江西省吉安县凤凰中学八年级英语上册《unit 3 what are you doing for vacation section a1》 人教新目标版

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江西省吉安县凤凰中学八年级英语上册《unit 3 what are you doing for vacation section a1》 人教新目标版_第1页
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《江西省吉安县凤凰中学八年级英语上册《unit 3 what are you doing for vacation section a1》 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江西省吉安县凤凰中学八年级英语上册《unit 3 what are you doing for vacation section a1》 人教新目标版(41页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、What are you doing for vacation?,Unit 3,Section A Period One,Objectives,To learn about present progressive as futureTo talk about future plans and learn to use when questions,Review,Words and expressions,Read the words and expressions loudly.,Words preview,babysitcampplanHectorLambert,临时照顾 (小孩) 宿营;露

2、宿 计划;规划;方案 赫克托 (男名) 兰伯特 (姓),What do people usually do on weekends?,Brainstorming,Vacation activities,go to,play,visit,go fishing,go sightseeing,go hiking,What do people usually do on weekends?,go camping,go bike riding,babysit,spend time with friends,take walks,What do people usually do on weekends?

3、,relax at home,rent videos,What do people usually do on weekends?,go fishing,go camping,babysit,spend time with friends,go hiking,rent videos,take walks,go sightseeing,go bike riding,relax at home,He is swimming tomorrow.,be + doing 表示计划近期要做的事,What is he doing tomorrow?,A: Whats she doing for vacati

4、on? B: Shes babysitting her sister.,Look and say,A: What _ he _ for vacation? B: He _with his friends.,s,doing,s spending time,A: What _ she _ for vacation? B: She _.,s relaxing at home,s,doing,A: _ she _? B: _.,Whats,doing for vacation,Shes going shopping,A: _ they _? B: _.,What are,doing for vacat

5、ion,Theyre going to the beach,1a,Look at the picture. Make a list and add a few more.,_ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _,camping,babysitting,relaxing at home,visiting your grandmother,spending time with friends,playing basketball,1b,Number the pictures 1-3.,3,2,1,Whats Jane doing for vacation?2. Whats Sharo

6、n doing for vacation?3. Whats Michael doing for vacation?,Shes spending time with her friends.,Shes visiting her grandmother.,Listen again and answer.,Hes relaxing at home.,1c,Pairwork,What are the people in the picture doing for vacation? Make conversations.,A: Whats she doing for vacation? B: Shes

7、 babysitting her sister.,camping,babysitting,relaxing at home,visiting grandmother,spending time with friends,A: What is doing for vacation? B: He / She,Free talk,What are you doing for vacation? And when?,2a,Fill in the chart under “What”.,going to sports camp,going to the beach,2b,Listen again. Wh

8、en are they going on vacation? Fill in the chart under “When”.,on Friday,on the 11th,this weekend,Talk about their vacation plans.,What _they _for vacation? Hector _ in Canada. He _ _ on Friday. Susan is going to _ . Shes going _. Molly _the beach _her family for vacation. They_ this weekend.,Listen

9、 and fill in the blanks.,are,doing,is visiting his cousins,leaving,is,sports camp,on the 11th,is going to,with,re leaving,2c,What are you and your classmates doing for your next vacation?,A: What are you doing for vacation, Li Chen? B: Im going camping. A: That sounds nice. Who are you going with? B

10、: Im going with my parents.,National Day is coming! What are you doing?,task,A: What are you doing for vacation, ? B: Im A: That sounds Who are you going with? B: Im going with A: When are you going on vacation? B: Im going,Survey,Report,Whats = What is,What are you doing for vacation?Im visiting my

11、 grandmother.Whats she doing for vacation?Shes going camping.What are they doing for vacation?Theyre relaxing at home.,课时重点回顾,Review,When are you going?Im going on Monday.When is he going?Hes going on the 12th.When are they going?Theyre going next week.,课时重点回顾,Review,Quiz,用所给动词正确形式填空。 1. When _ you

12、_(leave) tomorrow? 2. _ she _(have) a birthday party next month? 3. What _ your father usually _(do) after supper? 4. - When _ the football match _ (start)? - Half an hour ago.,are leaving,Is having,does do,did start,5. _ he _ (babysit) his sister now? 6. Look! What _ they _(look) for? 7. - Wheres y

13、our mother? - She _(make) dinner. 8. Listen! Someone _(knock) at the door.,Is babysitting,are looking,is making,is knocking,Translate and write them down.,- 你假期准备干什么? - 我要去宿营。 - 听起来很棒。你和谁一起去? - 我和我父母一起去。,What are you doing for vacation?Im going camping.That sounds nice. Who are you going with?Im goi

14、ng with my parents.,你这个周末要干什么? What are you doing for this weekend? 我准备去看我的奶奶。 Im visiting my grandmother. 你想什么时候去? When are you going? 他们打算下周去。 Theyre going next week.,Preview,What are you doing for vacation? How long are you staying? What are you doing there?,1. Listen to the cassettes. 2. Write down the results ofthe survey.,Homework,Thank you.,


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