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1、International phonetics,国际音标是语音。而语言通常分为两大类:元音和辅音。国际音标共有48个,其中元音20个,辅音28个。 分类的原则:根据其气流从肺部呼出时是否受发音器官的阻碍而定。发音时,气流不受任何发音器官阻碍的音位称作元音。气流受到发音器官任何一个部位阻碍时的音位称作辅音。,国际音标的分类,长元音 / i:/ / :/ / u:/ /:/ / :/单元音 元音 短元音/ / / / / /e/ / 音标 双元音 /ei/ /ai/ /u/ /au/ / /u/ /i/ /i/ 清辅音 /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ / /s/ / /t/ /ts/ /tr/ /

2、h/辅音浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ / /z/ / /d/ /dz/ /dr/m/ /n/ / /l/ /j/ /r/ /w/,元音的分类,单元音:12个 元音双元音:8个发单元音时,颌、舌、唇不动,只是长元音发得长一些,短元音发音时很短促。而在发双元音,是由一个元音滑向另一个元音产生的音。因此,颌,舌、唇有变动,但整个像一个长的单元音。,单元音,Single Vowles,1.舌头轻抵下齿龈,舌前部抬高,但不接触上齿龈; 2.嘴角向后缩,使双唇呈扁平状; 3.气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,发出/i:/音。,1.舌头轻抵下齿龈,舌前部抬高,但不接触上齿龈; 2.嘴角向后缩,使双唇呈扁

3、平状; 3.气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,发出/i:/音。,/ i: /,green,tree,sea,Can you read?,he she me we be teach meat meal sea please clean tree green see bee sheep meet need,e,ea,ee,/ i /,发音要领: 1.舌头轻抵下齿龈,舌前部向硬腭抬起; 2.嘴角向后缩,使双唇略扁; 3.极为短促的气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,发出/i/音。,pig,English,enjoy,it big this in English eleven city pity forty fif

4、ty enjoy i it big this in pig sick ship e English eleven enjoy equip(设备)entire(全部) y city pity thirty forty fifty sixty seventy early,常见单词,相同之处:和汉语中的“ 衣”的发音很相似。不同之处:发/ i /音时要扁唇,肌肉比较紧张。发/ i /音时,气流受阻,比 发/ i /音时,口腔及上下牙床稍开一些。,/ i: /音与/ i /音的发音异同,1.it-eat 2. live leave 3. fillfeel 4. sit seat 5.shipsheep

5、,compare(比较一下!),听读音,给画线部分注上音标。three /r_ / sick /s_k/ feel /f_l/ only /unl _ / peach /p_t/ dish /d _ /,practise(练一练!),I can see the sea ,the deep green sea.Down past the green tree,there the men drink their tea.And the whole beach is free. Seeing the sea always make me calm and free.,读一读!,发音要领:1.舌头靠近

6、下齿,舌前部稍稍抬起;2.双唇扁 平,上下齿的距离相当于一个中指的宽度3.极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发 / e /音。,/ e /,bed bread pen ten head best hen dead red weather breakfast e bed pen ten best hen red step never ea bread head dead ready weather breakfast deaf,常见单词,/,发音要领:1.舌头靠近下齿,舌前部向硬腭抬起的程度比/ e /音低; 2.双唇尽力向两边平伸,使嘴角肌肉感到紧张; 3.极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动

7、声带,发/音。,math stand sad cap that act Saturday family thanks,常见单词,a,1.bedbad 2.deaddad 3.menman 4.saidsad 5.begbag 6.bet-bat,Compare(比一比!),听读音,将下列单词按音标的发音归类。stand seven even deep that deaf leg pity sheep piece ink 发/i:/音:_ _ _ 发/i/音:_ _ _ 发/e/音:_ _ _ 发/音:_ _,Practise(练一练!),/a:/,/a:/,发音要领:1. 舌端离开下齿,舌身平

8、放后缩,舌位较低; 2.口张大,口型自然略成扁形; 3.气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,发/a:/音。,Bark.Bark.Bark. The dog is barking after the car.,ask class glass grasscar far dark star half pal laugh aunt,Read the words,au,al,a,ar,/,发音要领:1.舌中部向上腭抬起,舌端离开下齿,舌 身自然平展; 2.唇形放松、扁平; 3.极为短促的气流从口腔冲出,振动声带,发/音。,/,Can you read?,bus,sun,much,come,brother,mot

9、her,sun bus us luck much cup thumbbrother mother other another sontouch trouble enough,u,o,ou,/:/ /cartcutfastfussmaskmustlaughlove,Compare,/ :/与/的发音异同,相同之处:/ :/和/的发音可与汉语拼音“a”的发音相似。不同之处:发/ :/音时,发声部位靠后,舌位略高;而发/时,口形较小,音比“a”更短促,气流手阻。,/:/,3. 气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发 /:/音。,2.上下唇略张大,唇形较园,并且用力向前突出。,1.舌端离开下齿,舌后抬高;,发

10、音要领:,pork horse sport tall talk wal lball door floor more store,Read the words,or al oor ore,Basketball,basketball,basketball, Paul plays basketball. All his friends plays basketball. They are all very tall. But Paul is the tallest. Once they find the ball,the man will play a game of basketball,Inte

11、resting chant,/,/,发音要领:(短元音)1.舌端离开下齿,舌身尽量降低并后缩;2.双唇自然成圆形,嘴角有紧绷的感觉,保持口型不变;3.一股极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发/音。,Look.This is little John. Goes to bed with his trousers on. One shoe off and one shoe on. Look.This is little John.,Read the following words:,dog box bottle lotgot on job hobbywash what want watch,o,

12、a,Read the following chant,My mom likes to shop She shops until she stops I hope she buy a gift for me and pop Now she buys a dog and a box she puts the dog in the box But the dog doesnt want to be in the box,fox - forks dot - daughtersock - sortcock - cork,Compare,/,/:/,/与/:/的发音与汉语中的“哦”相似。发 /:/音的口型

13、是在发/音的基础上/略微收缩,/:/音比/音发的时间长。,异同,Do you know now?,听读音,选出你所听到的单词。 1.A.dark B.duck C.caught D.cot 2.A.hot B.heart C.pot D.port 3.A.lot B.lord C.luck D.lark 4.A.past B.part C.floor D.door 5.A.shop B.stop C.thumb D.sun 6.A.form B.from C.gun D.garden,Practise,/u:/,/u:/,发音要领:(长元音)1.舌端离开下齿,舌后部向软腭抬高,双唇尽量收缩成圆

14、而且小,并稍向前突; 2.气流从,冲口腔冲出,振动声带,发/u:/音。,ruler ruler June July bluemove do to prove lose who whose whommoon noon room school food cool chooseshoe,u,o,oo,oe,/u/,/u/,发音要领:(短元音)舌段离开下齿,舌后部向软腭抬高,但舌位低于/ui:/音; 双唇收缩成圆,但稍大于/u:/的唇形,并稍向前突出; 极为短促的气流从口腔冲出,振动声带,发/u/音。,bull put pull push fullbook good cook look wood wool footballwoman wolf bosom could should would,


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