【最新——中考备考】2014人教版复习方案《教材考点梳理》权威课件(全国通用):第20课时 units 13—15,book 9(自学反馈%2b重点突破)

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【最新——中考备考】2014人教版复习方案《教材考点梳理》权威课件(全国通用):第20课时 units 13—15,book 9(自学反馈%2b重点突破)_第1页
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【最新——中考备考】2014人教版复习方案《教材考点梳理》权威课件(全国通用):第20课时 units 13—15,book 9(自学反馈%2b重点突破)_第2页
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【最新——中考备考】2014人教版复习方案《教材考点梳理》权威课件(全国通用):第20课时 units 13—15,book 9(自学反馈%2b重点突破)_第3页
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【最新——中考备考】2014人教版复习方案《教材考点梳理》权威课件(全国通用):第20课时 units 13—15,book 9(自学反馈%2b重点突破)_第4页
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【最新——中考备考】2014人教版复习方案《教材考点梳理》权威课件(全国通用):第20课时 units 13—15,book 9(自学反馈%2b重点突破)_第5页
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《【最新——中考备考】2014人教版复习方案《教材考点梳理》权威课件(全国通用):第20课时 units 13—15,book 9(自学反馈%2b重点突破)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新——中考备考】2014人教版复习方案《教材考点梳理》权威课件(全国通用):第20课时 units 13—15,book 9(自学反馈%2b重点突破)(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第20课时 Units 1315,Book 9,自 学 反 馈,重 点 突 破,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,自学反馈,重点突破,自 学 反 馈,lighting,endangered,shiny,pride,thought,villager,disappear,mystery,playful,suitable,truth,truly,service,at times,aim at,for instance,to start with,clean out,some day,so far,thanks to,look forward to,自学反馈,重点突破,keep out,ge

2、t back to sb,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,win an award,on the music scene,be helpful to,care for,in ones life,be suitable for,pull down,be made from/of,hear from,自学反馈,重点突破,in a hurry,in ones spare/free time,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,so sad that,rather go,while,eating,theyve learned from scientific studies,comp

3、are two different products so that you can buy the one you really need,been on TV lots of times,自学反馈,重点突破,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,lock the door if you are the last person to leave,trying to save,There used to be,feet,自学反馈,重点突破,weigh,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,I am against building a new zoo in our town,its

4、 hard to stop riding in cars,came from old buildings around the town that were being pulled down,自学反馈,重点突破,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,自学反馈,重点突破,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,词 汇 点 睛,1 to start with 点拨 作“首先”讲时,只用于动词不定式,在句中常以插入语形式出现。在下文中通常会有相应的词语与之呼应。作“起初, 开始”讲时, 尤其指情况后来发生变化。You have no right to raise this questio

5、n, to start with. 首先, 你们无权提这个问题。Our group had five members, to start with.刚开始, 我们小组有五个人。,重 点 突 破,自学反馈,重点突破,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,拓展 start with可表示“从开始;先从某事做起”, 与begin with是同义词组。反义词组是end with,意为“以结束”。He wanted to start/begin with the smallest country and end with the largest one.他打算先去最小的国家, 最后去最大的国家。,

6、自学反馈,重点突破,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,2 get back to 点拨 (1)get back to sb意为“回复某人, 给某人回电话或回信”。Could you get back to me? 给我回电话,好吗?(2)“get back to 地点”意为“返回/回到某地”。Please show me your photos when you get back to school. 当你返校时请把你的照片给我看看。(3)get back 意为“取回, 返回”, 其后接代词宾格时, 要把宾格放在back之前。若是接名词, 则放在back之前或之后都行。We wont

7、 go until we get it back!我们要取回它才走!,自学反馈,重点突破,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,3 light v点燃;点着点拨 (1)light的过去式和过去分词有lit和lighted两种形式, lit比lighted用得更普遍, 但作前置定语的一般是lighted。如:a lighted cigarette 一支点着的香烟。(2)light 作名词, 意为“光;光线;光亮”, 是不可数名词; 也可译为“电灯”, 是可数名词。light 作形容词, 意为“浅色的;轻的;少量的;轻微的”。,自学反馈,重点突破,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,

