高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解选练(五)71

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1、1福建沙县福建沙县 20172017 高考英语阅读理解一轮选练(五)高考英语阅读理解一轮选练(五)【2015 高考复习】阅读理解Wisdom teeth are normally the last teeth to appear.This usually happens when people are in their late teen years or early twenties,in other words,when they are older and wiser.Wisdom teeth can grow into place normally and never cause a

2、problem.But often there is not enough room for them in the mouth;they might crowd other teeth.Sometimes they even push sideways through the gums (齿龈)An impacted wisdom tooth is one that fails to completely rise through the gums.Wisdom teeth that only partly break through can leave space for bacteria

3、 to enter around the teeth.Infection (感染) is a risk in these cases.Wisdom teeth that are not well lined and become impacted are often removed.The American Dental Association says removal is generally advised when wisdom teeth only partly break through the gums.Removal is also advised if there is a c

4、hance that wisdom teeth ate poorly lined.The best time to remove is before the teeth cause any problems or pain.Young adults are the best candidates for wisdom teeth removal.But why do we have wisdom teeth if we often need to get them removed?One theory has to do with our diets.Scientists say the di

5、et of ancient humans probably required more chewing teeth.Life was probably a little rougher on the teeth back then,too.So it was good to have extras.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了智慧之牙智齿。5According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?AJust older and wiser people can have wisdom teeth

6、.BWisdom teeth can cause problems if not in their right place.CImpacted wisdom teeth cant grow out of the gum fully.DWisdom teeth that only partly break can get bacterial infections.解析 细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知,所谓的智齿是指在青少年晚期或二十岁出头长出的牙齿,而不是只有老人或智者才有的牙齿。答案 A6Wisdom teeth should be removed_.Awhen they break thro

7、ugh the gumsBwhen they are below the gumsCif they are not well lined or get impactedDif they take up enough room in the mouth解析 细节理解题。根据文章第四段第一句“Wisdom teeth that are not well lined and become impacted are often removed.”可知,C 项正确。2答案 C 7We can learn from the passage that_.Aimpacted wisdom teeth have

8、 the risk of getting infectedBancient humans need chewing teeth because of their happy lifeColder adults are the best candidates for wisdom teeth removalDmore chewing teeth are needed for the diet of modern humans解析 推理判断题。根据文章第三段可知,阻生智齿(即 impacted wisdom teeth)会在牙齿周围给细菌留出进入的空间,这就有被感染的风除。故选 A。根据第四段最后

9、一句可排除 C 项;根据最后一段可排除B、D 两项。答案 A8The main purpose of the passage is to_.Aadvise Bpersuade Ccomment Dintroduce 解析 写作意图题。本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了长智齿的大约时间、智齿可能导致的问题、拔掉智齿的时间、为什么长智齿等内容。所以本文写作的主要目的就是介绍。答案 D2016 高考训练题-阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 My grandmother was an iron-willed woman, everyone in my fa

10、mily feared her. When I was five years old, she invited some friends and relatives to her Bronx apartment for a party. Among the guests was a rich neighborhood who was doing well in business. His wife was proud of their social status and let everyone at the party know it. They had a little girl abou

11、t my age who was spoiled(娇生惯养) and very much used to getting her own way.At one point during the party, I made my way to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. A minute or two later, the little girl opened the bathroom door and walked in. . “Dont you know that little girls arent supposed to com

12、e into the bathroom when a little boy is using it!?“ I shouted. The surprise of my being there, along with the anger I had poured on her, shocked the little girl. Then she started to cry. She quickly closed the door, ran to the kitchen, and tearfully complained to her parents and my grandmother.Gran

13、dmother was waiting for me when I left the bathroom. I received the longest, sharpest scolding of my young life. After her scolding was over and I had been dismissed , the party 3continued.Twenty minutes later, all that changed. Grandmother walked by the bathroom and noticed a water streaming out fr

14、om under the door. She pushed open the bathroom door and saw that the tap was turned on at full blast. Everyone knew who did it. The guests quickly formed a protective wall around me, but Grandmother was so angry that she almost got to me anyway. My grandfather took me by the hand and seated me on h

15、is lap in a chair near the window. He was a kind and gentle man, full of wisdom and patience. Rarely did he raise his voice to anyone, and never did he argue with his wife . He looked at me with much curiosity, not at all angry or upset. “Tell me,“ he asked, “why did you do it?“ “Well, she yelled at

16、 me for nothing,“ I said earnestly. “Now shes got something to yell about.“ Grandfather didnt speak right away. He just sat there, looking at me and smiling. “Eric,“ he said at last, “you are my revenge(报复).“ 1.The little girl cried during the party because_. A.nobody played with herB.her parents scolded herC.the hostess scolded herD.the authors shout shocked her2.Who turned on the taps at full blast? A.the little girlB.one of


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