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1、英语精品课程设计(新 视 野 英 语 教 程)Unit FiveUnit Five Leading in and Exploring the Topic Section A: Yao Ming Rockets to Stardom! Section B: Michael Jordan and Me Section C: Practical WritingAddress FormatLeading in and Exploring the TopicI Love This Game!Topic Discussionn1.Why do you play basketball?n2.What spo

2、rts games do you like?n3.How do you get information about sports?Section AYao Ming Rockets to Stardom!Background Information1.Ming Yao Profile: Postion: Center Nickname: Ming Dynasty (USA) Little Giant (09/12/1980 Origin China) Born: : China Status: Active Height: 7-5/2,26m Weight:296lbs./134,3kg. S

3、chools: Shanghai Sports College, Shanghai Physical U the quality or degree of being strong or powerful 力量; 实力 e.g. I havent the strength to lift this table. 我没有力气抬起这张桌 子。 2) C something providing force or power 优势 e.g. The great strength of my plan is that its so cheap compared to the others. 我这计划 的

4、最大长处就是耗资比其他计划要少。 6. aware: adj. having knowledge or understanding 知道的;明白的 e.g. be aware of the problems 意识到问题I was not aware of its seriousness. 我没有意识到它的严重性。 7. loss: n. C; U the act or an example of losing or failing to keep something遗失;损失 e.g. The loss of my watch meant that I had to buy a new one

5、.我的手表丢了就意味着得买新的。 e.g. She moved to another job; its a great loss to our company. 她已另谋他职,这对我们公司是个巨大的损失。e.g. The losses are computed at $1,000. 亏损估计为1,000美元。8. look forward to: expect with pleasure (喜滋滋的)期望;等待e.g. They are looking forward to graduation. 他们期待着毕业。Im really looking forward to your party.

6、 我一心期待着你将举办 的聚会。9. in brief : in as few words as possible 简而言之;简单地说e.g. the news in brief 新闻摘要In brief, he says “No”. 他简短地说了一个“不”字。10. work on: give ones attention to doing or trying to do something; work at 致力于(做某事)e.g. I am working on my homework now. 我正忙着做作业。 We have only one researcher to work o

7、n India. 我们只有一位研究者致力于研究 印度问题。 11. in the long/short term: over a long/short period of time 从长远 /短期看e.g. In the long term, the Chinese car industry has a brighter outlook.长远看来,中国的汽车有很好的前景。In the short term, we have no hope of making profit.短期来说,我们没有希望盈利。 Using the Right WordChoose the best item to co

8、mplete each of the following sentences. 1. My father _ me by saying that I could win in the speech contest, so I took part in it. A) discouraged B) encouraged C) courage D) asked 2. The country is experiencing fast _ in science and technology. A) develop B) speed C) development D) making 3. I decide

9、d to join the Dancing _ of our school. A) Association B) College C) Party D) Floor 4. She was so eager to know the result that she _ for it. A) needed B) wanted C) pressed D) prepared 5. The boy said he was quite _ of the mistake he had made. A) known B) aware C) knowing D) understanding 6. When the

10、 car suddenly stopped, many passengers were pushed _. A) around B) back C) aside D) forward 7. His new book _ to the top as the bestseller (畅销书畅销书 ). A) rocketed B) raised C) stayed D) reached 8. She doesnt have the _ to move that suitcase alone.A) strong B) strength C) pressure D) attitudeBCACBDABB

11、asic Writing Skills Study these rules for sentence completeness跟汉语 不同,英语的两个 句子不能简单 地用逗号连 起来,有三种处 理方式可以选用:(a) 分成两个独 立的句子;(b) 用分号连 起来;(c) 加 合适的连词 。例如: Mr. Smith was greatly surprised, he went on in spite of his obvious mistake.()可改成:Mr. Smith was greatly surprised. He went on in spite of his obvious m

12、istake.Mr. Smith was greatly surprised; he went on in spite of his obvious mistake.Mr. Smith was greatly surprised, but he went on in spite of his obvious mistake. None of the following sentences are complete. Add a word to each sentence to make it complete. Make other changes if necessary.1. I dont

13、 think you need a new bike, the old one is OK. 2. Some people think women should keep their family names, others think they shouldnt.3. My parents wanted me to be successful in life, they gave me a strong name.4. We listened to the report, we had a discussion on it.5. You know the rules of grammar,

14、youll be able to write correctly.6. It must have rained last night, the ground is wet.7. He works as hard as others, he is in poor health.8. Girls play in small groups or in pairs, the center of a girls life is her best friend. TranslatingA. Translate the following into English. 1. 人们期望看到有更多的优秀球员到国外

15、去打篮球。(look forward to)2. 球迷们都围着他要他的签名。(surround)3. 她没 有足够的力气来 推开这 扇门。(strength)4. 你应该 意识到担心是无济于事的,你该 做点什么才行。(aware)In the long term, his going will also advance the development of basketball in China.2. Funnily enough, the Chinese were so excited about the World Cup that they hardly picked up the news about Yao on Thursday.3. He was surrounded by reporters and looked a little shy before all the cameras.4. Yao Ming got up


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