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1、1必修五 Module4 Revision of the Passive Voice 导学设计四川省旺苍东城中学 李香 教学目标 1. 知识目标:掌握各种时态的被动语态的结构以及常见特殊用法2. 能力目标:准确把握不同时态下的被动结构及其主要用法,尤其是以后能够在写作和其他练习中能熟练运用该结构。3. 情感目标:在任务及活动的过程中,培养学生的观察、归纳能力和合作意识教学重点 不同时态下的被动语态结构区别;被动语态的几种特殊用法教学难点 能在真实的情境中正确运用被动语态教学策略 任务型教学,讨论,小组合作教学准备 复习学案,多媒体课件教学过程教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 1.Gree

2、ting and revision1. Greet the students and review what the students have learned last time.2. Ask Students to show their homework and check the answers.3.Write down the aims on blackboard. 1. Greet the teachers.2. 3 students write the answers.3. Another 3 volunteers to check their answers.1. 通过回忆上节课

3、所学词汇和表达并通过口头翻译句子来巩固。2.通过让学生检查提高学生参与的积极性,教师也能通过学生的完成情况了解学生对该基础知识的掌握。2.Discussion andpresentation1.Lead in and review the definition of the passive voice.2.Ask students to make a conclusion of all these important forms of “be done” in different tenses.3. Point out the special forms of the passive voic

4、e.4. Walk around the classroom and guide the discussion. 5. Remark on students presentations.1. Finish the work carefully and take part in the discussion and group-work.2. Competition :every group send a student to write the results of discussion on blackboard.3.Volunteers do presentation and explai

5、n the difficult points. 4. Take notes.1. 通过学生分组讨论和分组合作的方式,最大限度调动大家参与课堂的积极性,培养学生观察,归纳和合作的能力。2. 归纳总结有助于学生更加系统的掌握不同时态下的被动语态结构。3. 学生通过讨论,展示和竞争使学习的积极性和效率提高,而且对知识的印象更深刻。学生的心理素质和表达能力得到锻炼。4.通过学案,养成倾听和做笔记的习惯。3. Practice Ask Ss to do some exercises on the screen to put what they have just learned to use.Do so

6、me exercises . 以练习巩固的形式让学生体验语法规则,并在相关语境中运用, 进行适当操练。4. Summary 1. Have Students make a conclusion of what is learned in this lesson.2. Ask Ss to finish a form.1. Make a conclusion of what is learned this lesson, highlight the difficult points.2. Finish a form.1. 总结、回顾今天所学。2. 通过完成表格检验所学的成果。25. Homework and testFinish the exercises and test after class.1. Finish the homework.2. Do reflection.1.强化巩固课堂所学。2.检测所学知识并对学习情况小结,学会反思总结。6. Reflection


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