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1、Module 7,Unit 1 That smells delicious.,Game time!,I use . to see. I use . to listen. I use . to taste. I use . to smell. I use . to feel.,What do you use (使用) to ?,He looks _.,What does he look like?,lovely,How does taste?,It tastes_.,The fish soup tastes _.,sour,salty, sau 酸的, su:p 汤, s:lti 咸的,soup

2、,How do they taste?,They taste _ .,chocolate cookies,sweet, swi:t 甜的, kkis 饼干,How does it smell ?,delicious,fresh, fre 新鲜的, smel 闻,It smells _ .,cheese,It,tastes,smells,fresh,strong(味道)太浓,How does it ?, ti:z 乳酪,How does the music sound?,It sounds .,How does the skirt look / feel?,soft,feels _ .,comf

3、ortable.,looks, sft 软的,It,beautiful,How does the dog feel?,It feels comfortable / sleepy .,感觉,How do these people feel?,bored,worried,感觉,Complete the table.,Eye,Nose,Hand,Ear,Mouth,look,smell,feel,sound,taste,smart pretty strong,comfortable soft,nice quiet,delicious fresh strong sweet sour salty,表感觉

4、和知觉的系动词有:look , smell , taste , sound ,feel , 相当于汉语的“看上去”,“闻起来”,“尝起来”,“听起来”,“摸起来”/“感到”。系动词+形容词。,系动词,形容词,+,fresh good,Pairwork:,sour salty sweet fresh quiet strong tight delicious,pizza,soup,cheese,cookies,A : How does /do look/sound/smell/feel/taste? B : It/They/He,shoes,1,2,3,4,5,Listen & Number,Li

5、sten and Match,These shoes feel tight. Is it fish soup? It tastes salty. He looks strong. Oh dear! This milk smells sour. Have the children gone home? It sounds quiet.,a,b,c,d,e,Listen and find what these sentences describe. (听并找出下列句子分别描述的是哪些东西),It feels very soft and comfortable.,Its great.,It tast

6、es too strong.,It doesnt smell fresh,They taste really sweet.,What smells delicious?What doesnt smell fresh?What tastes sweet?Who looks pretty?Who sounds nice?What feels soft and comfortable?Who looks smart?,Read and answer,The pizza.,The cheese.,The chocolate cookies.,Sally.,Sally.,Linglings sweate

7、r.,Lingling and Betty.,Read the dialogue in roles(小组内分角色朗读课文),Sally: You _(1) nice! June: Thanks. Im wearing my mothers perfume(香水). Sally: You _(2) good, too! June: Thats because Im wearing my mothers clothes. It _(3) very soft. Sally: I saw her a minute ago. She _(4) angry. June: Oh dear, shes cal

8、ling me. She _(5) angry, too!,Read and complete,smell,look,feels,looked,sounds,have a try have a party make cookies Whats the matter? Im afraid introduceto look smart,试一试,开晚会,做小甜饼,怎么了?,恐怕,把介绍给,看起来时髦,Expressions,Read after the tape!,Groupwork:,sour salty sweet fresh quiet strong tight delicious,Descr

9、ibe your own(自已的) things. Make sentences as many as possible.,It They,Guess what it is,It is a kind of thing. It looks bright, big, clean and warm. Sometimes it smells bad but sometimes smells better. It sounds strange if all the students have PE lesson in it. We study in it .,Homework,1.Make sentences with “smell, feel ,sound, taste, look”. 2.完成导学案,Goodbye!,


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