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1、X 文法讲义 be 动词、一般动词和助动词1 be 动词、一般动词和助动词一、be 动词、一般动词的现在式(1)be动词的现在式 am/are/is be 动词的含义a.是(表状态)We are happy.我们很高兴b.在(表存在)She is in America.她在美国主语 +be动词主语be 动词例句第一人称am I am a boy. 第二人称are You are my sons. 第三人称的单数名词is He is my student. be 动词的否定句含 be 动词( am/are/is )的肯定句变成否定句时,在be 动词后加not 即可。肯定句:主语 +am/are/

2、is 否定句:主语 +am/are/is+not He is a good baseball player. 他是一个好棒球员(否定句) He is not a good baseball player. =Hes not a good baseball player. =He isn t a good baseball player. be 动词的疑问句含 be 动词( am/are/is )的肯定句变成疑问句时,将be 动词拿到主语前,句尾加?即可。肯定句:主语 +am/are/is 疑问句: Am/Are/Is+ 主语?1.That is his camera. 那是他的相机(疑问句)

3、Is that his camera? X 文法讲义 be 动词、一般动词和助动词2 2.The girl is a junior high school student. 那女孩是初中生(疑问句) Is the girl a junior high school student? Be动词开头的疑问句为一般疑问句,可用yes或 no 回答,而答句中的主语 用代名词(问句) Am/Are/Is+ 主语?(答句) Yes, 主语 +am/are/is No,主语 +am/are/is not 1.Is that man your math teacher? Yes, he is./No,he i

4、s not. 2.Are you eating your lunch? Yes, I am./No, I m not. (2)一般动词的现在式一般动词的含义凡是日常生活中具体的动作,如:eat-吃饭, walk-走路及抽象的动作如:like-喜欢, think-思考皆为一般动词主语 +一般动词人称数单数复数第一人称I like dogs. We like dogs. 第二人称You like dogs. You like dogs. 第三人称He likes dogs. They like dogs. 一般动词加 s或 es的方法a.大部分动词加 s works/plays b.一般动词词尾为

5、 o/s/sh/ch 时。加 es go-goes/wash-washes/watch-watches c.一般动词词尾为字音 +y时,去 y 加 ies cry-cries/study-studies 助动词 have和 has has为 have(有,吃)的单数形式They have a lot of money. X 文法讲义 be 动词、一般动词和助动词3 He has a lot of money. 一般动词的否定句含有一般动词从肯定句变为否定句时,不可直接在一般动词之后加not,必须使用助动词do/does/did 。且助动词之后用原形动词,因为助动词表示了时态、数的变化。do用于

6、主语为I/you/ 复数does用于主语为第三人称单数she/he did用于过去式,不分人称和数均可用肯定句:主语 +一般动词否定句:主语 +do/does/did+not+ 原形动词1.The twin brothers go to school by bus. 这对双胞胎兄弟坐公交车上学(否定句) The twin brothers do not (=don t)go to school by bus. 2.Samhas dinner at the restaurant. (否定句) Sam does not( =doesn t)have dinner at the restaurant

7、. 比较否定句a.be动词He is my boyfriend. He is not my boyfriend. b.一般动词He likes dogs. He does not like dogs. 一般动词的疑问句含有一般动词的肯定句变成疑问句时,不可将一般动词拿到主语前,必须用助动词do/does/did ,且助动词之后用原形动词。肯定句 :主语 +一般动词疑问句 :Do/Does/Did+ 主语 +原形动词?1.You visit your grandmother on Sundays. (疑问句) Do you visit your grandmother on Sundays? 2

8、.He comes from England. (疑问句) Does he come from England? 助动词 do/does/did 开头的疑问句(即一般疑问句) ,其回答X 文法讲义 be 动词、一般动词和助动词4 (问句) Do/Does/Did+ 主语 +原形动词?(答句) Yes, 主语 +do/does/did No,主语 +don t/doesn t/didn t Does the little boy go to school? Yes,he does./No,he doesn t. 比较疑问句a.be动词She is beautiful. Is she beauti

