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1、 Unit 6 (B-3a)vegetablesfruithealthy food/ hel / / fu: d /I eat lots of healthy food every day.hamburgersbroccolieggschickencarrotsFrench friesI have noodles for breakfast.noodlesLucys breakfastAllens lunch What does Lucy have for breakfast? She has eggs and tomatoes for breakfast. What does Allen h

2、ave for lunch? He has hamburgers and salad for lunch.Sandra and Toms dinnerWhat do Sandra and Tom have for dinner?They have chicken, vegetables, fruit and rice for dinner.Guessing game: What do I have for dinner?A: Do you have eggs for dinner?B: Do you have salad for dinner?C: Do you have for dinner

3、?runnerrunning star我每天跑步。 I run every day.刘翔每天早上跑步。 Liu Xiang runs every morning.Lets make a list(清单)of healthy food for Liu Xiang! Liu Xiang eats for breakfast/lunch/dinner.Liu Xiang eats lots of healthy food. He eats well.1. Sandra Clark is _. 2. Sandra Clark likes _ for breakfast. 3. For lunch, S

4、andra Clark eats _. 4. Sandra Clark has _for dessert. 5. What does Sandra Clark eat for dinner? _ What does Sandra Clark eat every day?ice creama runner (a running star) eggs, bananas, and appleshamburgers, salad, and pearsShe eats chicken, tomatoes, French fries for dinner.Runner eats well!Running

5、star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas and apples. For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad and pears. And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and, for dessert, ice cream. Sandra ClarkRunner eats_(好)!R_ star Sandra Clark eats _of h_ food. _b

6、reakfast, she likes eggs, bananas and apples. For l_ , she l_ hamburgers, salad and pears. And for d_, she h_ chicken, tomatoes, French fries and, for dessert, ice cream. wellunning lotsealthyForinner asunchikescarrots, and oranges chicken, broccoli and saladSay what you like for three meals(三餐).好朋友

7、好老师好书吃得好篮球打得好足球踢得好good friendgood teachergood bookeat wellplay basketball wellplay soccer wellCan you translate(翻译)?Writing:请为刘翔设计健康合理的食谱,然后以 “Liu Xiang eats well”为题写一篇英语小短文。可能用到的词汇:junk food 垃圾食品rice 米饭noodles 面条porridge 稀饭fish 鱼milk 牛奶bread 面包 (不可数名词)Work in group of four(四人合作)。学生习作:Liu Xiang eats

8、 wellLiu Xiang is good runner. He eats well. He not eats junk food. He eats lot of healthy food. He breakfast eat bread, apples and milk. For lunch, he likes rice, chicken, tomato and fish. And for dinner, he eat noodles, carrot and egg.Can you find out(找出) mistakes(错误) in the composition(作文)?Stay a

9、way from junk food and keep healthy!远离垃圾食品,保持健康!One apple a day keeps doctors away.一天吃一个苹果,可以免看医生。Test用所给词的正确形式填空 Gina _(like) bananas. I dont like _(strawberry). He _ _ (not like) apples. _ she _ (like) French fries? Yes, she _ (do). _ your father and mother _ (like) hamburgers?likesstrawberriesdoe

10、snt likeDolikeDoeslikedoesyour father and mother要小 心哟T1: 默写词汇表生词.T2: Wb Unit 6(45)T3: 熟读 3a; http:/ 哈尔滨驾校 绿岛驾校 hwh19jyc 实情。我俩清白可对天日!”还有:“像你这样的女孩子,为什么也会说出怀疑另一个女孩子清白的话来?”筱筱立刻道歉,嗫嚅着问: “可是公子为什么要维护她呢?”刘晨寂并不是公子。“医卜星,小道泥”,方技不入时人眼,基本可与跳大神、玩杂耍的视为一流,离 “公子”两个字实在太远了。可刘晨寂通身温明和素的气质,却让筱筱忍不住这样称呼他。刘晨寂受了这个敬称,也没有任何轻狂意

11、味, 只一如既往平和道:“因为我作为医生,答应了她,要替她检查这块布上的药物。”筱筱快要哭出来了:“你答应的事,就要做到吗?” 刘晨寂很遗憾,他就是这样子的人。筱筱却忽然不哭了:“可如果突然着火,把帕子烧掉了,你也没法子检查,不是吗?”似乎是的。“ 如果”筱筱脸很红,“有人来抢,把它抢掉了,那你也查不了了,不是吗?”“应该是的。”“如果”筱筱脸更红,“像我这样 没出嫁的女孩子,不得不跟你抢一件东西,你也不好意思趁人之危,碰我手,碰我,不是吗?”“手”之后那个部位,报得很含糊, 不过筱筱用行动明确了这个部位。她张开双臂上去抢,把胸递到刘晨寂面前。刘晨寂是君子,只有一种选择,往后退。筱筱就手儿把帕

12、子 捞过来,脸还是红得像醉了的晚霞,声音细如蚊蚋:“刘大夫也不用担心没法儿交代,乐韵问你要个结果,你只管直说,说是我抢的,要 她来问我好了。”第五十六章 水上失银斗巧智(8) 刘晨寂只好点点头,恭敬不如从命。筱筱又道:“我这样,也是为你们好啊!乐韵什 么给你不好,给条帕子,你说她安的什么心?传出去,你名声要不要?我本来该叫上头问她的,又怕闹大了,我也不忍心,这才出此下策 ,实在对你们都好。”刘晨寂看了筱筱一眼。筱筱觉得五脏六腑都被看透了似的,畏葸的后退一步。刘晨寂开口,却是最简单不过的一个 字:“哦。”然后他又低头看他自己的医书了。筱筱暗笑自己:刘晨寂有什么可能看透大宅门中的争斗?她担心个什么嘛!留恋的再看一 眼刘晨寂柔美纯和的侧面线条。谦谦君子,莫过于此!她捂着心窝子离去。刘晨寂又看了会儿书,提笔去蘸砚台里的墨,一时忘了形迹, 动作飘逸出尘,恍非人间所有。笔锋将及墨砚,他醒悟,顿了顿,尽一个小医生该有的拘谨,慢慢的把笔锋蘸了下去。老太太给苏老太爷 传信,重点说了这三件事:头一件,太守的提亲,老太太作主应了,而今已然纳采,彩礼清单如下第二件,银子送走了,如此这般, 明远找出了贼子拿走银子的方法,是用南边新造的双层机关船,窃走银两,装在另一只中型船舶的船底下,吃水颇重,船舱里却查不出禁 物,关卡一时不察,就放它走了。据在场的后来回忆,中型船舶上的船主,很像一个被通缉


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