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1、Food,1.Answer the name of the food in the picture and spell it.,pumpkin pmpkn,spinach spnt,eggplant egpl:nt,cucumber kju:kmb(r),mushroom mrm,celery selr,peach pi:t,persimmon psmn,pineapple panpl,mutton mtn,turkey t:k,wheat wi:t,porridge prd,words,1.显然,看来。adv.2.令人作呕的,令人恶心 的。adj.3.足够地。adv.4敏锐的。adj.5有吸

2、引力地,好看地。 adv.6拥有值得骄傲的,夸口 吹嘘。vt/v.,1.apparently,2.disgusting,3.sufficiently,4.acute,5.attractive,6.boast,7.有营养的。adj.8.提高;改进;增强。 vt.9.精华,优良;善良。 n.10.必需品。n.11.省略;遗漏;忘记做某事 v.12.持续,坚持;执意。vi.,7.nutritious,9.goodness,8.enhance,10.necessity,11.omit,12.persist,13.加强,加固;增援, 加强力量。vt.14.突出地,非凡地。adv.15.变异的东西,变化了

3、的 形成;差异。n.16.威胁;恐吓;逼近。 vt.17.占用时间或空间(词组),13.regional,15.variation,14.remarkably,16.threaten,17.take up,Food and culture,We all have ideas about what kinds of foods are good to eat.People from one culture often think the foods that people from another culture eat are _ or _.Many people would find it

4、disgusting to eat _ though there are 42 different cultures whose people eat it.Food likes and dislikes do not always seem related to _ Americans like most to eat tomatoes,but _ is first on a list of the most nutritious common vegetables.Food likes and dislikes also retaled to cultures and religions.

5、Something that is forbidden is called_. For example,cows in India are _,no one in India will kill them.And Americans do not eat dogs because the dogs place in society as a companion and as protection against _.,disgusting,nauseating,rats,nutrition,broccoli,taboo,criminals,sacred,Cooking and Cuisines

6、,We also like our food to appeal to our senses of taste and smell, and we like it to be It combines with a , uses the native resources of France, has great regional and has become truly international. France cooking with butter ,cheese and cream is so typical of their cooking that if the whole chara

7、cter of the cuisine would be destroyed. Rapid and transport and communication may national cuisines. The changes which have already taken place have had a effect on the family ,and will continue. If they l have less time and less a to spend long hours in food preparation and cooking, this will influ

8、ence the kind of dishes which a family eats. A proper respect for eating means more than a human . Americans eat a lot of beef because there is plenty of land for raising cattle and their meat can be shipped for long distances by railroads. One explanation for the pig-eating taboo is that pork that

9、is not cooked may spread a disease called .,attractive,simplicity,sophistication,specialties,omitted,inexpensive,threaten,profound,inclination,necessity,cheaply,sufficiently,trichinosis,Translate the following sentences into English,作为一个结果,从另一种文化的人常常会认为来自另一种文化的人所吃的食物是令人恶心或令人作呕的。 。,As a result ,peopl

10、e from another culture often think the foods that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating.,例如,西兰花先是名单上的最有营养的蔬菜,但它是第二十一名单上的美国人最喜欢吃的蔬菜。,For example, broccoli is first on a list of the most nutritious common vegetables ,but it is 21th on a list of vegetables that Americans like mos

11、t to eat.,有些食物在某些宗教禁忌,但也有其他的食物,都是与宗教无关。,Some foods are taboo in certain religions, but there are also other food that are not connected to a religion.,Translate the following sentences into English,奶牛可以去任何他们想在印度的街道,他们可以吃任何他们想要的东西从食品商家的供应在街上。,Cows can go wherever they want to in the streets of Indian

12、, and they can eat anything they want from the supplies of the foodsellers on the street.,盗贼一般不进入有狗的住宅,因为狗会吠叫和可能的攻击一个陌生人试图进入屋子。,Thieves will not usually enter a house where there is a dog because the dog will bark and possibly attack a stranger who is trying to get into a house.,美国人吃大量的牛肉是因为他们有饲养牲畜和

13、肉类大量的土地可通过铁路廉价的长距离运输。,Americans eat a lot of beef because there is plenty of land for raising cattle and their meat can be shipped cheaply for long distance by railroads.,Food proverbs.,1 Too many cooks spoil the broth.,厨师多了烧坏汤,2 Ones meat is another ones poison.,甲之熊掌乙之砒霜,3 You cant have your cake a

14、nd eat it too.,两者不可兼得,4 Its no use crying over spilt milk.,事后不要无意后悔,5 A man among men is he who knows when to eat humble pie and when to hold his head high.,大丈夫能屈能伸,6 A corns were good till bread was found.,饥不择食,7 As you brew, so must you drink,.自作自受,8 Birds ready cooked do not fly into your mouth.,

15、任何事不能坐享其成。,9 Big mouthfuls often choke.,贪多嚼不烂,10 He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut,不劳则无获。,11 Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper 。,事前希望很美好,事后希望徒苦恼。,Show your intelligence,Rules,There are 8 questions about food,6 of them are one-mark questions and 2 of them are two-mark questions.

16、Of course,one-mark questions are easyer than two-mark questions.We will give you 8 pictures about thesequestions.You can get a chance to choose a kind of question and answer it.(Be attention:For one-mark questions, if your answers are wrong,nothing will happen,but for two-mark questions,if youare wrong,you will lose a mark!),



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