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1、Collecting and analyzing textual data in foreign language education researchXu Jiajin Beijing Foreign Studies University1外语教育研究中文本材料的采集与分析 许家金 北京外国语大学2Textual data in EFL contextTexts for learning LESS INTERESTEDTexts from teaching FAIRLY GOODLearner texts GOODTeacher texts IMPROVING3Textual data in

2、 EFL contextTexts for learning LESS INTERESTEDTexts from teaching FAIRLY GOODLearner texts GOODTeacher texts IMPROVING4General goal for text analysisLooking for common patternsSome patterns accessible, others less soDescriptive stats vs inferential statsReducing large data to a generalized pattern o

3、f a reasonable & readable formFactor analysis, SEM, qualitative conceptualization5Textual data in EFL contextTexts for learning LESS INTERESTEDTexts from teaching FAIRLY GOODLearner texts GOODTeacher texts IMPROVING6Learner textsEssaysExam type, timed, untimedCLEC, SWECCL 1.0/2.0, CEMTranscribed spo

4、ken EnglishExam dataCOLSEC, SWECCL 1.0/2.0Translated textsPACCEL, CEM, (CEO, Honglongmeng)7Learner texts: A new directionLongitudinal learner textsLongdale project by Sylviane Grangerhttp:/cecl.fltr.ucl.ac.be/LONGDALE.html8Aspects of learner text studiesLexico-grammatical featuresArticle/intensifier

5、CollocationPhraseology e.g. chunkLess on syntax e.g. RC, colligationLess on discourse-pragmatic featuresContent analysise.g. educationError analysis9ColligationNNS 3- & 4-gram (41,092)NS 3- & 4-gram (325,725)LL52 II APPGE NN1 46 II AT NN1 41 II AT1 NN1 39 JJ II AT NN1 35 IO APPGE NN1 33 VVI AT JJ NN

6、1 29 NN1 IO APPGE NN1 28 NN1 II AT NN1 28 AT JJ NN1 IO 24 CSA PPIS2 DB VV0 275 AT NN1 IO AT 273 II AT NN1 IO 258 AT NN1 IO NN1 227 II AT NN1 200 II AT JJ NN1 178 AT JJ NN1 IO 172 NN1 IO AT NN1 171 NN1 II AT NN1 156 AT JJ NN1 151 AT1 JJ NN16.53 3.08 1.78 2.95 2.95 3.77 1.95 1.54 2.72 1.04Top-ranking

7、tag-sequences10ResultsOut of the 52 II APPGE NN1Chinese learners used 38 times of in my opinion5 in our society/4 in our country3 in my view2 to our nation/2 to our societyThe top tag sequence in native speakers texts275 AT NN1 IO AT67 the end of the11Chinese Students View on EducationThe results sh

8、ow that Chinese students see education, not quite out of expectation, as an important activity in “classrooms” (or “schools” and “colleges”), to “learn knowledge” and “skills” through “books” to finally get a “job”. So in their eyes, to be “educated” is to be “knowledgeable”. Only less students are

9、far-seeing enough to consider “careers” and self-“cultivation”, self-“development” and “fulfilment”. Thus it is, to some extent, ironic that students portray themselves to be rather myopic instead of envisaging education as lifelong personal development. 12Other ways of collecting learner dataLangua

10、ge Acquisition orientedPicture descriptionTranslation taskOral composition RetellingRepetition Fluency, accuracy, and complexity Conversation13Other ways of collecting learner dataPerception orientedClassroom presentationPeer discussionThink aloud protocolStimulated recallInterview dataPerception to

11、wards corrective feedback or peer feedback14Teacher textsNormally includeNarrative inquiry (diary studies)Transcribed interview dataTranscribed stimulated recall dataand so forth.15Teacher texts & teacher educationSelf-identityViews on different teaching methodsViews on curriculum reformPre-service,

12、 in-serviceCareer burnout16Interview and survey data 1/2作为一个老师,首先热爱自己的工作,自己的职业。对自 己的工作能够热爱、敬业、喜欢,这是最基本的。对自己 的学生要有爱心,非常爱自己的学生,自己的工作,要有 责任心。有了这些心以后,教学才会尽心,才会用自己的 苦心,用自己的良心去追求一种教学上的求新。而且如果 要真正能在教学生升华,求新,就要得益于科研。不断充 电,不断学习。教学上的求新得益于科研的创新。如果一 个教师能够做到教学用心,又能不断求新,科研上创新, 他一定换来的应该是学生的信心,对你的放心,同时又是 他们搞好学习的决心。

13、这样才能促进他们整个的素质的全 面的发展。能够把师生之间的距离缩短。这是我自己的一 点体会。(访谈19)17Interview and survey data 2/2良知与责任感。知识分子的良知,教师的 责任感是促使自己真心做事,诚心待人的 最基本因素。真心做事对一名教师来说就 是要全身心的投入到教学当中,为达到最 好的教学效果要勤于思考,勤于总结,舍 得下功夫,舍得付出;诚信待人则主要体 现在诚心诚意对待每一位学生,向每一位 学生负责,努力使每一个人都成为人才。 (问卷152)18Texts for learningTextbook/test material analysisLexical

14、 coverage and difficulty Readability AnalyzerRange and AntWordProfiler19Constructing a new readability model语料检索工具36篇新视野大学英语阅读材料55 名教师的难度分值91个语言特征变量提取49名教师有效难度分值信度检验31个较高相关的语言特征变量相关分析多元回归阅读材料难度测量模型2021大学英语教材文本难易度公式= 56.68741.584*RUCW0.047*FPP 7.623*SO0.10*NW0.295*AWS5.346*LSA22Texts from teachingCla

15、ssroom research研究问题数据收集数据分析解决问题理论概括23Classroom management questioning Sample analysis24Corrective feedback in an EFL class(1) Most frequent grammatical errors are:phonological, grammatical and lexical (2) Recast is the most frequent type of CF, negotiation of form ranks the second and explicit corre

16、ction the least. (3) Recast is the most effective towards phonological errors, and negotiation of form the most effective towards grammatical and lexical errors. (4) Difference between teachers and students and among teachers in their perceptions of the effectiveness of different types of CF. Most teachers prefer recast whil



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