新目标八年级 unit 7 (最新)

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《新目标八年级 unit 7 (最新)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标八年级 unit 7 (最新)(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Analyse the teaching material.A Position and function.B Teaching goals(knowledge goal, ability goal and emotion goal)C Key points and difficult pointsHow to deal with the materialCreate the language environment Teaching methods and learning strategies. Teaching means Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-

2、inStep 2 Pre-taskStep 3 Cycle- taskStep 4 Post-task1 Make a summary2 Homeworksmoothieblenderyogurtwatermeloncinnamonbowlcup1.Peel three bananas.2.Cut up the bananas.3.Put the bananas and yogurt into the blender.4.Pour the milk into theblender.5.Turn on the blender.6.Drink the smoothie.How many banan

3、as do we need?We need three.How much yogurt do we need?We need one cup of yogurt.How much cinnamon do we need?We need two teaspoons of cinnamon.1anWrite these words in the blanks in the picture aboventurn on/ cut up/ drink/ peel/ pour/ put1bnListen and put the instructions in the correct order._ Tur

4、n on the blender. _ Cut up the bananas. _ Drink the smoothie. _ Pour the milk into the blender. _ Put the bananas and yogurt into the blender. _1_ Peel three bananas.2anListen and write the names of the ingredients in the chart below.IngredientsHow much?How many?cinnamonbananas2bnListen and write th

5、e name of the ingredient in the chart below.Amount Ingredient one cup two one two teaspoons one teaspoon threeTask 1 Exercises in class(fill in the blanks with how much or how many)_ people are there in the room?_ are these shoes?_ yogurt do you need?_ sheep do you have?_ water is there in the cup?_

6、 eggs can you eat for one meal?Task 2nTell your partner how to make a smoothie.nMake a similar dialogue with your partner: A: lets make a smoothie. B: Good idea. But can you make it? A: Of course, I can. B:How do you make a smoothie? A: B: How many do we need? A: B: OK. How much do we need? A: Let m

7、e think. One teaspoon/ Take 3 make a survey. Write a report.name What he can do How to make itCath fruit saladPlease report like this, Just now, I interviewed 3 classmates. They are Cath and Cath can make fruit salad. She need Peel theMake a summaryHow to make _?nWords and phrases: peel, cut up, put

8、into, pourinto, need, mix up how many/much, teaspoon, cupHomeworkWrite a letter to introduce your favorite Chinese dish to your foreign penfriend . Dont forget to tell him the ingredients and the making process.blackboard designing:Unit 7 how do you make a banana smoothie?peel cut up How do you make a banana smoothiepour turn on How many?How much?


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