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1、单击此处编辑母版标题样 式单击此处编辑母版副标题样式* *1 1Topic 3 Project Hope has changed my lifeSection A实验中学:许菲菲学校审验人:郭亚琴九年级上册 Unit 1社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识1New words and new phrasesprovide, stairs ,manage, in deed, medical, treatment, flood, break out, granddaughter, fire,Useful expressions“What ar

2、e you reading, Jane?” Maria asked. Jane said that this program helped homeless people return to work and live like other people.社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识 1a Look ,listen and say Maria : What are you reading ,Jane? Jane : I am reading a newspaper from Canada. Martin says there is

3、 an interesting article. It is about a program that helps homeless people. Maria :Are there homeless people in Canada? Jane : Oh, yes !Every country has homeless people. The article says one city has a wonderful program to help homeless people return to work and live a normal life. Maria : That soun

4、ds great. How do theymanage that?社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识 1a Look ,listen and say Jane :Well, once they find people in need, they decide on suitable ways to help them. Maria : Can they homeless pepole get good food and medicle treatment? Jane : Yes. And not only that. The progr

5、am also provides them with nice homes. It trains them so that they can find jobs again. Maria : I think it is important for these people to feel good about themselves. Jane : You are right. The world has changed for the better.社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识1b Pair work Change direct

6、speech into indirect speech or change indirect speech into direct speech. Then practice the sentences with your partner. 1. “What are you reading, Jane? Maria asked Jane what 2. Jane said, “Im reading a newspaper from Canada.” Jane said thatsheshe was readingwas reading a newspaper from Canada社会主义核心

7、价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识3.“Are there homeless people in Canada?” Maria asked Jane.-Maria asked Jane if in Canada. 4. Jane said that this program helped homeless people return to work and live like other people. -Jane said, 5. Jane said that the government provides homeless people wit

8、h nice homes and trained them.”-Jane said, there were homeless people“This program helps homeless people return to work and live like other people”“the government provide homeless people with nice homes and trains them”社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识 2.Work alone listen to the tape an

9、d choose the right answers. ( ) 1. Where does Carly come from? A. India. B. Canada. C. Russia. ( ) 2. When did the flood in her hometown break out?A. One year ago. B. 2 years ago. C. 3years ago. ( ) 3. Who helped her? A. A policeman. B. The government. C.A and B.( ) 4. What did many people there giv

10、e her after her parents died? A. Some money B. Many flowers C. Clothes and food.ABCC社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识3.Work alone Match column A with column B to form compounds and guess their new meaning. Then try to give more v A B A B vmother town friend stairsvbasket land wash place

11、vfilm day fire brushvbirth marker down room vhome ball tooth ship 社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识w w A B A Bwgreen wife pan landwroom house day manwgrand mate police cakewhouse daughter/son rain coatwhand bag farm time社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识2.The article says on

12、e city has a wonderful 这篇文章写道有个城市 say +从句,表示“(文字材料)载,写道”。如: It said in the paper that there were nothing serious报纸上说没有什么严重的事情。 The advertisement says the price will rise in 3 days. 广告宣称价格会在3天内上涨。 【链接】say +名词/代词/从句,say 有“显示,表明” 之意。如:Mickey was smiling but her eyes said she was unhappy.社会主义核心价值体系质量体系审

13、核的类型榆林开发区一小北师四下精打细算课件营运岗位常用地理知识 3.Well,once they found people in need ,they decide on suitable ways to help them. once 连词,引导时间状语从句,意为:“ 一旦就”它的主句为一般将来时 态,从句为现在时态。或主从句均为过 去的某种时态。如:Once you have heard the name of the song, you will never forget it . My mother told me once Jim arrived ,she would call me.


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