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1、英语翻译证书四级考试培训第七讲,宁波大学科技学院人文学院 裴爱民,09年10月真题,Part 1 Sentence Translation Section A,1 Our business is consumer-oriented, striving to provide the best quality products for consumers. 我们的企业面向消费者,致力于为他们提供最优质的产品。,2 Made-in-China textiles are sold to over 100 countries and regions around the world. 中国生产的纺织品行

2、销全球100多个国家和地区。,3 To extend your stay in the hotel, youd better tell the reception desk earlier, otherwise the hotel wont reserve your room. 要延长住旅馆的时间,您最好提前告知服务台,否则旅馆不会为您保留房间。,4 As one of the marketing strategies, advertising plays an important role that no business can afford to ignore. 广告作为营销策略之一,其

3、重要作用是任何商家不可忽视的。,5 E-commerce enables companies to operate in the global environment by participating in global networks. 电子商务使得公司能借助全球网络经营全球业务。,6 When a market is depressed and stock prices are falling, the market will be described as a bear market. 市场疲软、股票价格下跌,这种股市被称为熊市。,7 As is known to all, the U

4、.S. Economy is currently experiencing severe challenges due to the decline in the housing sector. 众所周知,由于房产业的衰退,美国经济目前正经历着严峻挑战。,8 Japan is home to many of the worlds leading consumer electronics companies. 日本是世界上许多主要家用电器公司的所在地。,9 The Korean currency has recently devalued by over 30 percent compared

5、to other major international ones. 相对其他主要国际货币而言,韩元近期贬值已超过30%。,10 It remains to be seen if the American automobile industry will survive the economic recession and regain its former glory. 美国汽车业能否挺过这次经济萧条并重铸昔日辉煌,人们将拭目以待。,Section B 1当今世界旅游业被称为“无烟工业”、“绿色产业”或“朝阳产业”。 The world tourism in the present day

6、has been referred to as a “smokeless industry“, a “green industry“ or a “rising-sun industry“.,2一般来说,人们总是希望工作时间短些而工资高些。 In general, people expect higher salaries but shorter working hours.,3 70多年来,我们大学培养了大量人才,他们遍布祖国和世界各地。 Over the last 70 years, our university has brought up a large number of talent

7、ed graduates, who spread all over China and other parts of the world.,4现在的银行与过去相比似乎更多地考虑顾客的需求。 It seems that banks today cater more for customers needs than before.,5不久前,中国领导人提出了建设一个和谐社会的目标。 Not long ago, the Chinese leadership put forward the objective of building a harmonious society.,6 随着经济全球化的进展

8、,中国将在更大范围内参与国际竞争和技术合作。 Along with economic globalization, China will participate in international competitions and technical co-operations in larger ranges.,7孔子学院致力于增进各国人民对中国语言文化的了解。 The Confucius Institute is devoted to promoting a better understanding of the Chinese language and culture of the peo

9、ple of other countries.,8作为中国电影的发祥地,上海在相当长的一段岁月里几乎就是中国电影的代名词。 As the birthplace of Chinese movies, Shanghai is almost synonymous with Chinese movies in a very long period of time.,9随着全球经济增长的放缓,中国经济的前景成为国际媒体关注的焦点。 With the slowdown of global economy growth, the prospect of the Chinese economy has bec

10、ome the focus of the international media.,10据报道,中国2007年的税收比2006年的税收增加了30%以上。 Chinas revenue in 2007 is reported to have increased by more than 30% compared with that in 2006.,Part 2 Passage Translation Section A,Some have asked about the comparisons between American and Chinese culture. There are ma

11、ny similarities: both cultures treasure the family, believe strongly in the importance of education and acknowledge hard work as a path to success. But there are many cultural differences as well.,In Asian society, doing what is best for the collective is stressed. In western society, individual ach

12、ievement is prized, promoted and emphasized. Asian culture emphasizes self-sacrifice. In western society, one needs to be ones own best advocate. Asian culture teaches the values of harmony and stability. In western society, finding new and better ways of doing things is highly valued and change is

13、the norm.,It is possible to observe these trends in action with little children. In the West, youngsters are encouraged to speak up, to make decisions, and to make their own choices. Individualism is celebrated. In Asia, children are taught to wait for their turn to speak and listen to their elders.

14、,Neither way of looking at the world is necessarily better than the other. Each has its own unique advantages in a worldwide economy. But when the two cultures communicate in such different ways, there are likely to be misunderstandings and miscommunications. Thats why its important to have more int

15、eraction and communication between the two cultures.,有人问起美中文化的差异,两种文化有很多相似点:珍惜家庭,坚信教育的重要性,认同努力工作可以通向成功。但也有很多文化上的差异。亚洲社会强调集体利益;而西方社会重视、提倡和强调个人成就。亚洲文化强调自我牺牲;而在西方社会,一个人最好的代言人是他自己。亚洲文化倡导和谐与稳定的价值观;而在西方社会,寻找新的和更好的做事方法受到高度重视,变化是正常的。,可以从孩子们的身上观察到这些行为倾向。西方鼓励青少年说出自己的看法,自主决定,自主选择;个人努力受到赞扬。亚洲国家则教育孩子要等到适当的时候再说话,

16、要听长辈的话。 这两种看待世界的方式无所谓哪一种更好,在世界经济中各有其独特的优势。但是,当这两种文化以如此不同的方式相互交流时,容易产生误解和交流失误。这就是这两种文化之间要有更多互动和沟通的原因。,Section B,越来越多的人喜欢网上冲浪,在网络的虚拟世界里乐此不疲。目前网络上流行的文字符号,只有经常在网上“泡” 的人才会明白、会用,而且乐于接受。网上冲浪者会经常接触到很多的网上行话-即网语。这些与英语类似,但在一般字典中均找不到的文字,都是在因特网上被创造出来,在一夜之间被广泛使用并流传开来的。这些网络上使用的文字或符号正被越来越多的人所使用和接受,正如文字的产生一样,它们或多或少反

17、映了社会的变化和需求。,An increasing number of people like web surfing, enjoying the virtual world of the network. Consequently, only those soaked in the network nowadays can understand easily, use frequently and accept readily the popular web jargons, namely, the Internet language, which a net surfer will come across frequently.,


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