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1、Unit 1 Touch and feel Period 2Period 2The elephant is smooth and hard.The elephant is big and thick. The elephant is big and soft.The elephant is long and thin.The blind men and the elephantThere are _ men under a tree. They cannot _. They are _. One day, a man comes with his _.elephantblindfour see

2、The four men _ see the elephant, but they can _ it.cannot touchOne man touches the elephants tusks and says the elephant is _. Another man touches its _ and says the elephant is _. Another man touches its _ and says the elephant is _. The last man touches its leg and says the elephant is _. hard ear

3、softtail thin thickblind manBlind man, blind man.The man is blind.Blind man, blind man.He can not see. Blind man, blind man.He can touch .He needs help.Lets help him.Lets chantsoftsofthardhardsmoothsmoothroughroughTouch this. How does it feel?ItsS1: Touch the window. How does it feel?S2: Its roughsm

4、oothsharpthickbluntthinTouch this. How does it feel?Itsthickthinsharpsmoothfluffyroughthinbluntsoftthickhardcoldhotcool warmHow does it feel? Its_.How does it feel ? Its_.How does it feel?Its _.How does it feel ? Its_. Lets chantHow does it feel? Its_. What is it ? Is it_?Yes, well done!Sorry, try a

5、gain!_this,Alice.How does it _?What is it?_ _ a toy bear?No, _ _._ a toy bear.Its_._this,Alice._ _ _ _? Its_._ _ _?_?_, _ _._.S1: How does it feel? S2: Its _.S1: Touch these. How do they feel? S2: Theyre _.How does the orange feel? _.How _ the desk feel? _.How _ the desks feel?_.hard soft smooth rough cold hot warm doesdoAssignment:Play “Touch and feel” game with your Play “Touch and feel” game with your classmates.classmates.WB P92: ReadingWB P92: Reading


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