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1、虚拟语气,1 语气概述 在英语中,随着说话人对某一行为或事情的看法和态度不同,谓语动词就用不同的形式,即称为语气。英语语气有三种:陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气。 虚拟语气表示只存在于讲话人想象中的假设或推测,而不是客观现实中的真实事件。它表示怀疑、忧虑、推测、假设、想象或祝愿等,如I wish you were more careful.If I were not so busy, I would go and help him.,2 虚拟语气在虚拟条件句与结果主句中的谓语动词形式。条件句中的 结果主句中的谓语动词 谓语动词 与现在事实相反 动词过去式 should/would( be用wer

2、e) could/might+动词原形与过去事实相反 had+过去分词 should/would/couldmight+have+过去分词 与将来事实可能 动词过去式 相反 should+动词原形 should/would/could/were+动词原形 might+动词原形,注意:1主句中的should通常用于第一人称,would可用于各种人称。根据意义上的需要可用情态动词could,might代替should,would.2 条件从句中如果谓语动词是be,其过去式所有人称的单复数都用were,但在口语中,第一人称和第三人称单数可用was代替were.但在if I were you中,必须用

3、were,不能用was代替。,3. 虚拟语气在条件从句中和结果主句中的用法 (1)与现在事实相反时 Im very busy now. If I had time, I would certainly go to the movies with you.我很忙, 如果我有时间,我就当然会与你一起去看电影。(事实上我没有时间,也不能与你一起看电影) If I were you, I should go and see the dentist at once.如果我是你,我就马上去看牙医。(事实上我不是你,也不会去看牙医) If there were no gravity, we should n

4、ot be able to walk.如果没有引力,我们就不能走路。(事实上有引力,我们也能走路。),(2)与过去事实相反 If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would have met her.如果你早来几分钟,就会见到她了。(事实上没有早来,也没有见到她) If I hadnt taken your advice, I would have made a big mistake. (3) 与将来事实可能相反 If it were Sunday tomorrow, I would go to see my friend there. If

5、I should do it, I would do it another way. If I were to see him, I would speak to him about it. I I dropped the glass, it would break.,4 省掉if 的条件从句结构 在书面语中,有时可不用连词if,而把were,had 或should 移到主语前,形成没有if 的条件从句,其意义不变。 If you had invited us, we should have come to your party. Had you invited us, we should h

6、ave come to your party. Had you invited us, we would have come to your party.,5 混合虚拟条件句 如果虚拟条件句与结果主语的动作发生的时间不一致,主从句的谓语动词就要根据各自动作发生的时间选用相应的虚拟语气形式,如 If he had followed the doctors advice, he would be quite all right now.他若当时听医生的话,他现在就痊愈了。 Had I taken my umbrella with me when I came out this morning, I

7、 should not be wet now.如果我早上出来时带了伞, 现在就不会淋湿了。,6 含蓄虚拟条件句 有时虚拟语气不用条件从句,而是通过上下文或用介词短语等表示出来,这种虚拟语气叫含蓄 虚拟条件句,如 The gifts to him would have filled a railroad freight car .(货车) I couldnt have lived through Christmas without giving you a present. Bur for the leadership of the party, we would not live a happ

8、y life today. Man would die without air and water.,7 虚拟语气的其它用法 (1)在主语从句中的用法 在这类句型里,that 所引导的主语从句的谓语动词,常用should动词原形,should 可省去,但不换为would。主句里谓语动词时态不限,这类句型常用一下三种形式:,A. It is /was +形容词+that适用于这一句型的常用形容词有:necessary, important, natural, strange, imperative, urgent, essential, probable, better, keen, possi

9、ble, eager, anxious, unthinkable, astonishing等 It is necessary that the question (should) be settled at once. It seems incredible that he should have finished the work so soon. It was quite natural that he should think so.,B. It is/was + 名词that 适用于这一句型的名词常有:a pity, a shame, no wonder等,如Its a great p

10、ity that he (should) be so hard on her.真遗憾,他会对她这样苛刻。 Its a shame that he should have done such a thing.,C. It is /was 某些动词的过去分词that适用于这一句型的动词的过去分词常用:suggested, requested, proposed, desired, ordered, decided等,如: Its requested that Mr.Wang (should) give a performance at the party. It was arranged that

11、 they should leave the following week. It has been decided that the meeting should be postponed till next Saturday.,(2) 在宾语从句中的用法 A. wish 后的宾语从句应用虚拟语气,来表示未实现或不大可能实现的愿望。Wish的时态不影像其后宾语从句的时态,引导宾语从句的that 可省去,其构成形式如下: 主句谓语动词 从句谓语动词 wish 时态 谓语动词形式现在式 动词过去式(与主句谓语动词同时发生) (be用were/was)过去式 (在主句谓语动词之前发生) had+过

12、去分词将来式 should/would/might/could+动词原形(在主句谓语动词之前发生),I wish I were/was as strange as you.我希望象你一样健壮。 How I wish it was not raining! 现在如果不下雨多好啊。 I wish I remembered the address.我要是记得地址就好了。 I wish he hadnt gone.他要是没去该多好。 He wished you would go and see him.他愿你去看看他。 Monica wished she hadnt come.莫妮卡愿她没来过。,B.

13、 某些动词后的宾语从句一般用虚拟语气,这类动词常用的有demand, suggest, order, insist, propose, request, command, desire, require, ask, move等。其谓语动词形式是(should) +动词原形,如:I requested that you (should) not eat the meat. She insisted that the seats (should) be booked in advance. He suggested that the doctor (should)be sent for.这类动词后

14、的宾语从句用虚拟语气,并不考虑是否与事实相符或相反,或愿望有无实现可能。而只是用(should)+动词原形这种形式。,上述suggest,insist等动词后的宾语从句有时根据意义可不用虚拟语气,如: The boys looks suggested that he was happy to have given his life for his country.(suggest 表示、表明、暗示之意) He insisted that liming was right.他坚持认为黎明是正确的。,(3)在状语从句中的用法 A. 以as if, as though引起的状语从句用虚拟语气,谓语动

15、词形式与wish后的宾语从句相同,be 用were或was,如 They talked/are talking as if/though they had been friends for years. He spoke to me as if/though I were/was deaf. She acted as if she would come and help us tomorrow.,B. 以in order that, so that, that引起的目的状语从句可以用虚拟语气,其谓语动词多用may, might, can, could+动词原形,如果状语从句是否定句,可用sho

16、uld动词原形,如 She stayed at home for a few days so that she might/could take care of her mother. The teacher spoke slowly in order that the students could/might hear him clearly. She took a taxi to the station so that she should not miss the train.,C. 以whatever, whoever, no matter what/who 之类代词或词组引起的让步状

17、语从句中用虚拟语气,谓语动词多用may动词原形,如 I wont let you in whoever you may be. No matter what you may say, Im determined to do what I think is right. You mustnt be proud, however much you may have achieved. D. 以lest, for fear that, in case 引起的从句用虚拟语气, 谓语动词多用should+动词原形构成,如 He took his raincoat with him lest it should rain. He put his coat over the soldier for fear that/lest he should catch cold. Ill keep a seat for you in case you should change your mind.,


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