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1、好词好句的运用 高考英语写作技巧指导,爱学网资料,一、新课标对英语写作能力的要求,爱学网资料,爱学网资料,二、基础写作的评分标准,满分15分 15 = 8(语言)+ 5(内容)+ 2(连贯),爱学网资料,三、读写任务的评分标准,满分25分 25 = 5(概括大意)+ 20(正文),爱学网资料,基础写作: 1、信息点完整; 2、不多不少五句话; 3、语法、单词拼写无误; 4、好词好句的运用; 5、行文自然、流畅。 读写任务: 1、文章要点概括全面; 2、正文内容、例子切题; 3、观点、事例符合逻辑; 4、语法、单词拼写无误; 5、好词好句的运用。,评分的关键点,爱学网资料,四、如何构成高分作文

2、以基础写作为例,书写 好词好句的运用:包括固定表达及句型, 如:定语从句、名词性从句、非谓语结构、with的结构等。,爱学网资料,爱学网资料,两组2012年广州一模作文的 对比分析,爱学网资料,定语从句,这篇关于兔子和狗的故事,告诉了我们坚持(persistence)的重要性。 The passage is about a rabbit and a dog, and it tells us the importance of persistence. The passage, which is about a rabbit and a dog, tells us the importance

3、of persistence.,爱学网资料,名词性从句,污水随意排放到河里的现象已经得到了有效的控制。 Polluted water was randomly poured into the river, and this phenomenon has been controlled. The phenomenon that polluted water was randomly poured into the river has been controlled.,爱学网资料,非谓语结构 (to do, -ing, 过去分词),坐落在珠江边的广州塔,很受游客欢迎。 Guangzhou Towe

4、r is near the Pearl River, and its welcomed by tourists. Guangzhou Tower is at the bank of the Pearl River, which is welcomed by tourists. Located / Standing at the bank of the Pearl River, Guangzhou Tower is popular among the tourists.,爱学网资料,with的结构 (with + n.+ -ed/ -ing/adj. / adv./ to do),他的学校看起来

5、像个美丽的花园,到处种满鲜花。 His school looks like a beautiful garden, and flowers are planted everywhere. His school, where flowers are planted everywhere, looks like a beautiful garden. With many flowers planted around, his school looks like a beautiful garden.,爱学网资料,好词好句的重要性,参看一些2012年广州一模的高分作文,爱学网资料,常见常用的一些好词

6、好句,consider / think / regard / treat / count.as. concentrate on / lose oneself in / dive oneself in devote.to. / be devoted to. take it for granted / Believe it or not, . be of help / use / importance / necessity in need / short of / lack of / lack as far as Im concerned / from my perspective / in m

7、y opinion / from my point of view To sum up / In short / In a word / To conclude,爱学网资料,do harm / good to have an influence / effect on strive to / try ones best to do sth. be concerned / anxious about struggle to aim at take measures / steps to do to the contrary / on the opposite think / sing / pra

8、ise highly of On the one hand.On the other hand keep up with / catch up with plan / mean / intend to do be responsible for take / shoulder the responsibility for,爱学网资料,remind sb. of To be honest / frank Honestly / Frankly / Totally / Generally / Personally speaking, build up my body / confidence /de

9、termination To my surprise / excitement / disappointment Judging from. according to because of / due to / owing to / for instance conduct / carry out / do a survey result in / from come up with / work out / deal with spend time / money (in) doing / on sth.,爱学网资料,It is no use / good doing sth. It is

10、(un)certain / sure that . It goes without saying that. There is no doubt / denying that. Every coin has two sides. As time goes by / With time going by It is + . + that.(强调句) Its high time that sb. did / should do sth. It is said / reported / believed / hoped / well known / suggested / mentioned / d

11、eclared / observed / considered / proved / estimated that. Not only .(半倒装), but also .,爱学网资料,好词好句的积累与掌握,1、从哪里获得(课文、阅读文章、谚语、句型归纳的书籍非歌词或电影对白) 要养成认真听老师讲课文、分析阅读理解的文章,且看课文或文章时拿笔划出里面的词组、句型或好的表达的习惯,哪怕是自己已经非常熟悉的take care of等,以加强记忆,方便复习。注意,看文章时,并不需要把所有的生词都划出来并查字典。,爱学网资料,以2011年广东高考英语试题基础写作为例,以下是一本图书的基本信息及相关报道

12、。 基本信息: (1)书名:Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (2)作者:Amy Chuo,美籍华人,耶鲁*大学教授 (3)出版时间:2010年 (4)内容:作者用中国传统教育方式教育两个女的故事 (5)效应:引发了中美教育方式孰优孰劣的讨论相关报道: (1)中文版:2011年初开始在中国销售 (2)意外反应:多数中国妈妈不赞同作者的做法 (3)最新消息:17岁的大女儿已被哈佛*和耶鲁录取 *耶鲁:Yale 哈佛:Harvard 【写作内容】 根据以上信息写一篇图书介绍。,爱学网资料,A book entitled Battle Hymn of the Tiger

13、 Mother by Amy Chua was published in 2010. It tells how the mother, a Chinese American and professor at Yale University, educated her two daughters in the traditional Chinese way. Its publication has started a debate as to which way of parenting is superior, the traditional way or the American way.,

14、爱学网资料,It is reported that the Chinese version of the book began to sell in China early 2011. Unexpectedly, the majority of mothers in China disagree with the author though her 17-year-old elder daughter was lately reported to have got offers from both Harvard and Yale.,爱学网资料,A book entitled Battle H

15、ymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua was published in 2010. It tells how the mother, a Chinese American and professor at Yale University, educated her two daughters in the traditional Chinese way. Its publication has started a debate as to which way of parenting is superior, the traditional way or the American way.,爱学网资料,It is reported that the Chinese version of the book began to sell in China early 2011. Unexpectedly, the majority of mothers in China disagree with the author though her 17-year-old elder daughter was lately reported to have got offers from both Harvard and Yale.,



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