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1、,Unit 3 Why do you like Koalas,大纲,A: 重点词汇及短语B: 特殊疑问句C: 掌握because的用法D: 重点句子解释E: 练习题,Part A,1.koala n.树袋熊;考拉 2. tiger n.老虎;虎 3. elephant n.大象 4. dolphin n.海豚 5. panda n.熊猫 6. lion n.狮子 7. penguin n.企鹅 8. giraffe n.长颈鹿 9. zoo n.动物园 10. cute adj.可爱的;聪明的 11. map n.地图;图 12. smart adj.聪明的;漂亮 13. animal n.动

2、物 14. box n.方框;盒;箱 15. kind of 有几分 16. south n.南;南方;,17. Africa 非洲 18. bingo n.宾戈(一种游戏) 19. ugly adj.丑陋的;难看的 20. clever adj.聪明的;机灵的 21. friendly adj.友好的 22. beautiful adj.美丽的;美好的 23. shy adj.害羞的;怕羞的 24. other adj.其他的;另外的 25. grass n.草 26. sleep v.睡;睡觉 27. during prep在-期间 28. at night 在晚上;在夜里 29. lea

3、f n.叶;树叶 30. lazy adj.懒惰的;懒散的 31. meat n. 肉;肉类 32. relax v.放松;休息,want to do sth .想要做某事 want sb to do sth 想要某做某事 want sth 想要某物 Let sb do sth 让某人做某事 kind of 有几分种类 a kind of 一种. like to do sth 喜欢做某事 like doing sth play with 与.一起玩 be quiet 安静 during the day 在白天 at night 在夜间 have a look at 看. onethe othe

4、r 一个.另一个.,Part B,1.定义 以特殊疑问词开头,对陈述句中的某一部分提出疑问 / 进行发问的句子叫特殊疑问句。 2. 特殊疑问词 一句话: wh-开头外加能与之结伴同行的名词; how及它的形容词兄弟姐们, 即: What(什么),why(为什么),who(谁), where(哪里), which(哪一个), what class(什么课), what time(什么时间), what number(什么号码); how(怎么样),how many(多少), how old(多大), how much(多少)等。,3. 特殊疑问句的构成特殊疑问句由“特殊疑问词+一般疑问句“构成:

5、 例:How old are you? 你多大了? Whats this in English? 这个用英语怎么讲? 4.回答特殊疑问句,不能用“yes / no“;即问什么答什么(尤其是简略回答更明显)。 例: -How old is your sister? 你今年多大了? -Shes only five. / Only five. (她)才5岁 5.语序 英语中疑问句一般应用倒装语序,即将动词be(can等)放在主语的前面。特殊疑问句的语序还应注意将特殊疑问词放在句首。 例:Where are you from? How is your father? 当然,如果疑问词在句中作主语,则其

6、后直接跟上动词。 例: Who is Lin Ying?,Practice,(who, where, when) 用此三个词填空 1._ is that pretty girl? She is my. 2._ are Jack and Tom? They are behind you. 3._ do you go to school? I go to school from Monday to Friday 4._ has a beautiful flower? John has a beautiful flower 5._ are they? They are my 6._ is my mo

7、ther? She is in the living. 7._ are you going? We are going to the bakery 8._ do Jim and Wendy play ball? They play ball in the afternoon.,对划线部分提问 1.He is my father. 2.They are under the tree. 3.I often watch TV after dinner 4.Lily swims in the swimming pool. 5.Superman flies in the sky. 6.I often b

8、rush my teeth in the evening. 7.Alan likes to play with Bill 8.The supermarket is near the school every weekend,Part C,Because theyre very cute 解释: (1)because of 和because 的区别 意思是一样,都有“因为”的意思。但两者有不同之处,because引导的是一个从句,而because of 后面只能接名词性短语,词组,或者名词。 例:I cant go home because its rainyI cant go home bec

9、ause of the weather,(2) 一般来说,表达原因,通常会用because来引导一个句子,但是在英语中,because 和so 不能同时用。再一句话中,出现because,就不能用so。反之亦然 例: I cant go home because its rainy()because I cant get up, so I cant work(X),Part D,1.Why do you want to see the lions? 解释: (1)Want to do sth,意为“想做某事” 例:I want to go for a walk (2)Want sb to do

10、 sth,意为“想让某人做某事” 例:she wants me to study hard. 练习: (1)He wants_ (see) the pandas。他想去看熊猫 (2) He wants _(I)_(buy) a book. 他想让我去买本书,2.Because theyre kind of interesting 解释: (1)Kind of意为“有点,稍微”,相当于a bit 例:pandas are kind of shy (2)All kinds of意为“各种各样的”,此短语中kind为名词意为“种类” 例: there are all kinds of animals

11、 in the zoowhat kind of animals do you like? (3)Kind 也可用作形容词,意为”心切的,和蔼的” 例:she is kind to me (4)Kind 也可用于词组 it is kind of sb to do sth意为“某人做事真是太好了” 例:its very kind of you to help me 练习: I like dolphins, theyre_ cute A kind of B. kinds of C. kind of D. the kind of,3.I like dogs, too 解释: Too 意为“也”。用于肯

12、定句的末尾。它还可以表示程度的强弱,有“太,很,非常”的意思。 例:the house is too big Add-on Too, alos, either的区别 (1)三者都可以表示“也” (2)Too 和 also 可以用于肯定句中,too放在句尾,而also放在句中,位置是系动词或者助动词后,谓语动词之前。Either只能用在否定句中,一般放在句末。 例:the question is too difficulthe can also finish itI dont like it , either.,Part E,.根据句意及首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词 1.She is l_

13、. She doesnt like sports. 2. May I ask you some q_ , please? 3. A dolphin is a very i_ animal. Yes, you are right. It can act as people do. 4. How do you r_ after a days work? I just sit down and take a glass of beer. 5. Is your English teacher f_ to you all? Yes, he is very kind to us.,. 单项选择 1._do

14、 you like pandas? Because they are very lovely. A.Where B. How C. Why D. Which 2. What do you want_ when you grow up? A doctor like my father. A. be B. to be C. are D. is 3. That baby elephant is_ interesting. I like it very much. A. little B. a kind of C. a kind D. kind of 4. Jack failed his Englis

15、h exam again. Im afraid so. He is too_. A. intelligent B. cute C. ugly D. lazy 5. Look, whos the woman_ two children? Dont you know? Its Mrs. Brown. A. and B. with C. for D. to 6. Mike,_ here, your classmates are sleeping. Sorry, Mr. Wang. A. isnt talking B. doesnt talk C. not talk D. dont talk,7._

16、penguins can you see in the picture? A. How much B. How old C. What D. How many 8. Larry is_ Africa. A.to B. from C. across D. through 9. There are many_ _the tree. A. leafs; on B. leaves; on C. leafs; in D. leaves; in 10. Do you know what animal lives only in China? _ , of course. A. Dolphin B. Elephant C. Lion D. Panda 11. They want_ the zoo next week. A. to visit B. visit C. will visit D. is visit 12. What animal is dangerous? _ . A. A horse B. A lion C. A dog D. A giraffe,


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