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1、据根首字母提示填空. .1.Its better to give than to r_. 2.Milly and Tom often go c_ in summer. 3.Did you have a p_ vacation in such beautiful countryside lastSunday? 4.Give him the p_ with my best wishes. 5.Read the d_ again, and then act it out with your partner.,eceive,ycling,ostcard,leasant,i,ialog,二、单项选择 (

2、 ).Would you like to go on a spring trip with me? A.Yes, of course. B.I bet C.I couldnt D. Thanks a lot. ( )2.Xu Xiake was an _and he travled everywhere in the old days. A.explore B.explorer C.exploring D.invento ( )3.It was getting to rain _I arrived at the station. A.as B.while C.when D.as soon as

3、,( )4.We had fun _in the forest last weekend. A.camping B.camped C.camp D.to camp ( )5.Did you _a present from your friends on your birthday? A.give B.send C.receives D.receive 三、根据所给句子,写出相应的答语。 1.Why not ride our bicycles to explore Yongan? _ 2.Could you go camping with me ? _ 3.Should they take hi

4、m to the cinema? _ 4.Shall we take him there? _,【Section B重要短语和词汇】 1.tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事. 2.at the foot of 在山脚下,在下端, 在底部 3.in the northwest of在. 西北部. 3.spread 散布,传播 4.mark 标志,表明,记号 5.the beginning of 的开端. 6.on both sides of 在两边 7.survey 动词,调查,测量,仔细全面审查. 8.make sure 弄清楚,查明. 9.make sure +宾语从句

5、 10.by the way 顺便问一下. 11.two and a half hours 两个半小时 另一种表达是: two hours and a half,I.单项选择 1.Fujian is _ the south of China, and Taiwan is _ the south of Fujian.A.in, to B.to, in C.to, to D.in, on 2.There are many trees on _ side of the road.A.Every B.each C.both D.all 3.- _ is it from our school to Lu

6、pu Bridge? -About half an hours bus ride. A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How much 4.It took her _ to cook the delicious food.A.Three and a half hour B.three and a half hours C.a half and three hour D.three hour and a half,1、填写介词和方位词 Beijing is _the n_ of China. Henan is _the s_ of Beijing.Japan

7、is _ the e_of China. Shandong is _ the s_ of Henan.,2)翻译句子: Well let you know as soon as he comes back. _ When he got to the station, his friends were waiting for him there. _ You can go straight until you reach the end. _ After he had supper, he went out for a walk. _ He was doing his homework whil

8、e I was listening to the MP3 . _ He talked as he ate. _,: 1、翻译句子。 1)Fred talks happily. The teacher comes in. _ (当Fred谈得起劲时,老师进来了。) _(当老师进来时,Fred谈得正起劲。)2)He reads English. Mum cooks meal. _ (当他正在读英语时,妈妈正在做菜。) _ (当妈妈正在做菜时,他在读英语。),2、根据课文内容填空 1)、Michael _(到达)the Ming Tombs. 2)、He raised his head _someo

9、ne called him. 3)、He was _frightened _he couldnt know what to do. 4)、The parking lot _with tour buses, cars, taxis and bicycles.,总结时间状语从句和习惯用语。 比一比,看谁最聪明。 单项选择 ( )1.When did your father come back last week?He didnt come back _he finished all the work. A. until B. while C. if D. when ( )2.Your pictur

10、e is wonderful! I worked for 8 hours _I finished it.A. When B. before C. while D .after ( )3.I decide to buy a book about Chinese history for our foreign teacher _he is interested in Chinese culture.A.when B.because C.until D.as soon as ( )4.Im sorry that John is out. Please ask him to me as soon as

11、 he _.A.returned B.returns C.will return ( ).At weekend Kangkangs family usually_camping.A.go B.goes C.going D.to go,( )6.There are many trees on _side of the road.A.each B.both C.all D.every( )7.Hello!Id like to speak to Jake._.A.Yes,Im Jake B.This is Jake speaking. C.How are you. D. Im here. ( )8.Bingbing is looking forward to_the summer holiday.A.have B.having C.to have D.has ( )9.Kangkang was _excited _say a word.A.too,to B.so,that C.such ,hat D./,that( )10._perfect holiday the Greens had in China!A.What B.How C.What a D.How a,


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