Comparison of Chinese and Western Tip Culture 英语毕业论文

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《Comparison of Chinese and Western Tip Culture 英语毕业论文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Comparison of Chinese and Western Tip Culture 英语毕业论文(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Comparison of Chinese and Western Tip CultureAbstract: This paper is about the research of Chinese and Western Tip Culture. Chinese people and westerners have totally different attitudes towards tips, resulting from the difference of cultural psychology. Chinese society has a strong group consciousn

2、ess and sense of hierarchy and the westerners have individual consciousness and awareness of equality. Keywords: Chinese, Western, Tip, cultural psychology, root 中文摘要: 本文研究中西方小费文化的差异。中西方人对于小费的态度差异源于文化心理 的不同,中国人有着强烈的集体意识和等级观念,西方人个人意识和平等观念比较强。 中文关键字:中国,西方,小费,文化心理,根源1. Introduction Tip originates from

3、London in the 18th century, which was used to insure promptness (tip is short for “to insure promptness”) at first and later for the payment to reward the service personnel. Some scholars elaborate that tip can not reflect the level of civilization and it has nothing to do with personal quality. Som

4、e other scholars think that the particularity of service is the root of tip. And the particularity of service has the value which could equal to the tip. Though many scholars have analyzed the tip from different angles of view, these theories can not explain why Chinese and western people have diffe

5、rent attitudes to the tip. In the paper, Ill try to find the original of the difference between Chinese and Western tip culture.2. Western Tip Culture The tip comes from the west and prevails in the service industry of western countries. It is very common that customers pay tips to the people who ha

6、ve provided service to them. Especially in America, you should pay tips when you are living in a hotel, dinning in a restaurant, moving, having a haircut or having shoes brushed. According to statistics, there are 35 service industries that need to tip in America and 29 in Spain, 25 in Canada, 24 in

7、 Italy and 10 in Denmark. In these Western countries, paying tips is not a kind of system and has no legal restriction. It is a kind of voluntary behavior and convention. Tips are an important part of service personnels income. 70% of the income comes from tips and in some industries, the percentage

8、 even have reached 100. It is obvious that western service personnels income is considerable. In America, some people live on tips and some even make fortune through tips. For example, some young waitresses working in the restaurants in Disney can get tips of 400 dollars each week at most. The amoun

9、t of the tip is decided by the country size, industry and service properties. Take restaurant for example, the restaurants do not include a service charge in the bill, so you should tip the waiter 15% of the total bill. If service is slow or particularly bad, some Americans will tip only 10%. Likewi

10、se, if service was particularly good, it is appropriate to tip 20%. If service was so bad that you would never eat in the restaurant again, leave two cents. This is a deliberate insult, because it tells the waiter that you didnt forget to leave a tip. Tipping is only appropriate in restaurants which

11、 offer table service. You do not tip the cashier in a fast food restaurant.3. Chinese Tip Culture Tip which prevails in the western countries used to be a sensitive topic in China. The National Tourism Administration used to prohibit the behavior of asking for tips in tourism industry. According to

12、a survey, 60.11% of people dont agree with tips in the domestic tourism and 39.89% said that they can accept the tip based on the high quality of service. The tip can not survive indeed in such an eastern civilization country. Nowadays, it is rare to tip in the tourism as well as in other industries

13、. Tour guides working for organized group tours may expect tips which, along with commissions, may form the bulk of their income. Private or independent guides work for an agreed tipping in cash should not be necessary. Taxi drivers in Beijing, Shanghai and most other Chinese cities are not accustom

14、ed to tipping at all, because they are required by the law to give a receipt to every passenger. Therefore, no tip is necessary. Tipping is not a part of Chinese culture or tradition, and several establishments actually have a strict no tipping policy. This includes restaurants, massage studios and

15、so on. In fact, offering a gratuity may be considered impolite in certain quarters as it can be taken to imply that ones work is undervalued by the employer. The only place where a tip might be expected is at a high-end hotel catering to western tourists. And the only reason tipping may be expected

16、there is because western tourists have conditioned the behavior. Still, not tipping will not cause offence.4. The root of differences between Chinese and Western Tip Culture When we are trying to find the root of differences between Chinese and Western Tip Culture, we can find that the difference of cultural psychology is the key factor. “Cultural psychology is a field of psychology which assumes the idea that culture and mind are inseparable, an


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