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1、英语写作基础知识和写作技巧,General knowledge and skills for English writing,主讲: 张兴华 山东科技大学外语系 (山东,泰安,271019),大学英语写作要求,四级写作要求:能在阅读难度与课文相仿的书面材料时做笔记,回答问题和写提纲,能就一定的话题或提纲在半小时内写出120-150词的短文,能写短信或便条,表达意思清楚,无重大语言错误。,六级写作要求:能在阅读难度与课文相仿的书面材料时做笔记,回答问题,写提纲和摘要,能就一定的话题、提纲、表格或图示在半小时内写出150-180词的短文,能写日常应用文(如信函,简历等),内容完整,条理清楚,文理通

2、顺。,大学英语四、六级考试作文命题形式,目前,大学英语四、六级考试作文命题主要采用以下几种形式:汉语或英语提纲式作文,续段首句作文,图表作文及书信体作文。 汉语或英语提纲式作文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic How I Finance My College Education? You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on t

3、he outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 上大学的费用(tuition and fees)可以通过多种途径解决。 2. 哪种途径适合我,(说明理由)。,续段首句作文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition about Television in three paragraphs. You are given the first sentence of each paragraph. Your part of the composition sh

4、ould be no less than 120 words. Remember to write clearly. TelevisionTelevision presents a vivid world in front of us._ . Television can also play an educational role in our daily life. _ . However, television can also be harmful. _,图表作文 Directions: You are required to write a composition entitled J

5、ob Problems for Graduates in no less than 120 words. Study the following charts carefully, and your composition must be based on the information given in the charts and the outline below:1) State the changes in college graduates choice of careers.2) Give possible reasons for the changes.3) Suggest s

6、ome solutions to the problems.,1981,1992,书信体作文,Topic: A Letter to the University President about the canteen service on campus Outline given in Chinese below:假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质量,价格,环境,服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之. A Letter to the University PresidentJanuary 12,2002 Dear Mr. President,

7、_ _ .Sincerely Yours,Li Ming,如何达到CET写作要求,内容和语言两个方面进行综合评判 一篇好的英文写作必须做到内容切题,表达清楚,意思连贯,文字通顺,基本无语言或语法错误。,内容方面,内容切题 写作内容要围绕题目规定的话题展开。 例如,作文标题“Environmental Pollution”(环境污染),文章的内容应围绕环境污染进行描述,与其无关的内容,当以跑题论处,内容方面,根据提纲规定的内容和范围展开 在有些作文题中还包括提纲,如:Directions: You are required to write a composition on the topic

8、Chinas Entry into WTO based on the following outline:1.The advantages for China to enter WTO.2.The challenges for China after its entry into WTO3. My own opinion 这种带提纲的作文题目,不仅要求考生根据标题写作,而且要根据提纲规定的内容和范围展开各个段落,不能按自己的思路发挥。,内容方面,正确地表达思想 文章的思想清楚,逻辑性强,能准确地表达作者的思想, 使读者一目了然 。请比较下面两段: Have you a bike? Taking

9、 a bike is a good way, most people think. But in university it seems not as good as other places. Bikes are possible to be stolen now and then. Having a bike isnt always good enough for us to buy one.,内容方面,经过修改后:It is very convenient to use bikes in China. Bikes dont need fuel, nor a garage or a lar

10、ge parking lot. Bikes can go through narrow streets and their prices are low. So bikes are the most popular vehicles in China today. 评论: 作者以其简单的词汇、简洁的语言,清楚的思路正确地表达了思想,使读者读后能立刻领会作者的思想.,内容方面,意义连贯 要求文章层次要分明,条理要清楚,上下文之间,词与词,句与句之间要上下连贯,前后呼应. 文章结构严谨,思路清晰,有条理。 如下面一篇作文: Title: Good Health Outline:1. Importa

11、nce of good health2. Ways to keep fit3. My own practice 根据第三段的提纲“我的做法”,一个学生这样写:,内容方面,I dont eat meat much. Every morning I take the long run and in my spare time I like playing tennis and volleyball. In this way I keep good health and lead a happy life.评论: 上段基本切题,包括提纲要点,表达也基本清楚,但是表达不够连贯。第一句话“我吃肉不多”,

12、让人读起来有些突然,而且作者没有把意思表达清楚。第二句又转向体育锻炼方面,中间缺少过渡成份,语言缺乏自然流畅。,内容方面,经过修改后:As for me, I enjoy good health as I keep a simple diet with more vegetables, fruit and less meat. Moreover, I do some exercises whenever I have time such as long distance running, playing tennis or volleyball. In this way I keep good

13、 health and lead a happy life.,语法方面,无重大语法错误 就是要求学生在组词成句时少犯各种语法错误。语法错误主要表现在时态、语态、数、句型等方面以后,我们将就学生在写作中常犯的语言错误进行详细的归类分析,这里就不再细述。,段落写作技巧,段落的组成分为三个部分,主题句(Topic Sentence),推展句(Developing Sentence)和结论句(Concluding Sentence)。主题句点出段落的主旨;推展句说明或支持主旨;结论句总结、归纳或概括主旨。 典型的段落组成如下图示:,段落写作技巧,段落模式,范例:With the development

14、 of science and technology, life in the 21st century must be very interesting (主题句).Perhaps at that time, we can go on holiday to the moon, and we can live under the sea(推展句).We may have a computer in every classroom or even we may have a robot in every household, which can help us do a lot of thing

15、s(推展句).Meanwhile, children wont need to go to school because they can study at home through the internet (推展句).So life in the new era is sure to become more comfortable and much easier(结论句).,主题句,主题句的作用 主题句是全段的核心句,读者可通过主题句了解段落的中心思想。一个好的主题句还能限制话题所谈论的范围,表明段落展开的方向及方法。 每一个主题句里都有一个topic和一个controlling idea

16、。所谓topic是指这一段是关于什么的,而controlling idea则指明作者的态度。,范例:(主题句的位置在段首 )Earthquake is one of the most damaging natural disasters. When a violent earthquake occurs, nearly everything on or near the epicenter will be destroyed. Houses will collapse or be severely damaged; millions of people will be killed or wounded. Even the survivors will become homeless and suffer from the loss of their relatives. What is worse, it also brings about some other disasters such as flood, fire, diseases etc. Therefore, people often think of it as an awful devil.,


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