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1、Poems and Ci in Qing DynastyBy Christina2009030100091Brief introduction of Ci in Qing Ci declined since the Nan Song. As a whole, the success achieved by Qing Dynasty was not as marvelous as that in Song Dynasty. However, there were still many well-known poets like Wang Fuzhi(王夫之)、Zhu Yizun(朱彝尊)、Nal

2、an Xingde(纳 兰性德)、Xiang Hongzuo(项鸿祚 )、Jiang Chunlin(蒋春霖)、 Wang Guowei(王国维)、Wang Pengyun(王鹏运) and so on.Ci(词) 清初词人:王夫之、屈大均、王士禛等 康熙三鼎足(又名“清词三大家 ”):陈维 崧、朱彝尊、纳兰性德 清后期词人:谭献,项廷纪,蒋春霖 晚清四大词人:王鹏运、郑文焯 、朱孝臧 、况周颐 Nalan Xingde( 16551685) a Chinese poet active during the Qing Dynasty, famous for his ci poetry came

3、 from a powerful Manchu family that not only belonged to the Plain Yellow Banner 正黄旗of the Eight Banners His father was Nalan Mingzhu(明珠), Grand Secretary(首辅大 臣) By nineteen, he was already enjoying a literary reputation. Xingde became a close associate of the emperor, perhaps due to their similar a

4、ges, and often accompanied the emperor on royal tours of inspection. Later, Xingde was promoted to a higher position (一等侍 卫). When he was 20, he married the daughter of Lu Xingzu(卢兴祖). Three years into the marriage, his wife died in childbirth. He died at the age of 31.蝶恋花 (To the Tune of Dielianhua

5、) 辛苦最怜天上月, 一夕如环, 夕夕都成玦。 若似月轮终皎洁, 不辞冰雪为卿热。 无那尘缘容易绝, 燕子依然, 软踏帘钩说。 唱罢秋坟愁未歇, 春丛认取双栖蝶。So piteous the moon seems: a full circle keeps waning, waning into half a circle, and then all over again, night after night. If only you could recover likewise, from the half to the full, your body, cold as ice, as sno

6、w, would be brought to life by the warmth of mine. Irrecoverably, you left me. The swallows twitter lovingly, as before, on the soft valance hooks. It does not alleviate my agony to sing through the “Autumn Elegies.” Oh that we could be a pair of butterflies flying amidst the spring flowers, in the

7、next life.浣溪沙Stream Silk-Rinsing 谁念西风独自凉? 萧萧黄叶闭疏窗。 沉思往事立残阳。 被酒莫惊春睡重, 赌书消得泼茶香。 当时只道是寻常。 Cold on my own in the west wind, dear knows? Incised windows blind by the fall of the rustled leaves, In the setting sun the past to my mind flows. Let my cup not to jerk awake her thick Spring sleep, A go of the

8、happy union was not made on nerves. Who could only assume that were common shows!采桑子 Picking Mulberries 明月多情应笑我, 笑我如今, 辜负春心, 独自闲行独自吟。 近来怕说当时事, 结遍兰襟, 月浅灯深, 梦里云归何处寻?Emotionally, the bright moon will mock me, Mock me yet now, For my unworthy of the sense the Spring allow, Also of my lonely sauntering a

9、nd chanting. Lately, I am shy of the say about the past Guys in the same camp. Shallow is the moon, and deep the lamp, Where er to seek them, dream or clouds as I tramp? 相见欢落花如梦Tune: “Joy at Meeting” 落花如梦凄迷, 麝烟微, 又是夕阳潜下小楼西。 愁无限, 消瘦尽, 有谁知? 闲教玉笼鹦鹉念郎诗。Fallen petals are like a dream and mist, sad and bl

10、urred. Again the sun is setting on the Western tower. Inside the chamber filling the air is some musk(麝香) Too much gloom has made me thin down, But who knows my sorrow? Idling away the hours,I turn to teaching the parrot to read aloud poems sent by my lover.Poems in Qing Dynasty 清初三大家顾炎武、王夫之、黄宗羲 清中乾

11、隆、嘉庆时代是清王朝稳定发展 的时期,学术上形成“乾嘉学派” “乾隆三大家”袁枚、蒋士铨、赵翼 “清代乾嘉性灵派三大家”袁枚(主将) 、赵翼(副将)、张问陶(殿军) 晚清龚自珍、魏源 、黄遵宪 清末革命志士秋瑾、邹容、陈天华顾炎武精卫 Ching-wei 万事有不平,尔何空 自苦; 长将一寸身,衔木到 终古? 我愿平东海,身沉心 不改; 大海无平期,我心无 绝时。 呜呼!君不见, 西山衔木众鸟多,鹊 来燕去自成窠。The world is full of iniquities, Why do you struggle so in vain, Always urging on that tiny

12、 body, Forever carrying sticks and stones? “I will fill up the Eastern Sea. My body may fail; my aim wont change. Until the great seas filled My heart cant know surcease.” Alas, dont you see The many birds with sticks on stones among the Western Hills? Magpies come, swallows go, all building their o

13、wn nests.郑板桥竹 Bamboo 一节复一节, 千枝攒万叶。 我自不开花, 免撩蜂与蝶。 Im made up of one section on another, On lots of my branches countless leaves cluster. I never bloom by nature, as you see, To attract no butterfly and no bee.竹石Bamboo and Rock 咬定青山不放松, 立根原在破岩中。 千磨万击还坚劲, 任尔东西南北风。 Between broken rocks striking my root

14、deep, I bite the mountain green and wont let go. From whichever direction the winds leap, I remain strong, though dealt many a blow.袁枚咏钱 Song of Money 人生薪水寻常事, 动辄烦君我亦愁。 解用何尝非俊物, 不谈未必定清流。 空劳姹女千回数, 屡见铜山一夕休。 拟把婆心向天奏, 九州添设富民侯。 Money is spend in daily living, Quite often it causes you and me to worry. A

15、proper use of it is really a good thing, Not to talk of it is does not mean youre holy. Express Rongle was fond of money counting, A coins maker in Mount Tong died of hunger. Its my good wish to God that Im expressing, All people could live a good life in China.龚自珍己亥杂诗Miscellanies of the Year 1839 (V) 浩荡离愁白日斜, 吟鞭东指即天涯。 落红不是无情物, 化作春泥更护花。 My parting grief is boundless when the sun sinks low; Eastward I point my whip and far away Ill go. The fall


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