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1、Lesson Plan Interpretation NSEFC Book1 Unit3 Travel JournalUnit3 Travel Journal 说课目录1.教材分析2.教学重难点3.教学目标4.教学方法5.教学用具8.教学反思7.板书设计6.教学过程【课题】Unit 3 Travel Journal 【教学时间】45分钟 【教学对象】高一学生 【教材】人教版高一英语必修一第三单元教材内容分析教学对象分析学生能力分析具备用英语沟 通的基本能力知识面较窄, 语言能力不强学生心理特征求知欲强 好奇心重 渴望鼓励教学重难点(1)学会制作旅游计划 (2)掌握用现在进行时表达将来的句式结构

2、 (3)学会快速阅读重点难点掌握快速阅读的技巧新课标课程目标目标 三维知识与技能过程与 方法情感态 度与价 值观过程与 方法掌握用现在进行时 表将来的句式结构; 学会快速阅读分析、思考、运用 语言能力 独立思考 团队合作教学方法情景教学课堂讨论法启发法方法以学生为主体 ,充分发挥学 生的思考能力 ,使学生的思 维活跃起来。教学用具(1) PPT(2)黑板教学环节与过程Step1Step6Step2Step5Step4Step3展示图片, 引出话题 4min制作旅 行计划 15min教授以现在进行 时表将来的语法 结构11min引导学生 进入课文 学习6min带着问题进行 快速阅读7min作业布

3、置 与总结 2minStep1展示图片,引出话题(4min)Step2引导学生制作旅行计划 (15min)Step3教授以现在进行时表将来的结构(11min)Step4 引导学生进入课文学习 (6min)Step5 引导学生带着问题进行快速阅读(7min)Step6总结与作业布置(2min)激发学生兴趣,使学生投入到本节课的 学习中来。引导学生将学习与生活实践联系 起来,让学生在真实的情景中学 习,培养学生思考问题与运用知 识的能力。将学生自然引入本 课的学习,激发学 生思考,扩大学生 知识面。Step2 引导学生制作旅行计划 (15min)“Imagine that we are trave

4、ling Beijing, what should we consider before starting the journey?”Things to considerthings to takeBudget预算time to travelscheduleplaces to visitweathertransportationThings to considerthings to takeBudget预算time to travelscheduleplaces to visitweathertransportationWhat are you taking with you?When are

5、 you traveling?Winter holidaySummer holidayWeekendMay DayNational HolidayWhere are you visiting?What kinds of transportation tool do you know?If you are traveling BJ, which transportation tool will you choose? Why?Make you decision according to the real situation.Travel plan to Beijingthings to take

6、time to travelPlaces to visittransportationBudgetScheduleweatherStep3教授以现在进行时表将来的语法结构 (11min)Sb. be doing sth.What are you taking with you? 你将带上什么东西呢?I am visiting China. 我将要去中国旅游Then, how are you going to ? How long are you staying in? When are you leaving? When are you coming back? I think thatis

7、(are) necessary / useful because I totally agree with you! / I dont agree with you because1.我将要去法国旅游。2.我十月份将去美国旅游。3.我星期六回家。4.我将乘坐火车去北京。Step4 引导学生进入课文学习 (6min)Names of River Location Meijiang MeizhouMekong China Rhine(莱茵) German Seine(塞纳) France Nile(尼罗) Egypt Thames(泰吾士) England Volga(伏尔加) Russia Mi

8、ssissippi(密西西比) US Changjiang ChinaMany people live beside a river. How do they make use of it in their daily life?Look at the map in Page18 and list the countries that Mekong River run through.将学生自然引入 本课即将学习的 湄公河,激发学生思 考,扩大学生知识面。Step5 引导学生带着问题进行快速阅读(7min)l1. Who will travel in the text?l2. Where ar

9、e they going?l3. How are they planning to get there?l4. Who will prepare for the trip?帮助学生更快、 更有效率地通读 全文,提高快速 阅读以及获取信 息的能力。Step6 总结与作业布置(2min)What have we learned today?Do you know how to use the structure“sb. be doing sth.”?Try to make a travel plan to Shantouin the form of a dialogue, using the expressions learned today.homework板书设计 教学反思 o(1)课堂气氛活跃o(2)过渡自然o(3)有效训练学生思维能力But!学生口头表达会掺杂中国式英语,出现一些语法 错误


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