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1、Antithesis 也表现语音的节奏美、和谐美、音乐美 ; 同中有异 ,异中有同。平行结构增强语言的表现力、吸引 力、感染力 ,使之易于朗诵、歌唱、记忆、流传。它在英 语中广为使用 ,遍及各种语体。 平行结构是英语里最常用的修辞格之一。它结构整齐、节 奏鲜明,能清晰地表达思想,增强语势,抒发情感。本文 针对英语平行结构的类型,对其修辞效果进行了探讨,旨 在说明平行结构在英语写作中的有效性及其美学效果。 关键词:平行结构 英语写作 修辞效果 有效性 The quality or condition of being parallel; a parallel relationship. 平行性:

2、处于平行的性质或状态;平行关系 Likeness, correspondence, or similarity in aspect, course, or tendency. 类似,一致:在观点、路线或趋势上的一致、对应或相似 Grammar The use of identical or equivalent syntactic constructions in corresponding clauses. 【语法】 平行关系,平行结构的运用:在相应的句子中运用相同的或 可替换的句法结构 Philosophy The doctrine that to every mental change

3、there corresponds a concomitant but causally unconnected physical alteration. 【哲学】 并行论:一种认为每一个精神变化都有一个随之而来但并非 与之直接联系的生理变化的学说 The act or process or an instance of repeating or being repeated. 重复:重复或被重复的行为、过程或事例 A recitation or recital, especially of prepared or memorized material. 背诵:背诵或朗诵,尤指已经准备好的或记

4、住的材料 1.Parallelism of words: She tried to make her pastry fluffy, sweet, and delicate. 2.Parallelism of phrases: Singing a song or writing a poem is joyous. 3.Parallelism of clauses: Perch are inexpensive; cod are cheap; trout are abundant; but salmon are expensive.1.词的平行结构 By their wit , sense, and

5、 eloquence together, they generally contrive to govern their husbands. 她们把风趣、道理那个起来。和流利的口 才一起,通常可以控制自己的丈夫。2.短语平行结构 短语可以是介词短语、分词短语、不定式短语以及其他短 语。 It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval , nor horror, nor any of the emotions that she had been prepared for. 那神情不是生气,不是惊讶,不是不满,不是厌恶,也不 是她哦所能预料的任何一种

6、的感情。3.从句平行结构 In fact, privatization has not only rescued individual industries and a whole economy headed for disaster, but has also raised the level of performance in every area. 这句话的中文意思是:事实上,私有化不仅挽救 了个别企业和走向毁灭的整个经济,而且还提高 了各行业的运作水平。在这个句子中,用and连 接了individual industries和a whole economy这两 个作为动词rescue

7、d的宾语,并且还使用了not onlybut also连接了rescued和raised这两个动词 引导的平行的谓语成分。 4.句子平行结构 We shall fight him land ,shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air. 我们要在陆地上打击他,我们要在海上抗 击他,我们要在空中袭击他。Practice 对照还是平行 The end of passion is the beginning of repentance. Crafty men contemn studies; simple men admire them; and wise men use them. Women were running out to the line of march, crying and laughing and kissing the men good-bye. 盛怒的结束就是悔恨的开始。 狡猾者轻视学问;无知者崇拜学问;聪明者利用学问。 女人们跑了出来,涌向行军的队伍。她们有的号啕大哭, 有的放声大笑,有的则与亲人吻别。Homework 1.三项式定义及例子 2.找对照和平行的例子


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