人教版八年级英语下册 精品课件Unit 7 What's the hightest mountain in the world第二课时

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《人教版八年级英语下册 精品课件Unit 7 What's the hightest mountain in the world第二课时》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版八年级英语下册 精品课件Unit 7 What's the hightest mountain in the world第二课时(45页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,八年级(下),Go,for,it!,学练优八年级英语下(RJ)教学课件,Section A (3a-4c),Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?,Free Talk Do you like mountain climbing? Do you know the most popular places to go for it?,Lead in,One of the most popular places to go for mountain climbing is the Himalayas.,the Himalayas,3a,Read

2、 the article and match each paragraph with the main ideas.,Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3,Spirit of climbersAchievements of climbersFacts and dangers,Mark True (T) or False (F).,1. It is very dangerous to climb Qomolangma.2. The first people to reach the top were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary

3、 on May 29, 1955.3. The first Chinese woman to succeed in 1960.4. It shows that humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature.,T,F,F,T,Ask and answer.,1. What a mountain is Himalayas? 2. Why is it dangerous to climb Qomolangma? 3. When did the first Chinese reach the top of Qomolangma?,

4、3b,Read the article again and complete the chart.,very high it can snow hare freezing weather conditions heavy storms very hard to breathe as you get near the top,1960-The first Chinese team reached the top 1975- Junko Tabei from Japan was the first woman to reach the top,most popular place highest

5、most famous more serious difficulties stronger than the forces of nature,3c,Answer the questions using information from the article.,1. Where are the Himalayas?2. How high is Qomolangma?,The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of China.,Qomolangma is 8,844.43 meters high.,3. Why do so many peo

6、ple try to climb this mountain even though it is dangerous?4. What does the spirit of the climbers tell us?,Because they want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties.,The spirit of the climbers tells us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.,1953年5月29日,34岁来自新西兰的登山家埃德蒙

7、希拉里(Edmund Hillary)作为英国登山队队员与39岁的尼泊尔向导丹增诺尔盖Tenzing Norgay 一起沿东南山脊路线登上珠穆朗玛峰,是纪录上第一个登顶成功的登山队伍。,1960年5月25日,中华人民共和国人首次登上珠穆朗玛峰。他们是王富洲、贡布(藏族)、屈银华。此次攀登,也是首次从北坡攀登成功。,1960年,我国首次登上地球之颠的3名英雄。,1975年5月16日,日本人田部井淳子的从南坡登上了珠峰。,1975年5月27日,中国登山队的藏族女队员 潘多成为世界上第一个从北坡登上珠穆朗 玛峰的女性。,珠穆朗玛峰,峰高势伟,地理环境独特,峰顶的最低气温常年在零下34。山上一些地方常

8、年积雪不化,冰川、冰坡、冰塔林到处可见。峰顶空气稀薄,空气的含氧量只有东部平原地区的四分之一,经常刮七八级大风。十二级大风也不少见。风吹积雪,四溅飞舞,弥漫天际。,2008年5月8日,中国登山队圣火传递珠穆朗玛峰突击队员,成功地把圣火从8300米突击队营地传递到了珠穆朗玛峰峰顶,创造了人类奥运历史上的奇迹。,It is meters high (long, wide). 它米高(长,宽) 英语表示“有多长(宽,高)”时, 一般将数词和数量单位放在表示长、宽、高的形容词前作状语。,Language points,例如: The maintain is more than three thousa

9、nd meters high.这座山高三千多米。 It is only 380,000 kilometers away.它离我们只有三十八万公里。 The Green Great Wall is 7,000 kilometers long.这座绿色长城长7,000公里。,freezing adj. 冻结的; 冰冻的; 极冷的 Its freezing outside now.现在外面冷极了。 Its very cold today, the temperature has dropped to freezing point.今天很冷, 温度降到了冰点。,freeze v. 冻结;冷冻;僵硬;凝

10、固 Water freezes at the temperature of 0 degrees Celsius. 水在摄氏零度结冰。 We ate some of the fruits and froze the rest. 我们吃了一些水果,把剩下的冷藏起来。,知识拓展,frozen既是freeze的过去分词形式,也可用作形容词,表示“冷冻的”。These frozen foods are the most convenient of all. 这些冷冻食品是最为方便。,英译汉 above / over freezing 零度以上 freezing weather 很冷的天气 be froz

11、en to death 被冻死 give sb. a freezing cold 冷冷地看某人一眼,Practice, freezing machine 制冷机 frozen meat 冻肉 Im frozen, so I cant write.我冻坏了,不能写东西了。 Im freezing, so Ive to put on a heavy coat.我觉得冷极了,我得穿件厚大衣。,thick adj. 1. 浓的, 浓厚的; 粘稠的; 混浊的 It is dangerous to drive in a thick fog.在浓雾天驾车很危险。 2. 厚的; 粗的 How thick is

12、 the board?这块木板有多厚?,4a,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.,big much popular long old high,1. The Amazon River is one of the _ rivers in the world. Its a little _ than the Yangtze River. 2. Qomolangma is 8,844.43 meters _. Its one of the most _ places for serious mounta

13、in climbers.,longest,longer,high,popular,3. No ocean in the world is as _ as the Pacific Ocean.4. Although Japan is _ than Canada, it is _ smaller.,big much popular long old high,big,older,much,4b,Write two comparisons about two topics. Write true facts.,e.g. Two river: _ and _ _ _ _,the Yangtze Riv

14、er,the Amazon River,The Yangtze River is almost as long as the Amazon River.The Amazon is longer than the Yangtze, but the Yangtze is the longest river in China.,Two animals: _ and _ 1. _ 2. _ _,Monkey Dog,A dog is bigger than a monkey.,A monkey is smaller than a dog, but it climbs a tree faster than a dog.,Two cities: _ and _ 1. _ 2. _ _,Singapore Kuala Lumpur,Kuala Lumpur is as modern as Singapore.,Singapore is bigger than Kuala Lumpur and has a larger population than Kuala Lumpur.,4c,Write five questions using comparisons. Then ask your partner your questions.,


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