九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of单元综合测试 人教新目标版

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1、1UnitUnit 5 5听 力 部 分 (20 分) 一、听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(5 分) 听力材料:1.I1.I amam veryvery interestedinterested inin ChineseChinese clayclay art.art. 2 2MyMy coatcoat isis mademade ofof cotton.cotton. 3 3TeaTea isis producedproduced inin mymy hometown.hometown. 4 4TheThe artart ofof paperpaper cuttingcutting tu

2、rnsturns a a simplesimple thingthing likelike a a piecepiece ofof paperpaper intointo a a beautifulbeautiful piecepiece ofof art.art. 5 5LookLook!TheThe treetree isis coveredcovered withwith greengreen leaves.leaves.1_D D_ 2._C C_ 3._E E_ 4._A A_ 5._B B_ 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(5 分) 听力材料:6.M6.M:IsIs thethe

3、shirtshirt mademade ofof silk?silk? W W:No.ItsNo.Its mademade ofof cotton.cotton.(B B)6.What is the shirt made of? ASilk. BCotton. CPaper. 听力材料:7.W7.W:WhatWhat wouldwould youyou likelike toto drinkdrink,orangeorange juicejuice oror appleapple juice?juice? M M:I I preferprefer tea.tea.(C C)7.What wou

4、ld the man like to drink? AApple juice. BOrange juice. CSome tea. 听力材料:8.W8.W:WasWas thethe computercomputer mademade inin NewNew York?York? M M:NoNo,itit waswas mademade inin Beijing.Beijing.(C C)8.Where was the computer made? AIn America. BIn France. CIn China. 听力材料:9.W9.W:WhatsWhats thisthis inin

5、 English?English? M M:ItsIts a a stamp.Itsstamp.Its usedused forfor sendingsending a a letter.letter.(A A)9.Whats this in English? AA stamp. BA letter. CA map.2听力材料:10.W10.W:SilkSilk isis widelywidely usedused,isntisnt it?it? M M:Yes.ItsYes.Its producedproduced inin SuzhouSuzhou andand Hangzhou.Hang

6、zhou.(C C)10.What are the speakers talking about? AA product. BA place. CA material. 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(5 分) 听下面一段对话,回答第 1112 两个小题。 听力材料:M M:WhatWhat a a nicenice modelmodel ship!ship! W W:ThankThank you.you. M M:WhatWhat isis itit mademade of?of? W W:ItsIts mademade ofof steel.steel. M M:WhereWhere is

7、is itit made?made? W W:ItsIts mademade inin America.America. M M:HowHow diddid youyou getget it?it? W W:MyMy mothermother gavegave itit toto meme asas a a present.present.(B B)11.Where was the model ship made? AIn Africa. BIn America. CIn Canada.(A A)12.Who gave the girl the model ship? AHer mother.

8、 BHer father. CHer brother. 听下面一段对话,回答第 1315 三个小题。 听力材料:W W:GoodGood morningmorning!JackJack,comecome inin,please.Iplease.I haventhavent seenseen youyou forfor a a longlong time.time. M M:YesYes,LiLi Jia.IJia.I havehave beenbeen inin ShanghaiShanghai forfor twotwo months.months. W W:WouldWould youyo

9、u likelike toto drinkdrink somesome teatea?AndAnd I I havehave nicenice oranges.Idoranges.Id likelike youyou toto try.try. M M:YesYes,please.Wowplease.Wow,thethe teatea isis veryvery nice.Wheresnice.Wheres itit grown?grown? W W:ItsIts growngrown inin Zhejiang.Zhejiang. M M:WhatWhat aboutabout thethe

10、 orangesoranges?AreAre theythey growngrown inin SouthSouth China?China? W W:I I thinkthink so.so. M M:WowWow,youryour skirtskirt lookslooks beautiful.Whatsbeautiful.Whats itit mademade of?of? W W:ItsIts mademade ofof silk.silk. M M:WhatWhat aboutabout youryour newnew TVTV?WasWas itit mademade inin J

11、apan?Japan? W W:YoureYoure right.right.(B B)13.How long did Jack stay in Shanghai? AFor a month. BFor two months. CFor three months.(C C)14.Where is the tea grown? AIn Hebei. BIn Shandong. CIn Zhejiang.(A A)15.What was made in Japan? AThe TV. BThe radio. CThe phone. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(5 分) 听力材料: MyMy na

12、mename isis Jane.ItJane.It waswas SaturdaySaturday yesterday.Myyesterday.My fatherfather tooktook meme toto thethe shoppingshopping center.Wecenter.We spentspent overover twotwo hourshours buyingbuying severalseveral clothesclothes andand otherother things.Mythings.My fatherfather spentspent 200200

13、yuanyuan buyingbuying himselfhimself a a pairpair ofof leatherleather shoes.Heshoes.He saidsaid theythey werewere veryvery soft.Andsoft.And hehe boughtbought mymy mothermother a a skirtskirt andand a a scarf.Thescarf.The scarfscarf waswas 3redred,andand itit waswas mademade ofof silk.Hesilk.He bough

14、tbought meme a a sweater.Itsweater.It waswas blueblue andand mademade ofof wool.Iwool.I likelike itit veryvery muchmuch becausebecause blueblue isis mymy favoritefavorite color.Thecolor.The sweatersweater isis a a littlelittle largerlarger forfor meme nownow,butbut I I dontdont mindmind it.it.(B B)1

15、6.When did Jane go to a shopping center with her father? AOn Friday. BOn Saturday. COn Sunday.(A A)17.How long did they spend buying clothes and other things? AMore than two hours. BTwo hours. COne hour and a half.(C C)18.How much did Janes father spend buying himself a pair of leather shoes? ATwo h

16、undred and four yuan. BOne hundred and forty yuan. CTwo hundred yuan.(A A)19.What is the red scarf made of? ASilk. BWool. CCotton.(C C)20.Whats Janes favorite color? ARed. BYellow. CBlue. 笔 试 部 分 (100 分) 五、单项选择。(15 分)(B B)21.Is the ring made of _ silver? Yes.Its made of _ best silver in our factory. Aa,the B/,the Ca,/ D/,a (C C)22.Alice,your sweater _ v


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