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1、Levi Strauss,Levis brand,English name :Levis Chinese name:李维斯 Full name:Levi Strauss The founder :LeviStrauss(李维史特劳斯) Founded country:the United States Founded date:1853 Brand endorsement: Hebe, Wu Zun Chinese distributor: Levi Strauss & Commercial Trading Co., Ltd.,Levis品牌简介,英文名:Levis 中文名:李维斯 全名:Le

2、vi Strauss 创始人:李维斯 创建国家:美国 创建日期:1853 品牌代言:田馥甄,吴尊 中国总代理:利惠商业贸易有限公司,Introduction of the founder,Levis (Levi) is one of the most famous names from the western United States. In 1853, the merchant of Jewish, LeviStrauss (Levi Strauss) to deal with the backlog of canvas try to do a number of low-waist, s

3、traight, hip small and tight pants, sold to San Franciscos gold rush workers. Pants are more hardwearing than cotton pants and very popular. So he opened a company specializing in canvas overalls, and maked the name “Levis“ as brand,so the myth of Levis (Levi) began.,创始人介绍,Levis(李维斯)是来自美国西部最闻名的名字之一。

4、1853年犹太青年商人LeviStrauss(李维史特劳斯)为处理积压的帆布试着做了一批低腰、直筒、臀围紧小的裤子,卖给旧金山的淘金工人。由于这种裤子比棉布裤更结实耐磨而大受欢迎。于是,李维索性开了一家专门生产帆布工装裤的公司,并以自己的名字“Levis”作为品牌,Levis(李维斯)的神话也由此展开。,Brand story,Levis distributor in China: Lee Wai Commercial and Trade Co., Ltd., which is one of the worlds leading private clothing company, famous

5、 for its production of jeans, the company was founded in 1853, four nephews of Levi Strauss. The founder of Levi Strauss in San Francisco about 1850, the original rough canvas tent used to make for mining workers produced the first Levis jeans, because jeans durable quickly welcomed by the mining wo

6、rkers. Until the 1990s, the brand is facing competition from other overseas brands and cheaper products. Production facilities in the United States and Canada have been shut down while the supply of manufactured goods from China, Hong Kong, Colombia, Philippines, Vietnam and Mexico. 1850 miners in t

7、he California mines, mining gold wealth, but they can not buy a solid, can stand the nature of their work pants. Until the young Levi s Strauss came to San Francisco to sell fabric (including canvas tents), the only change. Strauss made of canvas pants, rescued more than the miners of the knee, to m

8、ake them from galling. Therefore, the miners said that pants for Levis。,品牌故事,Levis中国总代理:利惠商业贸易有限公司,这是一间全球著名的私人服饰公司,以其生产的牛仔裤著名,公司于1853年成立,为Levi Strauss的四个侄子所有。创始人Levi Strauss在1850年左右的旧金山,将原本用来制作帐幕的粗糙帆布替当时的采矿工人制作了第一条Levis牛仔裤,因为牛仔裤的耐用迅速的获得了采矿工人的欢迎。直至1990年代,这个品牌正面对来自海外其他品牌及较便宜产品的竞争。在美国及加拿大的生产设施已关闭而制成品的供

9、应则来自中国、香港、哥伦比亚、菲律宾、越南及墨西哥等地。 1850年矿工们在加州矿坑里挖掘著黄金财富,但他们却买不到一条牢固,可以耐得住他们工作性质的裤子。直到年轻的李维史特劳斯来到旧金山卖布料时(其中包括作帐棚的帆布),情况才有了改观。史特劳斯利用帆布做成的裤子,解救了多名矿工的膝盖,使它们免于被磨伤。因此,矿工们就称那种裤子为Levis。,Brand Development,Levi Garment Co., Ltd. set cowboy clothing research and development, production, information, logistics, sale

10、s, brand strategy, marketing-oriented, engaged in the Chinese market to the chain model of the outlets (brand discount). Levi clothing (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. has a professional brand marketing team has more than 3,000 square meters of distribution center and production base covers an area of approxim

11、ately 60 acres throughout the region of Beijing, Guangzhou, Fujian, Zhejiang for Jilin . Well-designed product and market development programs through the establishment of a solid foundation, and then with jeans as the core, Levi has been found to increase profits in the domestic jeans market downtu

