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1、中考专题 介词,介词 的分类,根据介词的形式分类: 1.简单介词:由一个词构成的介词。 at in for near after before behind on by with without 2.合成介词:由两个词合成在一起的介词。inside outside nearby within onto into without 3.双重介词:由两个简单介词重叠在一起 构成的介词 from behind 从后面 until after 直到后from among 从中间,4.短语介词:由一个或几个简单介词和一个或几个其他词类组合构成,在意义和作用上相对于一个简单介词。 at the back o

2、f instead of in place of in front of thanks to in front of at the top of on the edge of at the bottom of在底部 5.动词的ing形式介词:在英语中有一部分动词的ing形式具备介词的性质,在很多情况下,将他们视为介词。 Including,根据介词的意义分类,介词种类,表示时间: at ,in ,on, before ,after till until,表示地点: at in on under by near between into,表示方向: at for from towards,表示所

3、属: Of with,表示方式、方法: by in on through with,介词的宾语,介词后面的名词或相当于名词的词语叫做介词的宾语。 可作介词宾语的词语通常有名词、代词、数词、从句、动词的-ing形式、含有疑问词的不定式等。 1.I live near the city center, but I work far from that.(名词,代词) 2.Four from ten leaves six.(数词) 3.We are going to talk about when well start off.(从句) 4.Thanks very much for your com

4、ing.(动词的-ing) 5.Could you give me some advice on how to improve my heath , Doctor?,介词的功能,介词和介词宾语一起构成介词短语,在句子中作主语、表语、补足语、定语、状语、插入语等。 1.作主语Between 6 and 7in the morning is a good time for reading. 2.作表语They are from Canada and I am from China. 3.作补足语When she woke up, she found herself in hospital.He i

5、s considered as the greatest leader in China. 4.作定语Have you got the answers to these questions?,5.作状语Can you sing this song in English? (方式状语)Because of the traffic , I was late for class.(原因状语)I will see you at your office .(地点状语)The final examinations take place in early June.(时间状语),There are two

6、classes _ Wednesday afternoon. A. At B. in C. on D. to 2. This programme was sent to the USA _China _ satellite. A. in; of B. of; in C. from; by D. by; from 3. The visitors _ Japan arrived _ Beijing Station last Tuesday morning. A. from; at B. of; to C. from; to D. of; on 4. Here are some presents _

7、 you _ our best wishes. A. to; with B. for; with C. of; about D. for; for 5. Lily asked her brother, Mike, not to be angry _ her. A. in B. to C. with D. for,6. Is everyone here good _ dancing?A. at B. on C. to D. for 7. They arrived _ Guangzhou _ the morning of May 25. A. at; in B. in; in C. in; on

8、D. at; during 8. Children are often told not to play _ fire. on B. for C. with D. under 9. No one can stop her _ going away. of B. from C. to D. out of 10. The eraser goes _ one student _ another. A. from; for B. from; till C. from; after D. from; to,表示时间的介词,at 表示时刻 at 3:20用在固定短语中,表示较短暂的时间 at this m

9、oment, at this time of year, at the beginning of, at the end of , at the age of , at night, at noon用在不带Day的节日前at Christmas/Halloween/Easter,on 表示具体某一天 on May 1st, on Monday,表示某个特定的早、中、晚 (某一天或某个晴朗、寒冷、春天等的早、中、晚) on a cold night in Januaryon a fine morning on Sunday afternoon用在带有Day的节日前 on New Years Da

10、y,表示时间的介词,in 表示较长时间, 如世纪、朝代、时代、年、季节、月 in the 20th century, in the 1950s, in 1989, in summer, in January, in ones life, in ones thirties表示一般(非特指)的早、中、晚等。in the morning注意:在last, next, this, that, some, every 等词前一律不用介词eg:We meet every day.,表示时间的介词,in, after 都可以表示“在时间以后” Ill arrive in an hour. He got a

11、cancer and died after a year. Well hold a party after dinner. “in +时间段”-将来的一段时间以后; “after+时间段”-过去的一段时间以后; “after+将来时间点” -将来的某一时刻以后。,表示时间的介词,after supper 晚饭后 after six oclock 6点后after school 放学后 after graduation 毕业后,1.I hear that he will be back _ two.A at B in C after D for,2. Mr. Smith left _ Londo

12、n _ breakfast. A. to, in B. for, in C. to, after D. for, after,C,before, ago 都可以表示“一段时间以前”I bought two expensive dictionaries here half an hour ago. They left for England two days ago. His father had died five years before. Theyd gone a few hours before. “时间段 +ago”- 一般过去时 “时间段+before”-过去完成时。,表示时间的介词

13、,表示期限的介词,by “截止到” By the end of last year, we had already completed ten projects. We had learned 1,000 English words by the end of the last term. “by+过去时间点”-过去完成时 until “直到为止”,前谓语动词一定是延续性动词。 Ill wait until everyone is here. not until“直到才” ,谓语动词多为瞬间性动词。I didnt leave until my mother came home.,表示期间的介词

14、,For 表示经过了多少时间,“达之久” “for+时间段”-现在完成时。 I have studied English for six years. She has lived here for 20 years. During 表示“在期间” “during + 时间段”,与延续性动词连用。 Were going to visit some places of interest during the summer holidays. He lived with us during these years. Through 表示从开始到结束,“一直” He played computer g

15、ames through the night.,表示时间的起点的介词,From 表示“从开始(到结束)” We go to school from Monday to Friday. Since 表示“自从以来” 从某一时刻一直延续到至今, “since+时间点”-现在完成时。 He has lived here since 1993. He has been away since last week.,表示地点位置的介词,at ,in, on 在 He arrived in Shanghai yesterday. They arrived at a small village before dark. There is a big hole in the wall. The teacher put up a picture on the wall.at表示在小地方; in 表示大地方或表示“在之内”; on 表示接壤或“在上”。,


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