人教新课标英语必修教案-Unit 1 Women of achievement Period 3 Extensive Reading 优秀教案(人教版必修4)

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人教新课标英语必修教案-Unit 1 Women of achievement Period 3 Extensive Reading 优秀教案(人教版必修4)_第1页
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《人教新课标英语必修教案-Unit 1 Women of achievement Period 3 Extensive Reading 优秀教案(人教版必修4)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新课标英语必修教案-Unit 1 Women of achievement Period 3 Extensive Reading 优秀教案(人教版必修4)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1人教新课标英语必修教案人教新课标英语必修教案 Period 3 Extensive Reading The General Idea of This periodThere are three purposes in this reading Period.One is to introduce a great and famous Chinese doctorLin Qiaozhi and her career.She was important for women in China because she was the first woman doctor to specialize

2、in gynaecology and obstetrics.Another purpose is to show the students a sample to describe a person.The other purpose is to direct the students how to choose their major and career.As the writer of the article is a student,and she said that it was Lin Qiaozhis achievement that encouraged her to stud

3、y at medical college.Like the writer of the passage,the students may not have a clear idea about what they would like to do in the future.So the story might lead to the students consideration about their future major and career choices and how they may be arrived at.So it may make them take their fu

4、ture more seriously. Teaching Important Points Enable the students to learn and talk about Lin Qiaozhis story. Enable the students to describe a person about her/his appearance,qualities and achievements. Learn some sentence patterns. Teaching Difficult Points To describe a person about her/his appe

5、arance,qualities and achievements. Learn some sentence patterns. Teaching Methods Skimming to get the general idea of the story of A Good Example for me. Scanning to get detailed information and get to understand the story better. Task-based methods to get the students to comprehend the passage and

6、be able to retell the story in their own words. Teaching Aids A tape recorder A multimedia Three Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge and Skills Enable the students to learn and talk about Lin Qiaozhis story. Enable the students to describe a person about her/his appearance,qualities and achievements.

7、 Learn some useful words and expressionS:do some research,article,chosen career,explain,care for,death rate,medical training,kindness, consideration,be second to,deliver a baby.Learn some sentence patterns: It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies by

8、 following some simple rules for keeping babies clean and healthy. It struck me like lightening how difficult it must have been for a woman to get a medical training so long ago when womens education was always placed second to mens. It was hard work and determination as well as her good nature that

9、 had got her into medical school. It was not her success at university that had made her famous. It was her kindness and the consideration that made her famous. Process and Strategies Group work to carry out a heated discussion about their future career. Explanation to make the students understand L

10、in Qiaozhis spirits of dedication. Feelings and Value Through the reading of this passage the students are sure to learn a lot from Lin Qiaozhi.Meanwhile,the 2discussion will get the students to think a lot. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Revision 1.Greet the class as usual. 2.Revise subject-verb agreem

11、ent by checking the workbook exercise 1 on Page 43 and exercise 2 on Page 44. Step 2 Lead in-Brainstorm about Lin Qiaozhi. T:In this unit we focus on the great women home and abroad.Remember the one we talked about the day before yesterday? Ss:Yes,of course. T:Who is she? Ss:Jane Goodall. T:Why did

12、she impressed you so much? S:Because she devoted all her love to the chimps. S:Because she was a woman full of determination and courage. S:Because she was so unselfish that she gave up the opportunity to go to university only because of the chimps. T:Good!What you said sounds reasonable.When we are

13、 growing up we need food to give us nutrition.But the most important thing that we couldnt do without is the love from our parents,our friends and the ones we loves.Similarly,a persons success couldnt leave the love to others.Knowledge is the food that a man should absorb;while love is the sunshine,

14、a success should show love to others.When he or she is doing so the person is really a famous person or such a person can be a great person.Dont you think so? Ss:Yes.I agree with you. T:Today we are going to talk about another famous person.Please open your textbook and turn to Page 6.Lets have a lo

15、ok at this picture.Who is in it? Ss:Lin Qiaozhi. T:Wow,you can recognize her at first sight!You are wonderful.Who can say something about her? S:Let me have a try.Lin Qiaozhi is our pride because she was Chinese.She was born in Xiamen in Fujian Province. S:I know something about her too.She was stro

16、ng-willed.Lin Qiaozhis mother died when she was five but she was quite lucky because her father who worked at a university of Singapore believed in the education of women.That is why she as a woman in Old China got so much education. S:She once studied in the Peking Union Medical College,London University Medical School,Manchester University Medical School and the Chicago University Medical School. S:She studie


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