8、4 appear v出现;露面;公开演出点拨 appear的反义词为disappear。A bus appeared around the corner.一辆公共汽车出现在拐角处。拓展 (1)appear可作连系动词, 后接不定式作表语, 意为“看起来, 好像”;当与“to beadj./n.”连用时, to be往往可以省略。He appears (to be) happy.他好像很开心。(2)appear之后也可跟从句, 用于“It appears that/as if从句”句型中, 意为“看来, 似乎”。it是形式主语, 代替that从句。It appears that she will

9、 win.She appears to win.她似乎要赢。,自学反馈,重点突破,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,5 southern adj.南方的;在南方的拓展 (1)表示方位的词:,自学反馈,重点突破,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,(2)图形记忆方位词,自学反馈,重点突破,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,6 thanks to 幸亏;因为;由于点拨 thanks to后接名词或名词短语, 与because of意思相近。Thanks to In Search of Roots, I am beginning to understand my Chin

10、ese roots and who I am.多亏“寻根”这个活动, 我弄清了我的中国根, 也明白了我是谁。拓展 注意区别thanks to与thanks for。thanks for意为“因而感谢”, for强调感谢的原因, 其后接名词、代词或动名词。,自学反馈,重点突破,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,中考典例,自学反馈,重点突破,_ her husband, she has now become a famous film star.2013呼和浩特A Because B Thanks to C Thanks for D With the help,B,第20讲Units 1

11、315,Book 9,7 care for点拨 (1)表示“喜欢”, 后接名词或v.ing形式作宾语。My wife doesnt really care for tea; she likes coffee better. 我妻子其实不喜欢喝茶, 她更喜欢喝咖啡。(2)表示“照顾, 照料”, 与take care of/look after同义。The children are well cared for.The children are taken good care of.孩子们得到了很好的照顾。,自学反馈,重点突破,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,巧 辩 异 同,自学反馈,

12、重点突破,be made of/be made from/be made in/be made by/be made into/be made for (1)be made of意为“由制成”, 指可以看得出原材料。This kind of glass is made of paper.这种杯子是纸制的。(2)be made from意为“由制成”, 指看不出原材料。This kind of drink is made from apples.这种饮料是用苹果酿成的。(3)be made in意为“在制造”, 介词in后所接的是地点。This bike is made in Shanghai.

13、这辆自行车是在上海制造的。the students.这些书桌是为学生们做的。,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,自学反馈,重点突破,(4)be made by 意为“由某人制作”。This machine was made by Uncle Wang.这台机器是王叔叔制造的。(5)be made into意为“被制成”, 介词into后所接的是产品,与be made of/from正好相反。Glass can be made into many kinds of things.玻璃可以被制成许多种东西。(6)be made for 表示“为而制造”, 介词后接所供给的对象。These

14、 desks are made for the students.这些书桌是为学生们做的。,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,1 This has been a big step for me, and Im looking forward to finding out more about my roots during my time here.这对我来说是重大的一步, 我盼望在这里的这段时间能发现更多关于我的根的事情。句型 look forward to (doing) sth意为“期盼/期待着(做)某事”。to在此是一个介词, 后接名词、代词或动名词。We look forw

15、ard to another chance to serve you.我们期待着再次为您服务。,句 型 透 视,自学反馈,重点突破,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,中考典例,自学反馈,重点突破,Im looking forward yo _ my parents soon. What about you? Me too.2013广安A seeing B see C saw,A,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,2 Theyre about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1,000 pounds.它们大约10英尺长, 1000磅重。句型 (1)英语中, 表示“长度、宽度、高度、深度或重量”可用句型:sth/sbbe数词量词长/宽/高/深/重(2)对“长、宽、高、深、重”进行提问要用句型:How长/宽/高/深/重be?How wide is your room? 你的房间有多宽?(3)长、宽、高还可用复合形容词, 即“数字量词(单数)long/wide/high”来表达, 词的中间须加连字符, 常用作定语, 修饰名词。He is a 1.8metertall boy. 这个男孩1.8米高。,自学反馈,重点突破,第20讲Units 1315,Book 9,



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