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1、1irritate vt. 刺激,使兴奋;激怒vi. 引起恼怒,引起不愉快2jet n. 喷射,喷嘴;喷气式飞机;黑玉adj. 墨黑的 vt. 射出 vi. 射出; 航 乘喷气式飞机3queue 队列;长队4Tarmac n. 柏油碎石路面;铺有柏油碎石的飞机跑道;停机坪5convict vt. 证明有罪;宣告有罪n. 罪犯6ventilation n. 通风设备;空气流通7sophisticated adj. 复杂的; 精致的; 久经世故的; 富有经验的v. 使变得世故; 使迷惑;篡改8.Irritability n. 过敏性;易怒;兴奋性9.optimum adj. 最适宜的n. 最佳效果

2、;最适宜条件plaint n. 抱怨;诉苦;疾病;委屈;投诉11long-sufferinga. 长期受苦的 ; 坚忍的n.长期受苦 ; 忍耐,坚忍12. rage n.狂怒13.ragern.狂怒的人14.steep a.陡峭的 /急剧升将的15.stemmed from 起源、起始16.interminable: a. 无限的,冗长的17.coop up: n.关进,拘禁18.tarmac: n.停机坪19.convict: n 囚犯20.cram 填满,塞满,死记硬背,猛吃21.ventilation: n. 通风22.sophisticated: a. 复杂的 /精良的23.optim

3、um a. 最适宜的24.irritability: n. 易怒25.disorientation: n. 迷失方向26.soaring a.猛增的27.legislation n. 制定法律28.concession n.让步29.executive games 执行策略30.amenity n.(环境等的 )舒适,便利设施31.stylish adj.时髦,流行的32.value for money 合算的33.propose vt. 提议;推荐34.dental appointment 牙科预约35.session n.会议26.candidate n.求职者27.Presentatio

4、n to Board 董事会介绍28.chateau n.(法国的 )城堡,庄园,别墅29.Bordeaux (地名 )波尔多30.Group discount9 团体折扣31.facility n.设备32.pedestrian zone 步行区33.proposal n.提案,提议Unit3 -vocabulary company structure 公司结构 seniority 老资格 confidentiality 保密性 a reserved parking lot uniform 制服 business card 名片 company car 公司汽车 (指公车 ) credit

5、card 信用卡 fixed working hours 固定的工作时间,固定的上下班时间 subsidiary 子公司(母公司为:holding company, 也叫控股公司) plant(制造型)工厂 assembly line 流水线,组装线 call center 呼叫中心,客服中心 head office 总部( =headquarters=HQ) distribution center配送中心 warehouse 仓库 branches/outlets 销售点,零售店 bureaucratic 官僚主义的 caring 有同情心的,关心的 centralized (权力等 )集中

6、的 decentralized (权力等 )分散的,下放的 conservative 保守的,守旧的,守传统的 democratic 民主的 dynamic 有活力的 hierarchical 等级制度的,分层的,层级结构的 impersonal 没人情味的,冷漠的;非个人的,客观的 market-driven 市场驱动的 market-driven economy 市场经济 professional 职业的,专业的 progressive 进步的,先进的 SOL 总部在芬兰首都赫尔辛基的一个清洁公司。( Please visit the Web site at www.sol.fi ) bu

7、siness playground 商业广场 renovated 改造的,翻新的,更新的,修复的 film studio 电影制片厂,电影棚 portable phone 移动电话 competitive 具有竞争力的 formula 公式,准则,配方 ingredient 原料,要素,组成部分,成分 job satisfaction 工作满意度 individual freedom 个人自由 jumpsuit 连衫裤工作服 reinforce 加强,增强 upbeat 向上的,积极的,乐观的 blazer 运动上衣 company s budget 公司预算 abolish rules an

8、d regulations 规章制度 conventional 传统的 individual office 个人办公室 set hours of work 固定的工作时间(=fixed working hours ) eliminate 消除,排除,淘汰perk(常用复数)额外津贴,特别待遇,特权 status symbol 社会地位的象征 module 模块 rigorous 严格的,严厉的,严酷的;严密的 polish a table 擦亮桌子 shampoo a carpet 用清洁剂擦地毯 time management 时间管理 people skills 人际交往能力 set on

9、e s target制定目标 decentralize responsibility and authority下放责任和权力 real power 实权 supervisor 上司 negotiate 谈判,商议,协商 deal 交易 autonomy 自主,自治,自治权 accountability 责任感,有义务,有责任 fanatical 狂热的;盲信的 performance 业绩,绩效;表现;表演 measure performance 业绩考评,业绩评价 customer satisfaction 顾客满意度,客户满意度 land a contract=sign a contra

10、ct 签成一笔合同 benchmark 标准,尺度 rate 评定等级,评估,打分 rate team s performance 评估团队的业绩表现 cutting-edge 刀刃,刃口;尖端的,前沿的 cutting-edge technology 尖端技术 laptop 笔记本电脑 cell-phone 移动电话,手机 critical 关键的,至关重要的 critical budget documents重要的预算文件 performance report业绩报告 Intranet (公司内部的)内网,局域网 training schedules 培训日程 upcoming event

11、s 活动安排,要做的事 Fast Company Fast Company 杂志创刊于1995 年,美国最富盛名和最具影响力的商业杂志 之一,与 财富(Fortune) 、商业周刊(Newsweek) 、华尔街日报(The Wall Street Journal) 等媒体成为美国乃至世界商业、经济领域的主流媒体。 Labor force 劳动力 trade union 工会 trade fair 交易会 Guangzhou Trade Fair广交会 information technology信息技术 (=IT) information desk 问讯处( =information cent

12、er ) computer program 计算机程序 computer virus 计算机病毒 Case study review 回顾 ; 评估,审查,评论 competitive price 具有竞争力的价格 major reorganization 重大的重组 boost 提升 share price 股价 cut cost 削减成本increase efficiency 增加效率1、merge vt. serviceable for a long time; very long lasting Decline : change toward something smaller or

13、lower; a condition inferior to an earlier condition; a gradual falling off from a better state; a gradual decrease, as of stored charge or current Luxurious : displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses; rich and superior in quality Stylish : having elegance or taste or refinement i

14、n manners or dress; being or in accordance with current social fashion Solely : only and not involving anyone or anything else. Timeless : unaffected by time Value for money: a measure of the benefit provided by a good orservice to an economic agents Brand loyalty : the tendency to always buy a part

15、icular brand Brand stretching : using a existing name on another type of product Brand awareness : how familiar people are with a brand Brand image : the ideas and beliefs people have about a brand Product launch : the introduction of a product to the market Product lifecycle : the length of time pe

16、ople continue to buy a product Product range : the set of products made by a company Product placement : when products are used in films or TV programs Product endorsement : the use of a well-known person to advertise products Plant : factory Maturity: the period of time in your life after your physical growth has stopped and you are fully developed; state of being mature, full development; the date on which a financial obligation must be repaid margin : the



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