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1、本周学习 1、复习音标 2、学习9-12课 3、布置作业,/i:/,发音要诀 (1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽量抬高。 (2)双唇扁平,牙床几乎半合。 (3)这是长元音,发音时嘴角向旁伸,做微笑状,并要有一定的延长。 发音练习,me mi: see si: sea si: meet mi:t heat hi:t need ni:d free fri: feel fi:l bee bi: ,We/wi:/我们 me/mi:/ 我(宾格) she /i: /她 knee/ni:/膝盖 Tree/ tr i:/树 Chinese/taini:z/ Sheep/i:p/羊 three /ri:/三cante

2、en/cnti:n/ These/i:z/这些,朗读下面的句子,(1)A friend in need is a friend indeed. (2)Which would you like, black tea or green tea? (3)Can you see the green tree? (4)There is a key on the seat. (5)Do you like to eat meat?,注意事项/与/i:/发音的不同,(1)这是两个不同的音素, /i:/不是/的单纯加长。它们的发音口腔部位不完全相同。 (2)发/音时,口腔肌肉松弛;发/i:/时口腔肌肉紧张。 (

3、3) /是短元音,发音短促; /i:/是长元音,发音细长。,/,发音要诀 (1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,音短促。 (2)双唇扁平,牙床半合,上下齿之间可放入一个小指尖。口腔肌肉松弛。 发音练习,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,p,i,g,b,i,g,d,i,g,k,i,d,k,i,c,k,p,i,c,k,猪,大的,挖,小孩子,踢,采摘,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,k,i,s,s,s,i,t,c,l,i,p,s,i,x,c,h,i,p,s,吻,坐,回形针,六,炸薯条,Milk/milk/ 牛奶 hit/hit/打,击中 minute/minit/分钟 city/sit

4、i/城市 fish/fi / 鱼 hill/hil/小山 window/wind/窗 happy/kpi/快乐 fit /fit/ 适合的 thin/ in/瘦的 rabbit/rbit/兔子 live/liv/居住 is/iz/ 是 this/ is/这个 music/mju:zik/音乐 his/hiz/ 他的 fifteen/fifti:n/十五,朗读下面的句子,(1)This is a pig. (2)Jim is as thin as a pin. (3)Dick often sits on the hill. (4)Bill lives in this village. (5)It

5、 is a pity, this city is too noisy.,Lesson 9 How are you today ?,New words:,hello fine hi thanks how goodbye today see well,Well a.好的n. 井Fine a. 美好的 (天气,身体)Good a. 好的,词汇,感谢的说法: Thanks 谢谢 Thank you. Thank you very much! 非常感谢 Ta. Cheers!,词汇,Goodbye 再见近义词: See v.看见 Look (at) v.看(强调动作) Watch v. 盯着看 Read

6、 v. 看书,看报,词汇,Goodbye 再见 老外在说: See you later. See you after. See you. - See ya. Later. 特殊场合:有时候说一会见不太好,我们用:Have a nice day!,词汇,单词学习,how 如何,怎样 today 今天tomorrow 明天yesterday 昨天the day after tomorrow 后天the day before yesterday 前天,well 身体好 fine 1、健康的 Im fine.2、极好的 The view of this city is fine.3、优雅的 He is

7、 a man with fine manners. thanks 谢谢Thank you.Thank you very much.Thanks a lot.,goodbye 再见Byebye/See you. see 看见(强调结果)look 看 (强调动作)watch 看 (看移动东西)look at sth/look out of the windowwatch TV/football match,二. Translate the following into chinese:,史蒂文:你好,海伦 海 伦:你好,史蒂文 史蒂文:你今天好吗? 海 伦:很好,谢谢你。你好吗? 史蒂文:很好,谢

8、谢。 史蒂文:托尼好吗? 海 伦:他很好,谢谢。埃玛好吗? 史蒂文:她也很好,海伦。 史蒂文:再见,海伦。见到你真高兴。 海 伦:我见到你也很高兴,史蒂文。再见。,Hi ,Steven .,一. Fill in the blanks:,Hello,Helen .,How,Im very ,thank you .,well,are you today ?,And,you ?,Im .,fine,Thanks.,is,How Tony?,He fine .,is,How,is Emma ?,She is very ,too.,well,Goodbye,Nice to see you , , Ste

9、ven .Goodbye .,Helen .,Nice to see you .,too,Hello ! Hi ! Good morning ! Good afternoon ! Good evening ! How are you ? How do you do ! Nice to meet you ! Glad to meet you ! Good bye ! Bye ! Bye-bye ! See you ! Nice to see you !,三. Greetings :,复习: 1.初次见面打招呼用语,Nice to meet you!,How do you do?,本课知识点,1.

10、用于朋友或相识的人之间的寒暄话,How are you?,回答:Fine(I am very well),thank you. And you?注:And you?是And how are you?的简略说法,本课知识点,人称代词,代词,代词的定义:代词是一种能代替名词、形容词或数词的词。,代词分类 Which kind of pronouns is it?,人称代词 (Personal Pronouns) 物主代词 (Possessive Pronoun) 反身代词 (Reflexive Pronouns) 指示代词 (Demonstrative Pronouns) 疑问代词 (Interr

11、ogative Pronouns) 相互代词 (Reciprocal Pronouns) 不定代词 (Indefinite Pronouns),主语上主格, 动介后宾格.,(1) 人称代词,单数人代二三一, 复数人代一二三; 两性并列男在前, 承认错误我当先;,口诀1:,并列人称代词的排列顺序,口诀2:,主格和宾格的用法,一.人称代词,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,人称,格,数,单数,复数,主格,宾格,主格,宾格,I,you,he,she,it,me,you,him,her,it,we,you,they,us,you,them,Chant :,主格代词顺口溜:我是I ,你是You ;男他He

12、,女她She ,动物的它是It;我们We ,你们You ,他们They. Who are you ?,The end !,Lesson 10 Look at,boy,girl,pencil,book,I am a student.,Im a student, too.,They are students.,book buk 书pencil pensl 铅笔boy bi 男孩girl g:l 女孩they ei 他们/她们/它们are a: be动词,是student stju:dnt 学生,woman,man,woman wumn 女人,man mn 男人,Mr. Cheng,Miss. Xu

13、,I am a pig. Im fat.,It is a pig. Its very fat.,pig pig 猪fat ft 胖的am m be动词,是 it it 它he hi: 他 is iz be动词,是she i: 她,She is a woman.,She is very thin.,thin in 瘦的,tall,short,rabbit,ruler,long,short,rabbit rbit 兔子tall t:l 高的 short :t 矮的 long l 长的 翻译练习: 这把尺很长。This ruler is long. 那个男人很高。This man is tall.

14、那把尺很短。That ruler is short. 这个女人很瘦。This woman is thin.,clean,dirty,clean kli:n 干净的 dirty d:ti 脏的 The coat is clean. 这件大衣很干净。 The dress is dirty. 那件连衣裙很脏。 the 定冠词,这,那 a/an 不定冠词,一 a coat 一件大衣 a dress 一件连衣裙,hot,cold,hot ht 热的 cold kuld 冷的 hot dog 热狗 Im very hot. 我很热。 Im very cold. 我很冷。 It is very hot. 天很热。 Its very cold. 天很冷。,



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