9、ful? Yes, she is. b.一般动词She loves tennis. Does she love tennis? Yes,she does. 二、be 动词、一般动词的过去式Be动词的过去式表示:过去时间中发生的状态1.(现在式) He is busy now.(他现在很忙)(过去式) He was busy then.(他那时很忙)2.(现在式) My parents are at home now. (过去式) My parents were at home yesterday. 时间副词改变,动词也应改变。was和 were 现在式过去式be 动词am is are was

10、 were be 动词过去式的否定句含 be 动词过去式was/were 的肯定句边否定句时,在be 动词后加not. 肯定句:主语 +was/were 否定句:主语 +was/were+not 1.Mr.Brown was a vet. Brown 先生是一个兽医(否定句) Mr.Brown was not (=wasn t)a vet. X 文法讲义 be 动词、一般动词和助动词5 2.Joe and Brain were in the living room at that time. (否定句) Joe and Brain were not (weren t)in the living

11、 room at that time. be 动词过去式的疑问句含 be 动词过去式was/were 的肯定句变疑问句时, 将 was/were 拿到主语前, 句尾加?即可。肯定句:主语 +was/were 疑问句: was/were+主语?1.Wendy was in the seventh grade last year. Wendy 去年读七年级(疑问句) Was wendy in the seventh grade last year? Be动词开头的疑问句,可用yes或 no 回答,而答句中的主语用代名词。(问句) Was/Were+ 主语?(答句) Yes, 主语 +was/wer

12、e/No, 主语 +was/were+not. Were you a pianist? 你是钢琴家吗?Yes, I was./No, I wasn t. 一般动词的过去式规则变化不规则变化原形动词 +edhelp-helped/spell-spelled/want-wanted 原形动词词尾有e+dlove-loved/dance-danced 原 形动词为子 音+ 短元音+ 子音:双 写 词尾+edstop-stopped/plan-planned 原形动词词尾为子音+y:去 y+iedstudy-studied/cry-cried eat-ate/take-took read-read/g

13、ive-gave ride-rode/teach-taught come-came/see-saw go-went/have-had 1.Iwalk to school every day. (过去式) I walked to school yesterday. 2.Mother goes to a supermarket every morning. (过去式) Mother went to a supermarket yesterday.主语为第三人称单数时,动词过去式不加 s。一般动词过去式的否定句含一般动词过去式的肯定句变否定句时,不可直接在一般动词之后加not ,必须用助动词 did

14、(不分人称和数) ,而助动词之后用动词原形。X 文法讲义 be 动词、一般动词和助动词6 肯定句 :主语 +一般动词否定句 :主语 +did not+原形动词1.Hecalled you last night. 他昨晚打你电话(否定句) He did not call you last night. 2.My sister and I watched TV all day yesterday. (否定句) My sister and I didn t watch TV all day yesterday. 比较否定句过去式a.be动词She was at home. She wasn t at

15、 home. b.一般动词She studied English. She didn t study English. 一般动词过去式的疑问句含有一般动词过去式的肯定句变为疑问句时,不可将一般动词拿到主语前,必须用过去式助动词 did,且 did 之后必须用原形动词。肯定句 :主语 +一般动词过去式疑问句 :Did+主语 +原形动词?1.His friends went to that movie case week. (疑问句) Did his friends go to that movie last week. (答句) Yes,they did./No,they didn t. 2.G

16、racewrote a letter to David. (疑问句) Did Grace write a letter to David? (答句) Yes, She did./No,she didn t. 比较疑问句过去式a.be动词He was sick. Was he sick. b.一般动词He did his homework. Did he do his homework? X 文法讲义 be 动词、一般动词和助动词7 三、助动词所谓助动词是和原形动词合在一起,用来表现时态、语态、语气的动词。此外,助动词也能表示疑问、否定、强调助动词的特点1.其后须接原形动词He can speak English.He can speaks English.2.现在式中,主语为第三人称单数,词尾不



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