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1、听 写,Lesson49 Multiple Choice,1.b 2.d 3.d 4.c 5.d 6.c 7.c 8.a 9.c 10.b 11.a 12.c,Lesson 50 New Year resolutions,Ling,NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS,What marked the end of the writers New Year resolutions? He sat in front of the televison pretening to read.What has past experience of New Year resolutions taught

2、 us? It has taught us that certain things are beyond attainment.,Why is it a basic mistake to announce our resolutions to everybody? It is a basic mistake to announce our resolutions because we look even more foolish when we fall back into our old ways.Why did the writer not carry out his resolution

3、s on New Years Day? He didnt carry out his resolutions on New Years Day becuase he went to an all-night party on New Years Eve.,Review the words,rambling sentimentally lavishly immaculate parquet gleam preside invisible scrub,enlightened fickleness unrelenting disillusion industriousness qualificati

4、on mirth stack cellar,New words and expressions,resolution mentally compile formidable recur regularity accoplishment attainment inveterate,self-improvement scheme ambitious pitfall modest assiduously self-descipline frame betray,troop unsettle taunt jibe good-humouredly wane diminish hypnotize,undo

5、ing screen,New words and expressions,New words and expressions,resolution n.决心 take to do sth.= make up ones mind to do sth.= decide to do sth.= be determined to do sth. n. formal 决议 resolution n. 分辨率,New words and expressions,resolve vi.决心,决定 to do sth.= take resolution to do sth. on sth./on doing

6、sth. e.g - 我们已经决定早点动身- Whe had resolved on making an early move.,resolute adj.坚决的,果断的 e.g - We must be true in word and in deed.-我们必须言必行,行必果。 e.g - 他更加坚决地反对这个计划。- He became even more resolute in his opposition to the plan.,formidable a.令人敬畏的 同: dreadful/ fearful/ horrible/ horrific/aweful a.难以克服的,难对

7、付的 task 难以完成的任务 obstacle 难以克服的障碍,recur v.再发生 ring dream 反复出现的梦境 occur vi.happen to sb. 被想到;出现在头脑中 e.g - 这个主意是他在梦中想到的- The idea occurred to him in a dream. e.g - 她没想到请别人帮忙- It didnt occur to her to ask for help.,词根 “curr” from Latin currere “to run, move quickly“ occur/occurrence recur/recurrence con

8、cur/concurrence current/currency,accomplishment n. 成就 【辨】 accomplishment 指修养、才艺、本领等方面的成就accomplish ones goal / dream e.g - Drawing and singing were among her many accomplishments.,attainment 指经过艰苦的努力获得的成就attain success achievement 最通俗的说法(可代替accomplishment)achieve e.g -This is what he achieved after

9、so many years of hard work.,(L7) Past experience has taught us that certain accomplishments are beyond attainment.,self-improvement n.自我完善 self-discipline n.自我约束 类: self-examination 自省 self-abandoned 自暴自弃的 self-absorbed adj.只顾自己的 self-assessment n.自我评价 self-assured adj.自信的;胸有成竹的,self-awareness n.自知;

10、自明;自觉 self-control n.自制力;自我控制 self-correcting adj.自动纠正 self-discipline n.自我约束 self-defense n.自卫 self-educated adj.自学的;自我教育的 self-employed adj.个体经营的;自由职业的 self-esteem n.自尊(心) self-improvement n.自我改进,scheme n.简单的计划,方案 color design pension 退休金方案 to do sth. 做某事的计划;阴谋,策划 e.g - 他们正策划使他下台- They were schemi

11、ng to bring about his downfall.,idiom: the/sbs of things 格局;心中的安排 e.g - 从全局来看,我个人的问题并非十分重要- My personal problems are not really important in the overall scheme of things.,ambitious a.雄心勃勃的 e.g - They were very about their children.- 他们望子成龙 e.g - Alfred 雄心勃勃,一心想着发财- Alfred was intensely ambitious, ob

12、sessed with the idea of becoming rich. ambition n.欲望;野心;抱负,modest adj.些许的;谦逊的;朴素的 e.g - improvemens/reforms- 不太显著的改进/改革 e.g - She is very about the success. e.g - a dress 一条端庄的连衣裙,betray 1) 出卖;泄露(机密) e.g - 有人收买他出卖他的同事- He was offered money to betray his colleagues. 2) 辜负;对.不忠 e.g - 他一次又一次地辜负了她的信任- H

13、e betrayed her trust over and over again.,3) 背叛(原则或信仰) e.g - He has been accused of betraying his former socialist ideals.- 有人指责他背弃了他先前的社会主义理想 4) sth./yourself e.g - 他的声音掩盖不了内心的担忧- His voice betrayed the worry he was trying to hide.,jibe n. ( gibe) make at sb/sth e.g - 在采访中他好几次对他的对手粗俗地加以嘲讽- He made

14、several cheap jibes at his oponent during the interview.,jibe v. (also gibe) e.g - He jibed repeatedly at the errors they had made.- 他一而再、再而三地嘲弄他们所犯的错误 jibe with sth (informal) e.g - Your statement doesnt jibe with the facts.- 他的说法与事实不符,wane v.逐渐变小,变弱 e.g - 她对整个想法的热情迅速冷淡了下来。- Her enthusiasm for the

15、whole idea was waning rapidly. (月亮) 缺;亏 e.g - The moon waxes and wanes.-月有阴晴圆缺。 wax n.蜡 vi.月亮渐满,增大,-人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。 Men have sorrow and joy; they part and meet again. The moon dims or shines; it waxes or wanes. Nothing is perfect, not even in the olden days.,undoing n.祸根,毁灭的原因 undo v. 解开;破坏 und

16、oundidundone e.g - He tries to the package of the gift. e.g - 这场大火让八个月的工作付诸一炬- The fire undid the work of eight months.,祸根 apple of discord As American as apple pie. 像苹果派一样具有美国特色 -Japanese sushi and Vietnamese spring rolls have become as American as apple pie. -日本寿司和越南春卷都已经变成像苹果派一样的美国食品了。,Adams apple 喉结 apple of love 爱情的信物 -Hey, dont touch that bike. Its my apple of love. -嗨,别动那辆自行车。它可是我的爱情信物。 apples and oranges 不同种类的物与人 apple of ones eye 掌上明珠,心肝宝贝 apple polish 讨好,拍马屁,贿赂,


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