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1、紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案Otolaryngology Head & Neck SurgeryShi-Ming ChenRenmin Hospital of Wuhan University Inflammations of the Nasal Cavity紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案1、Acute Rhinitis(急性鼻炎)Epidemiology: Acute rhinitis (common cold) is the most p

2、revalent infectious disease. Given its frequency and the fact that the disease does not confer postinfection immunity, acute rhinitis has assumed major epidemiologic and economic significance(医药行业花费最多的常见疾病) 紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案Rhinoviruses and coronaviruses comprise

3、almost half of the causative organisms of acute viral rhinitis. Other pathogens are influenza viruses and adenoviruses. The infection is transmitted by the airborne route (droplet infection). Cold exposure and other environmental factors can increase the susceptibility of the host to infection. The

4、incubation period is 37 days.Etiopathogenesis(发病机理):紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案Symptoms: The disease begins with an initial dry stage characterized by malaise (lethargy, headache, fever) and local discomfort in the nose and nasopharynx (burning, soreness). This is followed

5、by a catarrhal stage marked by a watery, initially serous nasal discharge and nasal obstruction due to mucosal swelling, which mainly involves the turbinates. The viruses damage the mucociliary transport system, which hampers the normal clearing of secretions(病毒破坏了纤毛运动功能)紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海

6、马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案l急性鼻窦炎l急性中耳炎l鼻咽炎、喉咽、气管、支气管炎、肺炎l泪囊炎、结膜炎Complication紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案Treatment consists of supportive measures to relieve nasal obstruc

7、tion and prevent sinusitis and other complication by the use of decongestant nose drops.Nose drops should be used no longer than absolutely necessary (generally no more than one week) due to the risk of tachyphylaxis (see also rhinitis medicamentosa) with severe rebound swelling of the nasal mucosa.

8、 Treatment紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案Various other options are available for relieving the discomfort of acute rhinitis, including “light baths,” and infrared therapy.Antibiotics may also be prescribed in patients with bacterial superinfection or paranasal sinus involvement

9、.Treatment紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案2、Chronic Rhinitis 慢性鼻炎Etiopathogenesis: Besides recurrent acute inflammations with progressive damage to the mucosa, chronic rhinitis can develop due to anatomic changes (e.g., marked septal deviation, septal spur) or other lesions of t

10、he nasal cavity (polyps,tumors) and nasopharynx (adenoids). Environmental factors such as air pollutants can also bring on this condition紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案l鼻塞:间歇性交替性持续性l流涕:多为脓性分泌物l耳鸣、听力减退:下鼻甲肥大压迫咽鼓管l慢性咽喉炎:分泌物的刺激l头痛、头昏:中鼻甲肥大压迫鼻中隔Chronic Rhinitis:Symptoms紫荆电影院成都校园营销策

11、划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案Treatment: The most important step is to eliminate the cause by removing chronic irritants from the environment or by surgically correcting any intranasal pathology (e.g., septoplasty). Supportive measures such as decongestant nose drops or nasal irrigation w

12、ith saline solution are of only temporary benefit.可以手术,激光、电灼、微波、下鼻甲药物注射已淘汰Chronic Rhinitis紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案This disease occurs mainly as a side effect from the long-term use of decongestant nose drops. It can also result from the use of certain antihypertensive dr

13、ugse.g., beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitorsand from oral contraceptive use, in which case the rhinitis is attributed to a vasoactive estrogen effect. Clinical symptoms consist of obstructed nasal breathing, dry mucosa, and occasional olfactory disturbances3、Rhinitis Medica

14、mentosa 药物性鼻炎紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案Rhinitis Medicamentosa紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案4、Atrophic Rhinitis 萎缩性鼻炎紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案Atrophic Rhinitis紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案Atrophic Rh

15、initis紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案Atrophic Rhinitis紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案Allergic Rhinitis 变应性鼻炎紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案定 义紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案分 类紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品

16、鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案诊 断紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案Fig. 4 Allergic rhinitis紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案诊 断紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案治 疗紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案治 疗紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案治 疗l免疫治疗:适应症、禁忌症、疗程l手术治疗:结构异常、药物治疗效果欠佳、合并息肉等紫荆电影院成都校园营销策划推广方案海报设计培训精品教程海马M5新车试驾品鉴会活动策划方案海南第一车展策划案ThanksThanks!


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