜 解决了测量速度、仪器的可靠性,改变了测量方式,用过激光免棱镜的用户不可能回头用红外线全站仪。Win 全站仪 解决了全站仪长期以来存在操作界面复杂,不好用的毛病,全站仪可以直接测图,可以从事复杂的工程测量。一块板的技术 使全站仪结构简单、好修、故障率低。防水技术大大提升仪器适应的测量环境,使仪器的长期稳定有保障。沈阳建筑大学城市建设学院毕业设计(论文)3附录二 The development tren

6、d of the tachometer and characteristicsInformation age of surveying and mapping learning no longer simply measurement site geometry of the geometry of the science,and become a research space information data of information science.Surveying and mapping instruments for is not only the coordinates, or

7、ientation,distance,the Angle of simple information,still should include all kinds of attribute. Therefore,learn not only to solve modern surveying and mapping geographical spatial orientation problem,and to complete the geographically attribute data collection and management,information age of surve

8、ying and mapping instruments should be beneficial to all kinds of attribute data acquisition,storage,management,transfer and use,which will make surveying and mapping instruments of produce geographical spatial data more easily into the category of GIS,and attribute data integration to the computer

9、processing.So the development of modern tachometer to the following several direction: l.Digital tachometer output can be required to proceed directly to the next step by computer processing,transmission and exchange of digital said geographic data, the development of modern communication technology

10、 is very easy to realize the requirement,it is realized by using the integration of surveying and mapping inside and outside industry foundation. 2.The real time.Modern surveying and mapping work required instrument should have the function of data real-time process,and in so doing one is can check

11、the quality of the real-time measurement,improve efficiency;On the other hand can be directly according to measurement results for follow-up work. 3.Integration.Modern surveying and mapping work a remarkable characteristic of is a clear division of work,all kinds of measurement of mutual infiltratio

12、n and this requires tachometer integrated function on hardware,software is an open,convenient all kinds of instruments of the data collected exchange and sharing and improve the efficiency of the surveying and mapping work and progress. 4.The online.Tachometer online measurement data processing,can

13、improve the quality and efficiency of surveying and mapping,and through the modern communications tools to update GIS database,GIS keep the XianShiXing. Invention and development of the tachometer intention was possible in order to get people 沈阳建筑大学城市建设学院毕业设计(论文)4from the hard work out of it and to

14、get high accuracy of data.Therefore,the development of the future will tachometer along the digital,integration,automation, the information road.The next few years embedded computer system will get a great development,it will be small,low power consumption by using automation in a material base for

15、the instrument TieGu reinforced loaded on “thinking brain“.This makes the surveying and mapping instruments is no longer just a single observation tool,but a quite artificial intelligence of surveying and mapping of helpers.And these embedded operating system also will more and more close to the PC

16、desktop system,convenient users second development.But so far,the performance of these systems are still to be further improved,and they are involved in the database and graphics complex calculation is before the co-action,this is tachometer current digital, integration,automation and the way of the informatization of bottleneck.And to solve this problem,the method can only be through the data transmission interface will be collected data transmission instrument into portable com



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