高中英语 Unit3 Life in the future学案 新人教版必修5

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1、1英语:英语:UnitUnit 3 3 LifeLife inin thethe futurefuture 学案(新人教版必修学案(新人教版必修 5 5)核心单词核心单词1.1. impressionimpression n n. .印痕;印记;印象;感想印痕;印记;印象;感想 常用结构:常用结构: havehave anan impressionimpression ofof sth.sth.doingdoing sth.sth. 对对( (做做) )某事有印象某事有印象 makemake anan impressionimpression onon sb.sb. 给某人留下印象给某人留下印

2、象 makemake nono impressionimpression onon 对对无影响效果无影响效果 givegive sb.asb.a favorablefavorable impressionimpression 给某人留下好印象给某人留下好印象 anan impressionimpression ofof onesones footfoot 某人的脚印某人的脚印YourYour performanceperformance gavegave meme a a strongstrong impression.impression. 你的表演给我留下了很深的印象。你的表演给我留下了很

3、深的印象。WhatWhat I I saidsaid mademade nono impressionimpression onon him.him. 我的话对他不起作用。我的话对他不起作用。 联想拓展联想拓展 impressimpress v.v.留下印象留下印象 impressimpress sth.onsth.onuponupon onesones mindmind 把把牢记在心上牢记在心上 高手过招高手过招 单项填空单项填空SheShe spokespoke veryvery confidentlyconfidently becausebecause sheshe wantedwant

4、ed toto makemake a a greatgreat onon herher employeremployer atat thethe firstfirst time.time. A.A. InfluenceInfluence B.B. pressurepressure C.C. ImpressionImpression D.D. EffectEffect 解析解析: :选选C C。makemake anan impressionimpression onon sb.sb. 给某人留下印象。给某人留下印象。2.2. lacklack v v.perform; toto B.B. to

5、to perform;perform; toto C.C. performing;performing; withwith D.D. toto perform;perform; byby AllAll thethe peoplepeople presentpresent agreedagreed thatthat thethe mattermatter requiredrequired . . (201001201001山西太原检测山西太原检测)A.A. toto looklook intointo B.B. beibeingng lookedlooked intointo C.C. toto

6、 bebe lookedlooked D.D. lookinglooking intointo 解析解析: : 选选B B。bebe requiredrequired toto dodo sth.sth.意为意为“被要求做某事被要求做某事”。第二个空的。第二个空的toto是介词意为是介词意为 “随着随着,伴着伴着”。 选选D D。require,require, want,want, needneed表示表示“需要需要”,当其主语是动作的承受者时当其主语是动作的承受者时,其后的宾语常其后的宾语常 用动词不定式的被动形式或动名词的主动形式。用动词不定式的被动形式或动名词的主动形式。5.5. as

7、sistassist vtvt. ;出席出席 常用结构常用结构: assistassist sb.sb. in/within/with sth.sth. 帮助帮助( (某人某人) )某事某事 assistassist sb.sb. inin doingdoing sth.sth. 帮助帮助( (某人某人) )做某事做某事 assistassist sb.sb. toto dodo sth.sth. 帮助帮助( (某人某人) )做某事做某事 assistassist withwith 帮助帮助( (照料照料,做做) );在在上给予帮助上给予帮助I I amam willingwilling to

8、to assistassist youyou wheneverwhenever therethere isis anan opportunity.opportunity. 有机会我愿随时帮你。有机会我愿随时帮你。 ImIm afraidafraid I I cantcant assistassist you,you, youyou havehave toto gogo andand seesee thethe manager.manager. 我恐怕帮不我恐怕帮不 上忙上忙,你得去找经理。你得去找经理。TheThe headmasterheadmaster assistsassists wit

9、hwith a a lotlot ofof thingsthings whenwhen free.free.4有空时校长会帮忙做很多事。有空时校长会帮忙做很多事。 高手过招高手过招 用用assistassist的相关短语填空的相关短语填空 (原创)(原创)TheThe youngyoung nursenurse waswas veryvery nervousnervous whenwhen sheshe inin herher firstfirst operation.operation. AA teamteam ofof nursesnurses thethe doctordoctor pe

10、rformingperforming thethe operation.operation. SheShe employedemployed a a womanwoman toto herher thethe housework.housework. GoodGood glassesglasses willwill youyou read.read. 答案答案:waswas assistingassisting assisted;assisted; ininassist;assist; withwith assist;assist; toto 重点短语重点短语6.6. taketake upu

11、p 从事;占从事;占( (时间、空间、注意力等时间、空间、注意力等) );继续;继续 ThisThis tabletable takestakes upup tootoo muchmuch room.room. 这张桌子太占地方。这张桌子太占地方。 SheShe hashas takentaken upup a a jobjob asas a a teacher.teacher. 她当上老师了。她当上老师了。ThisThis chapterchapter takestakes upup wherewhere thethe lastlast oneone off.off. 本章继续上一章的内容。

12、本章继续上一章的内容。 联想拓展联想拓展 taketake offoff 脱掉(衣服等);起脱掉(衣服等);起 飞;打折;作为折扣而减价飞;打折;作为折扣而减价 taketake overover 接管接管;获得对;获得对的控制或管理的控制或管理 taketake apartapart 拆开;分开后将拆开;分开后将分成许多部分分成许多部分 taketake forfor 把把视作;误认为视作;误认为 take.fortake.for grantedgranted 认为认为是理所当然是理所当然 taketake downdown 写下;记下写下;记下 taketake backback 收回收回

13、( (诺言诺言) ) 高手过招高手过招 单项填空单项填空InIn Singapore,Singapore, a a soutsout heasternheastern AsianAsian country,country, thethe ChineseChinese peoplepeople thethe largestlargest percentagepercentage ofof itsits population,population, soso youyou cancan speakspeak ChineseChinese there.there. (201001201001安徽利辛检测安徽利辛检测)A.A. makemake upup B.B. taketake upup C.C. holdhold upu


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