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1、1. cover topics like. 涵盖的主题有 2. arouse ones interest 激发某人的兴趣 3. get involved in 参与,涉及 4. be well-received 广受欢迎 5. make some suggestions 提一些建议,相关短语,6. protect our environment 保护我们的环境 7. the environmental pollution 环境污染 8. be of great benefit to. 对大有好处 9. get well-prepared (for)(为)做好充分的准备 10. take res

2、ponsibility to do sth. 有责任做某事,11. the coming speech contest 即将到来的演讲比赛12. leave a deep impression on 给留下深刻的印象13. take my suggestion into consideration 考虑我的建议14. have the chance to do sth. 有机会做某事15. help students improve their English 帮助学生提高英语水平,1. The main reason is that the pressure from their paren

3、ts allows them almost no time for other activities.其主要原因是父母的压力使他们几乎没有时间参加其他活动。2. The reason why Im late is that I missed the bus. 我迟到的原因是没赶上公共汽车。,相关句式,3. I like it very much mainly for two reasons.我喜欢它, 主要有两个原因。4. In my opinion, there are three reasons for this.在我看来, 有三个原因。5. My views are based on t

4、he following reasons. 我的观点是基于以下理由。,6. The reasons for this are as follows.其理由如下。7. So I suggest that you take your friends advice.因此, 我建议你接受你朋友的建议。8. Here I have some suggestions.这里我有几条建议。,8. It would be better if you could share more of the housework, such as cleaning, washing and cooking.如果你能分担更多的

5、家务, 如扫地、洗衣、做饭, 那就更好了。,1. 在建议倡议的写作中, 应开门见山指出写作目的, 陈述建议或倡议的内容。如:I am writing to give suggestions about. (建议信)或In order to., I am going to make the following suggestions (倡议书)。,2. 建议倡议类型的作文都有相关的一些固定句型, 考生需要熟练掌握使用这些句型和相关的语法。比如, 在句中使用到advise, suggest或advice, suggestion等表示建议的词时, 要考虑到虚拟语气的使用。,广州某电视台打算开办一个面

6、向中学生观 众的英语节目, 新聘任了来自英国的John作为节目编辑助理。现在, John就节目内容向广大中学生征求意见。 写作内容 假如你是学生李华, 建议开办“广州全接触” (All-round Guangzhou)节目。请根据以下节目设想给John写信:,Dear John,I know youre going to set up an English program for middle school students. So Im writing to suggest a program “All-round Guangzhou”. .I hope you can take my su

7、ggestion into consideration. Sincerely yours, Li Hua,例题导写确定文体。建议信属于应用文信件类的范畴, 写作的时候一般使用将来时或者一般现在时。建议信在于给对方合理并且能够接受的建议, 考生应该注意使用一些委婉的语气。,信息重组。我们可以把题中信息整合成以下5个汉语句子: 1. 节目包括广州的历史、教育、著名景点、饮食、名人。2. 建议每周六、日举办,方便学生周末观看。,3. 建议邀请中学生参加节目, 激发学生的收看兴趣。4. 这个可以使中学生更多地了解广州文化, 还有助于提高中学生的英语水平, 这样他们就能向外国游客介绍广州。5. 我肯定这

8、个节目一定会收到中学生的欢迎。,词语翻译 翻译或完成下列词或短语。 句1: (1)包括(节目) _(2)历史,教育,景点 ,饮食,名人 _,History, education, scenic spots / tourist attractions, food, famous people / celebrities,cover / include,句3: (3) 激发某人的兴趣 _句4: (4)提高英语水平_句5: (5)受到欢迎 _ _,be popular among/with sb. / be well-received by/be welcomed by,spark / stimul

9、ate / arouse ones interest,improve ones English,难句翻译 翻译下列每组句子并合并成一句。 句2:(1) (这个节目将于)每周六、日(播放)。 (1) It would be better to broadcast it on weekends. / I suggest that the program be broadcast on weekends. / It is a good idea to broadcast it on weekends.,(2)方便学生周末观看。 (2)We students can have the chance t

10、o watch it. /It will be convenient for us students to watch it.,合并:It would be better to broadcast it on weekends so that we students can have the chance to watch it.(因果关系, 可以使用so. that.句型),句3:(3) (你也可以)邀请中学生参加节目。 (3)You can also invite some middle school students to get involved in / take part in t

11、he program.(4) (这个节目可以)提高学生的收看兴趣。 (4) It will surely arouse /spark /stimulate other students interest in it.,合并:You can also invite some middle school students to get involved in / take part in the program, which will surely arouse / spark / stimulate other students interest in it.(补充说明关系, 可以使用which

12、非限制性定语从句),句4:(5)(这个节目帮助)中学生可以更多地了解广州文化。 (5) This program can get them to know more about the culture of Guangzhou.(6) (中学生可以)向外国游客介绍广州。 (6) The students can introduce Guangzhou to foreign visitors. (7) (这个节目)有助于提高中学生的英语水平。 (7) This program helps students improve their English.,合并:Not only will this

13、program help students improve their English, but also get them to know more about the culture of Guangzhou so as to introduce Guangzhou to foreign visitors.(第5个句子和第7个句子是并列关系, 因此我们可以用not only.but also.这组连词把它们连接起来, 并且注意统一主语,第6句是作者提出建议的原因, 可以用so as to 引导出目的状语。),参考范文 Dear John,I know youre going to set

14、up an English program for middle school students. So Im writing to suggest a program “All-round Guangzhou”. This program will cover topics like the history, education, famous scenic spots, food and famous people of Guangzhou. It would be better to broadcast it on weekends so that we students can hav

15、e the chance to watch it.,Besides, you can also invite some middle school students to get involved in the program, which will surely arouse other students interest in it. Not only will this program help students improve their English, but also get them to know more about the culture of Guangzhou so

16、as to introduce Guangzhou to foreign visitors. I am sure it will be well-received by the middle school students. I hope you can take my suggestion into consideration.Sincerely yours, Li Hua,连句成篇。考生把句子合并成篇章的时候, 需要注意建议信常用的一些句型结构。如在建议信开头表示来信的目的, 如:You have asked me for my advice on.and I will try to make suggestions./ Thanks for trusting me. /Regarding., Id like to make some suggestions等句型。在表示建议的时候, 考生可以使用I feel that it would be beneficial if./ I would like to suggest that.等句型。另外, 考生若是使用虚拟语气的句子If I were you, I would., 也会让文章增色不少。,



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