12、rn, Levi Strauss & Co. not only in the history of the United States accounted for a place, has become the worlds largest apparel companies. According to Russias “Morning News“ reported on August 7, the worlds most expensive jeans are Levi Strauss, Levis limited production 1879 models jeans, this mar

13、ket price of the pants for each $ 125,000. Equivalent to 810,000 yuan.,品牌发展,李维斯服装有限公司集牛仔服饰研发、生产、信息、物流、销售为一体,以品牌战略营销为主导,以outlets(品牌折扣)连锁模式经营中国市场。李维斯(广州)服装有限公司拥有专业的品牌营销团队,拥有三千多平方米的产品配送中心,生产基地总占地面积约六十亩,遍布北京、广州、福建、淅江、成都、吉林等地区。通过建立以牛仔裤为核心的坚实基础,再伴以精心设计的产品和市场开发方案,李维斯公司已找到了在国内牛仔裤市场衰退的情况下提高利润的方法Levi Strauss

14、& Co.不仅在美国历史中占了一席之地,也已成为全世界最大的服饰公司。据俄罗斯晨报8月7日报道,世界上最昂贵的牛仔裤是利维斯特劳斯公司限量生产的Levis 1879款牛仔裤,这款裤子的市场价格为每条12.5万美元。折合人民币81万元。,Brand history,1873: share the first patent in the Levis improved process. 1886: produced with the famous “double horse” logo,Levis jeans pocket improved method for dual arc seam.1930

15、:light blue jeans (Lighter Blues) into the areas of casual wear. 1960: wheat color wheat colored jeans, was driven by teenagers known as “White Levis“ of subsection jeans fad. 1970:There are a few pieces of original 501 jeans become the permanent collections of the Smithsonian Museum in Washington.

16、1990:Levi jeans category accounted for 48.2% of the market,品牌历史,1873年:一位叫做雅各戴维斯(Jacob Davis)的年轻人向史特劳斯先生建议。在Levis口袋的角落打上铜柳钉,可以改善口袋的牢度与外观。结果他们同意共享这个Levis改良过程中的第一个专利。 1886年:由于Levis牛仔裤的耐用性已经声名远播,李维开始在他所出品的Levis牛仔裤后面加上现在已经远近驰名的“双马“标志。大约在此同时,Levis牛仔裤後口袋也改良为双弧形缝法。今天所有Levis牛仔裤仍采用这种特殊缝法。双弧形缝法也是当今历史最悠久的服饰商标。

17、1906年旧金山大地震毁掉了Levis的厂房和办公室。但不到五个月,Valencia工厂便兴建完成取而代之。後来证明,这间工厂的耐久性并不亚于于它所生产的牛仔裤。到了今天,瓦伦西亚场仍然屹立不摇,仍在生产501牛仔裤,1930年:美国西部牧场主人为了弥补经济萧条所带来的损失,纷纷将牧场改成度假旅馆,以供东部的有钱人休闲度假。都市来的牧场贵客们在这里骑马,吃的穿的都跟真正的牛仔一样。他们渡完假,便带著西部的新服饰回到东部的家。那是Levis牛仔裤首次渡过密西西比河以东。World War II第二次世界大战Levis牛仔裤的制造被宣告为必要工业。唯有跟作战有直接关联的人可以买这种牛仔裤。但是双曲

18、弧形的的缝法设计被认为是浪费线,而不得不停止使用。于是弧形缝线便改用画的。也因此使得许多顾客认为画的贴袋缝法是仿冒品而拒绝购买,尤以亚利桑那州的印地安顾客流失最多。当时无论跟他们怎么解释,都无法改变他们的想法。Levis後来推出浅蓝牛仔裤(Lighter Blues),推出后立刻受到广大的欢迎。此一款式将Levis带入休闲服饰的领域,并超前所流行的退色丹宁布牛仔裤二十年以上。 1960年:代Levis快速的扩展。Levis于1960年推出麦穗色(wheat colored)牛仔裤,被带动该款牛仔裤流行风潮的青少年们称为“White Levis“。人们穿著品味的真正转变始於1960年代末期。当时在美国的任何文化层面中,年轻人都变成一股新兴主力。Levis也一跃成为年轻的象征。,


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