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1、Housekeeping -Cleaning the room 情景二 清洁房间,My Love,An empty street 空寂的街道 An empty house 空寂的房间 A hole inside my heart 空寂的思念深藏在我的心中 Im all alone 孤孤单单 The rooms are getting smaller 无尽的孤寂压迫着我,My Love,I wonder how 我不知道我怎么了 I wonder why 我不明白为什么会这样 I wonder where they are 我想知道它们在哪里 The days we had 那些我们共度的日子

2、The songs we sang together 我们共同吟唱过的歌曲 Oh,yeah,My Love,And oh my love 我的爱 Im _holding on_ forever 我始终坚持着 _ Reaching _ for a love that seems so far 但得到这一份爱却是那样遥不可及,My Love,So I say a little _.于是我做着微不足道的祈祷。 And hope my _ will take me there.希望梦想能把我带到彼岸。 Where the _ are blue.在那里天空是兰的。 To see U once again

3、,my love.在那里能与你重逢,我的爱人。 _ from coast 2 coast.越过海洋到达彼岸。 To find the place I love the most.找到我最爱的地方。 Where the _ are green.在那里土地是绿的。 To see U once again.在那里能与你重逢。 My love ! 我的爱人!,Warm-up,Watch the vedio and answer the questions below. 1. Is it the guests first time in Sanya?Yes. 2. Which floor does th

4、e guest live?19th floor. 3. When the guest walk out of the elevator, what does the bellman(行李员)say?Watch your steps, please. And come this way. 4. When they come into the room, what does the bellman(行李员)say?After you, please.,1. Watch your steps, please. 请注意台阶。 2. After you, please.您先请。 3. Enjoy you

5、r stay here.祝您入住愉快。,I. Vocabulary,烟灰缸 衣柜 桌子 椅子 电视 空调 遥控器 垃圾桶 梳妆台 小册子,室内 interior ashtray wardrobe desk chair television/TV air conditoner remote control garbage bin dressing table brochure,I. Vocabulary,床单 被单 被子 枕头 枕套 窗帘 阳台 床头灯 地灯 抽屉 拖鞋,bed spread/bed cover sheet quilt pillow pillow case curtain Bal

6、cony bedside lamp standing lamp drawer slipper,I. Vocabulary,洗手池 水龙头 镜子 洗发露 沐浴露 毛巾 浴巾 牙刷 牙膏,浴室bathroom: wash basin tap mirror shampoo bath foam towel bath towel tooth brush tooth paste,I. Vocabulary,马桶 插座 开关 浴缸 衣架,toilet/toilet bowl socket switch bathtub hanger,Look at the picture and say.,Look at t

7、he picture and say.,Lead-in,Q1: How do you feel about the room attendant(客房服务员)? Q2: Is what she does polite? Q3: As a room attendant, what should we pay attention when doing the housekeeping?,Lead-in,What do we need to pay attention when we come into the room and clean it for the guests?我们为客人清洁客房时应

8、注意什么?,clean,A=Waiter B=GuestA: Housekeeping. May I come in?B: Come in, please.A: Good morning, sir. May I do your room now?B: Yes, please. (After a while.)A: Your room is done now. Is there anything else I can do for you? B: No,Thank you. A: You are welcome. Im always at your service.,II. Watch & Sa

9、y.,A: Housekeeping. May I come in?B: Come in, please.A: Good morning, sir. May I do your room now?B: No, were going to have an appointment in this room.A: What time will be convenient for you?B: Would you come back in two hours./ Two hours later.A: No problem. Ill make up your room in two hours.Is t

10、here anything I can do for you, sir?B: Oh, yes. Where can I borrow a hair dryer?A: Ill bring it to you right away.B: Thank you. You are so nice.A: You are welcome. Im always at your service.,2. Learn key sentences. (1*5)1) Housekeeping. May I come in? 客房服务,可以进来吗? 2) What time will be convenient for

11、you? 请问您什么时候方便?3) Is there anything else I can do for you, sir? 还有什么可以为您效劳的吗?4) Ill bring it to you right away. 我马上给您送过来。5) Im always at your service. /Its my pleasure to serve you. 很乐意为您效劳。,III. Watch & Say.,IV. Act it Out.,Make a dialogueabout cleaning the room by yourselves and act them out.,V. R

12、einforcement 加强训练,V. Reinforcement 加强训练 1. Sentences,1) 很抱歉打扰您,我现在可以为您做夜床服务了吗?Im sorry to bother you. May I do the turn down service for you now? 2) 您希望我什么时候再来?When would you like me to come back? 3) 当您需要整理房间时,可以给前台打电话。 You can call the front desk when you want your room done.,V. Reinforcement 加强训练

13、2. Translate Dialogue below,A=客房服务员 B=客人 A: 我是客房服务。 可以进来吗? B: 请进。 A: 晚上好,女士。请问我可以为你做夜床服务了吗? B: 当然可以啦。你能不能先整理一下浴室呢?我刚刚沐浴过,里面很乱。 A: 好的,女士。 B: 还有什么能为你效劳的吗,女士? A: 你可以给我一个枕头和两条毛巾吗? B: 好的,我这就送来。 A: 谢谢,你真好。 B: 不客气,我很乐意为您效劳。祝您做个好梦。,English Script,A: Housekeeping. May I come in? B: Come in, please. A: Good e

14、vening, maam. May I do the turn-down service for you? B: Sure. Could you tidy the bathroom first? Ive just taken a bath, and its quite a mess. A: Certainly, maam. B: Is there anything else I can do for you, maam? A: Well, can I have a pillow and two towel? B: Ill send it to you right away./ Ill brin

15、g it to you immediately. A: Thank you. You are so nice. B: Im at your service, maam. Have a good/nice dream.,clean,VC VD OD MUR LSG VIP DND,VII. Supplement,Vacant Clean,Vacant Dirty,Occupied Dirty,Do Not Disturb,Make Up Room,Very Important Guest,Long Staying Guest,空房,走客房,未做住房,请勿打扰,请即打扫,重要客人,长住客,VI.

16、Act it Out.,Make a dialogue by yourselves and act them out.,Entertainmentsong Rhythm Of The Rain,Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain 倾听着那洒落的雨的旋律 Telling me just what a fool Ive been 好象在说,我是个傻瓜 I wish that it would go 真的希望一切就这样过去 and let me cry in vain 让我无望地哭泣 And let me be alone again 让我再次变得孤独失

17、意,V. Reinforcement 加强训练 2. Dialogue,A: Housekeeping. May I come in? B: Come in, please. A: Im sorry to bother you. May I do the turn-down service for you? B: No. Im busy right now. A: When would you like me to come back? B: Im not sure. A: You can call the front desk when you want your room done. B: OK. Thank you. A: You are very welcome. Im always at your service.,


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