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1、Complaints and Claims 投诉与索赔,Complaint: A statement that a situation is unsatisfactory or unacceptable or that someone has done something wrong.,Claim: an application for compensation under the terms of an insurance policy.,What is Complaint?,What is Claim?,In business activities, no matter how perfe

2、ct an organization may be, Complaints from the customers are certain to arise.,Handle complaints or claims in accordance with the principle of “on the first grounds, to our advantage and with restraint”,In international trade, claims do not happen in every transaction but often occur. Sometimes when

3、 the loss is not serious, the party suffered the loss may not lodge a claim for compensation. Instead he writes a complaint to call the other partys attention to avoiding this matter happening again.,Claims are usually raised by buyers for great loss, for example: loss caused by non-delivery or dela

4、y of delivery and improper packing, breach of contract, etc. However, sellers may also raise claims against buyer for non-establishment of L/C or breach of contract, etc.,Causes for claim (1) The seller is held responsible for the following claims: Non-delivery or part-delivery (未交货或交货不足) Delay in d

5、eliveryshipment (延误装船) Inferior or wrong quality (品质不良) Wrong quantity (数量不符) Insufficient packing (包装不当) Failure in entering into contract (成交后不签约) Non-fulfilments of contract (片面毁约) Discrepancies in specification (规格不符),(2)The buyer is held responsible for the following: Refuse to open an LC(拒开信用证

6、) Delay in opening LC(迟开信用证) Delay in payment(延迟付款) Commission unpaid(不付佣金) Failure in entering into contract(拒不签约)Non-fulfilment of contract(片面毁约)(3)The carrier is held responsible for the following: Short-landed(短卸货物) Goods missing(货物丢失)Rough handling(野蛮装卸) Others(其他),抱怨、投诉,Complaint,There are 2 k

7、inds of complaints being frequently made by buyers:,1. The genuine complaint, which arises from one of the following situations:,The wrong goods may have been sent The quality may not be satisfactory The goods may have been delivered damaged or late The prices changed may be excessive, or not as agr

8、eed,2. The complaint used as excuses:There is the complaint made by buyers who find fault with the goods as an excuse to escape from their contracts, either because they no longer want the goods or because they have found that they can get them cheaper elsewhere.,Rules for Dealing With A Complaint,I

9、f so, then you have to admit it readily; express your regret and promise to put matters right. If the complaint is not justified, point this out politely and in an agreeable manner.,1、The first thing that has to be decided is whether the complaint is justified.,合理的,有正当理由的,It would be a wrong policy

10、to refuse the complaint offhand.,3、All complaints should be treated as serious matters and thoroughly investigated.,2、If you cannot deal with a complaint promptly, acknowledge it at once. Explain that you are looking into it and that you will send a full reply later.,主张、索赔,Claim,The Reasons for Clai

11、ms,Shortage (short weight) Breakage Leakage Damage Improper/faulty packing Inferior quality Delay,短重 破碎 渗漏 损坏 不良包装 不良品质 延误,Documents Required When Lodging a Claim,1.Original Insurance Policy or Insurance Certificate 2. Contract of Affreightment 3.Commercial invoice, weight Memo 4. Packing list 5. Su

12、rvey Report 6.Certificate of Loss or Damage 7. Any correspondence with the carrier or any other party who could be responsible for the loss or damage.,The common expressions of claim,lodge file raise register,a claim,against/with + sb. for + certain reason on + shipment for + amount,complaint,n. 抱怨;

13、投诉 1. complaint of/about sth. Weve received a lot of complaints of bad workmanship. 很多人向我们投诉产品工艺低劣。,2. complaint that Management ignored our complaints that washing facilities were inadequate. 我们投诉卫生设备不足,管理部门不予理睬。,complain,v. 抱怨,投诉 complain (to sb.) (about sth.) 向某人抱怨或投诉某事 He complained to the manag

14、er about the bad service. 他向经理投诉这里的服务质量差。,claim,索赔:指遭受损害的一方在争议发生后,向违约的一方提出赔偿的要求。,n. 索赔 1)表示提出或要求索赔: lodge/file/issue/enter/make/register/raise a claim 2)表示理赔(违约的一方同意受理遭受损害一方所提出的赔偿要求): entertain/settle a claim 3)拒绝索赔:reject a claim,介词搭配,1)表示索赔的原因或金额,一般接介词for: lodge a claim for damage 因为货物损害提出索赔 raise

15、 a claim for $310 要求赔偿310美元,2)表示索赔的货物,一般接介词on lodge a claim on this shipment 要求对此批货物进行索赔 3)表示向对方提出索赔,一般接介词against lodge a claim against you 向你方提出索赔,例:由于重量不足(短重),买方对此批货物索赔人民币200元。 The buyer lodges a claim on this shipment for RMB 200 for short weight.,vt. claim 其后直接接索赔的金额 1)索赔一百美元 to claim US$ 100 2)

16、因损坏而索赔一百美元 to claim US$ 100 for damage 3)对该货物索赔一百美元 to claim US$ 100 on the goods,例:由于重量不足,买方对此批货物索赔人民币200元。 The buyer claims US$ 100 on this shipment for short weight. 这笔金额你必须向保险公司索赔。 You will have to claim this amount from the insurance company.,How to complain,Describe the problem,1. The quality of the goods shipped against our order No. 9823 has been found not in conformity with the agreed specification. 我们发现,根据我方第9823号订单运来的货物质量与议定规格不符。,Describe the problem,



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