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1、Revision for Unit 5,我愿意 不得不 为考试学习 去看医生 上钢琴课 足球训练 太多作业 太遗憾了 感谢你的邀请 棒球赛 去音乐会 开生日晚会 去购物中心 邀请某人做某事,Id like to have to study for the. test go to the doctor have a piano lesson football practice too much homework Thats too bad Thanks for your invitation. baseball game go to the concert have a birthday par

2、ty go to the mall invite sb. to do sth.,后天 今天什么日子? 10月3号,周五。 进行网球训练 尽快回信 打电话给某人 在工作日 保持安静 文化俱乐部 钓鱼一整天 顺便来访 直到10点都有空 讨论科学报告 完成地理作业 下一次 照顾他的妹妹,the day after tomorrow Whats today? Its Friday, October the third. have tennis training write soon call sb. on weekdays keep quiet culture club fishing the who

3、le day come over be free till 10:00 discuss the science report finish the geography project another time babysti his sister,重点句子: 你能来参加我的生日派对吗?当然能,我十分愿意去. 2. 也许咱们改日吧. 3. 谢谢你的邀请.4. 来玩吧. 5. 来加入到我们的行列吧. 6. 很抱歉,我不能来. 7. 你能来我家吗? 8. 到20点我都有空.,Can you come to my birthday party?,Sure, Id love to.,Maybe anot

4、her time.,Thanks a lot for asking / inviting me. Thanks very much for your invitation.,Come and have fun.,Come and join us.,Im sorry, but I cant come .,Can you come over to my house?,Im free till 10 oclock.,1. 如何提供邀请,如何婉拒和接受,i.提供邀请 _ you _ _ my party?,ii.询问时间 _ is it ?,iii.接受邀请 Great! Id _ _.,iv.不能赴

5、约,阐述理由。Im _. I _ _ go to school.Im _. I _ _ to school.阐述理由常用句型: have has to be doing,sorry have to,When,sorry am going,love to,Can come to,2. Thank you for asking.,1.Thanks a lot for _ me _ your party. invite; for B. invite; to C. inviting; for D. inviting; to I spent two hours in _ my homework. do

6、B doing C does D to do He exercised for half an hour after _ his homework. A finished B finishing C finish D to finish,Thanks Thank you for + _,Doing 名词,= Thanks for your _.,invitation,V-ing 用法: 1. 介词+ v-ing 2.V+ V-ing: finish, practice, enjoy, like, mind, keep, 3. V-phrase+ V-ing: have fun, cant he

7、lp,1. When did you finish _ (draw) the picture ? 2. We had fun _ (play) tennis yesterday. 3. Xianglinsao keeps _(talk) about her son.,drawing,playing,talking,3. Id love (like)to,Would like + n. 肯定回答:Yes, please.否定回答:No, thanks. Im would like to do 肯定回答: Id like to. 否定回答: Sorry, I cant. I have to I a

8、m doing,= I want to,1. -Would you like to come to dinner this Sunday, Tom? - _ A. Id love to, but I have lots of things to do B. Yes, please C. Ill stay at home D. Oh, no. Thatll be too tired 2. 我想跟你一起去买东西。Id like_ shopping _ you. 3. What would you like to do? (同义句转换)What _ you _ to do ? 4. Id like

9、to go with you. (同义句转换)I _ _ _ with you.,to go,with,do want,want to go,4. till & until,“直到,一直”,1. 延续性动作(动词)+_ 短暂性动作(动词)+ _ 2. till 一般用在肯定句中; until 经常与not 连用,表示“直到才”, 可与 before, after 进行句型转换。,1. I am free_ 10:00 pm.2. He didnt leave _ you came back.(同义句)He didnt leave _ you came back. He left _ you c

10、ame back.,till,until,till,until,before,after,Brainstorm!,Join: “加入”一个团体或者组织, Join in: 多指参加小规模的活动,如“球赛,游戏”等。 Take part in: 参加某项活动,如运动会,辩论会等。 Attend: 参加较正式的、大型活动,如大型会议等。,选词填空,并用所给词或短语的适当形式填空join, join in , take part in, attend My brother will _ the Army next year. Tom! Dont forget to _ the board meeti

11、ng! We _ the sports meeting yesterday. -Would you like to _ our football game?- Id love to.,join,attend,took part in,join in,6. can,?,表能力,“能,会”。 表请求,许可等,“可以”。 表推测,常用于 cant be 结构,意思是“不可能是”,翻译句子, 完成句子。你能帮助我吗? Can you help me? 那不可能是汤姆。他目前在巴黎呢。 That cant be Tom.He is in Paris now. 他会骑自行车。 He can ride a

12、bike. (否定句) He _ ride a bike. (变成过去时) He _ ride a bike.,Can 的后面跟_, 其否定形式是_, 其过去式是_, 其过去式的否定形式是 _.,动词原形,cant,could,couldt,cant,couldnt,7. have to 与must,_ “客观需要”; _“主观判断” have has had tomust must must 否定句,选词填空 have to , must a. My bike was broken on my way to school. I _ walk there.b. I think English

13、is very important, so I _ learn English well. 2. I have to finish my homework on time. (用he 替换主语)He _ to finish _ homework on time. (否定句 一般疑问句)He _ _ to finish his homework on time. _ he _ to finish his homework on time? (过去时) _ he _ to finish his homework on time?,have to,must,have to,must,has,his,

14、doesnt have,Does have,Did have,I根据句义及首字母完成下列句子中所缺的单词。 1 .Miss Lee t_us English this year. 2.S_is the seventh day of a week. 3. If you are ill, you should go to see a d_. 4. Mike c_come here today because he is sick. 5.Im s_ he can come here on time. 6. There is something wrong with my teeth. I need

15、to see the d_.,eaches,aturday,octor,ant,ure,entist,II.选择正确答案。 1. -Can you go to the concert with me? -Sure,_.A. I would B. Id love C. Id love to 2. Is he studying _ a test _ Monday morning? A. at, on B. at, in C. for, on 3. Thank you _ me carry this heavy bag.A. to help B. for helping C. help 4. Dick cant play with us because he _ babysit his brother.A. has B. have to C. has to 5. I cant go to the mall with you tomorrow, maybe _. A.the other time B. another time C.other time,


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