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1、Oliver Goldsmith 奥利弗哥德史密斯 (1730 1774),制作者 B090120 王玉雪,Oliver Goldsmith,The greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in raising every time we fall. -Oliver Goldsmith,最大的荣耀不在于从不失败,而在于跌倒后每次都能站起来。,life,work,writing style,other information,life of Oliver Goldsmith,The date of his birth and death

2、,family background,the road of his study,Comments on Goldsmith,Goldsmiths birth date and year are not known with certainty.November 10, 1730 (disputed),born,Either Ballymahon, County Longford, Ireland or Elphin, County Roscommon, Ireland,Died,April 4, 1774 (aged 43) London, Great Britain,Resting pla

3、ce,Temple Church, London.The inscription reads; “HERE LIES/OLIVER GOLDSMITH“这里躺着奥利弗哥德史密斯.,The inscription reads; “HERE LIES/OLIVER GOLDSMITH“,family background,his father was the Anglican curate of the parish of Forgney, or at the residence of his maternal grandparents, at the Smith Hill House in th

4、e diocese of Elphin, County Roscommon where his grandfather Oliver Jones was a clergyman and master of the Elphin diocesan school.When he was two years old, Goldsmiths father was appointed the rector 院长of the parish教区 of “Kilkenny West“ in County Westmeath.The family moved to the parsonage牧师住所 at Li

5、ssoy, between Athlone and Ballymahon, and continued to live there until his fathers death in 1747.,Childhood Here the boy was taught his letters by a relative and dependent, Elizabeth Delap, and was sent in his seventh year to a village school kept by an old quartermaster on half-pay, who professed

6、to teach nothing but reading, writing and arithmetic, but who had an inexhaustible fund of stories about ghosts, banshees and fairies, about the great Rapparee chiefs, Baldearg ODonnell and galloping Hogan, and about the exploits of Peterborough and Stanhope, the surprise of Monjuich and the gloriou

7、s disaster of Brihuega.,the road of his study,adult In 1744 Goldsmith went up to Trinity College, Dublin. His tutor was Theaker Wilder. Neglecting (疏忽) his studies in theology and law, he fell to the bottom of his class.1749年毕业于都柏林大学三一学院。in 1749 .He was graduated in 1749 as a Bachelor of Arts, but w

8、ithout the discipline or distinction that might have gained him entry to a profession in the church or the law; his education seemed to have given him mainly a taste for fine clothes, playing cards, singing Irish airs (爱尔兰小调)and playing the flute(长笛).He lived for a short time with his mother, tried

9、various professions without success, studied medicine desultorily (杂乱无章地;散漫地 )at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Leiden, and set out on a walking tour of Flanders, France, Switzerland and Northern Italy, living by his wits (busking with his flute).,1752年到苏格兰爱丁堡大学学医,1754年又到荷兰莱顿大学继续学

10、医,但他从未行过医。他带着一支长笛徒步漫游欧洲。 He settled in London in 1756, where he briefly held various jobs, including an apothecarys (药剂师;药师)assistant and an usher of a school. Perennially in debt and addicted to gambling(赌博), Goldsmith produced a massive output(大量输出) as a hack writer(受人雇用的穷文人) for the publishers of

11、 London, but his few painstaking works(艰苦的工作)earned him the company of Samuel Johnson(塞缪尔约翰逊(18世纪英国作家,批评家), with whom he was a founding member(创办会员) of “The Club“. 1756年回到伦敦,身无分文,此后就为生活而艰苦奋斗。1756年回到伦敦,身无分文,此后就为生活而艰苦奋斗。曾在出版商和小说家塞缪尔理查逊手下当编缉,又给每月评论杂志写稿。,A statue of Goldsmith at Trinity College, Dublin.

12、,The combination of his literary work and his dissolute(放荡的) lifestyle led Horace Walpole to give him the epithet(绰号)inspired(激发)idiot(傻瓜). During this period he used the pseudonym(笔名 )“James Willington“ (the name of a fellow student at Trinity) to publish his 1758 translation of the autobiography o

13、f the Huguenot Jean Marteilhe(雨格诺教徒琼Marteilhe). 1759年给一家小刊物蜜蜂撰稿时才作为文学批评家和散文家初露锋芒。他先后结识了托马斯珀西和约翰逊博士,成为约翰逊博士的文学俱乐部的一个成员。 Goldsmith was described by contemporaries(同辈,同龄人) as prone to envy, a congenial but impetuous and disorganised personality who once planned to emigrate to America but failed because

14、 he missed his ship.,Trinity College, Dublin,Ballymahon,HIS HOMETOWN,The University of Edinburgh,the University of Leiden,Apothecary is a historical name for a medical professional who formulates and dispenses materia medica to physicians, surgeons and patients a role now served by a pharmacistf:msi

15、st 药师 (or a chemist or dispensing(配药)chemist) and some caregivers(照顾者;看护人).,Apothecary,Samuel Johnson,(18 September 1709 O.S. 7 September 13 December 1784), often referred to as Dr. Johnson, was an English author who made lasting contributions to English literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, lit

16、erary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer.,An 1827 woodcut of The Temple Church,、,The Temple Church today,The organ in the Temple Church.,essay novel poesy drama Mottos,work,哥尔德斯密斯最早的重要作品是一篇用散文写的论文,题目是关于欧洲纯文学现状的探讨(1759)。A city night piece Tenderness, without a capacity of relieving, only ma

17、kes the man who feels it more wretched than the object which sues for assistance. The sagacity of certain insects Of all the solitary insects I have ever remarked, the spider is the most sagacious, and its motions to me, who have attentively considered them, seem almost to exceed belief. Sights and monsters By their fondness of sights, one would be apt to imagine, that instead of desiring to see things as they should be, they are rather solicitous of seeing them as they ought not to be.,


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