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1、1 Unit 1 My school Target I. Sentences: 1. There s a hall, a gym2. How many classrooms are there? There are twenty-five classrooms. 3. Of course, Gogo! 4. I have an idea. II. Words: a teachers office , a library,a playground, a hall ,an art room ,a music room, a gym ,a classroom; III. Sounds and wor

2、ds: u: room moon cool classroom school noodles Materials Picture Cards 1- 8, a teachers office , a library,a playground, a hall ,an art room,a music room, a gym ,a classroom; 2 The first period Step 1 Review 1. Do you know ? 2. How many words do you know? Step 2 Vocabulary Getting ready Put Picture

3、Cards 1-8 on the blackboard. T: Look at the Picture Cards. Say each word as you hold up the Picture Cards T: Now listen and repeat. Hold up each Picture cards. And say the word. Give Ss time to repeat. Using the book T: Listen to the disc and repeat. Point to each subject as you say it. Play the dis

4、c and have Ss repeat each word. T: Is this an art room? (Point to a music room Picture card.) Ss: No, it isn t. It s a music room.Model if necessary. Repeat with several Picture Cards. T: Close your books. T: (Hold up various Picture Cards and repeat.) what is it? Ss: It s a .Extension activity Step

5、 3 Practice 2 T: What can you see? (S1:A gym) T: Now read the questions. Have Ss read the questions together. 3 Ask individual Ss to answer. Step 4 Homework 1、朗读拼背本课单词2、抄写本课单词各 5 个4 The second period Step 1 Review 1、朗读短语。Step 2 Target Getting ready Ask for three volunteers. Put the Picture cards on

6、the blackboard. T: What s in our school? (S1: There s a )Is there a library in our school? (S1: Yes, there is. /No, there isn t.)Have S1 point to the Picture Cards. Do the same for S2 and others if time permits. Using the book Have Ss point to the first Picture. Model the dialog. Have Ss point to th

7、e second picture. Ask two Ss to model the dialog. Play the disc and pause after each sentence, allowing Ss to repeat. Step 3 Chant activities 1) T: Let s listen to the disc first.Play the disc and point to each word as it is chanted. Point to the picture cards of a library and a teachers office. Cha

8、nt as a whole group again. 2) Play the disc one and pause every sentence. Have Ss fill in blanks in the chant. Step 4 Homework 1、朗读拼背本课单词 ,句子2、抄写句子 5 次5 The third period Step 1 Review 1、背读短语、句子。Step 2 Story Using the book (Point to the picture cards of a library.) Look at the picture. T: What s this

9、?What s in it? Play the disc and pause after each sentence to have Ss repeat. Read out the dialog sentence by sentence. Step 3 Practice 1 T: Look at A. T: What s that on the left? (Ss: A classroom.)T: What s that on the right? (Ss: A library.)T: Let s listen to the disc.Play the disc for A, then pau

10、se. Continue with the rest. Step 4 Homework 1、朗读本课单词 ,句子,课文。2、抄写本课单词各 3 个6 The Fourth Period Step 1 Review Step 2 Sounds and words 1) Getting ready Write room and moon on the board and underline the spelling oo. T: Let s practice this sound .Look at my mouth and repeat.T: /u:/ Ss:/u:/ Drag out the s

11、ound /u:/ so Ss hear it clearly. Using the book Have Ss look at the picture on the page. T: Let s listen to the disc.Play the disc and have Ss point to each word as the disc says it. T: Let s listen again and this time, repeat.Have Ss repeat after the disc. After enough practice, point to the pictur

12、es randomly and have Ss say the words. 2) Listen and chant T: Let s listen to the chant.Play the disc once. T: Let s chant together.Play the disc and have Ss chant along. Step 3 Homework 科任:李德 佺 张春丽 唐小燕二一四年二月十六日7 Unit 2 Our New Home 第一课时一、教学目标 : 1.认识目标: Is there a living room in your new home? Yes,

13、there is. Is there a garden? No, there isn t.2.能力目标: Listen and look 3.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,用英语打招呼二、教学内容: Listen and look 三、教学重难点:重难点是句型的综合运用。四、课前准备:录音机单词卡挂图五、教学过程:1.Geetting ready: 教师事先从报刊杂志上收集公寓套间中各种不同房间的图片(如难以找到,可用本教材的图画卡片代替)。T:(展示一张卧室的图片 )Look. It s a bedroom. Repeat. Bedroom.Ss: Bedroom. 用同样新方法呈现单词

14、living room 和 dining room. 2.新课呈现:让学生看着课文。T:Let s listen to the tape/di sc and read the story. 要求学生一边听录音一边用手指,课文中的句子。T: Let s listen again and repeat.播放录音,逐句暂停,让学生跟读。鼓励学生尽量模仿录音中不同角色的语气语调。让学生分成四人小组,并安排他们分别扮演Dad, Gogo, Tony, Jeny的角色。再次播放录音,逐句暂停,让扮演不同角色的学生跟读。鼓励学生朗读时声音带有感情,脸上富有表情。六、板书设计。8 第二课时一、教学目标 : 1

15、.知识目标:认读单词 :home, a kichen, a living room, a bedroom, a garden, a bathroom 2.能力目标: Listen and say 3.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,实际地用学过的英语。二、教学内容: Vocabulary , Target ,Song 三、教学重难点:重点是认记单词,难点是bathroom 四、课前准备: CD 单词卡五、教学过程:(一) Vocabulary 1.Geetting ready: 把图画卡片 9-14 贴在黑板上,图画一面朝外。T:(指着厨房的图片) Kitchen, repeat.Ss: K

16、itchen将卡片翻过来,显示单词的一面,并用手指从左到右在单词下划线。用同样的方法教授其他的单词。2.新课呈现(1)T: Let s listen to the tape/di sc and repeat. Point to each item as you say it. 播放录音,让学生逐一跟读单词。教师任意指某一幅图画。请不同的学生根据图画说出单词。(2)Target 1.Geetting ready :教师把图画卡片garden 贴在黑板上,单词一面朝外。T:(Ss s name),make a question.S1:Is there a garden in the new home? T:(No, there isn t.)继续用其他的图画卡片与另外一些学生进行问答对话。2.新课呈现9 让学生看着本页的图画。请不同的学生读出对话中的句子。反复播放录音,并让学生跟着录音练习朗读。让学生结对表演对话。(3)Song 1.Geetting ready :让学生看着歌


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