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1、海豚湾The Oscar for Best Documentary 奥斯卡最佳纪录片 Cruel hidden in the beauty 隐藏在美丽下的残忍This was a fascinating documentary not only about dolphins in captivity but also the intelligence of dolphins as explained by the original trainer of the dolphins from the television show Flipper. The most interesting par

2、t of the documentary is hearing about how the guy who popularized training dolphins turned a few years after he started training dolphins into deciding that it is inexcusable keeping dolphins in captivity. His life story is gripping and the documentary was very compelling and well done. It is hard t

3、o watch animal cruelty documentaries and videos but this is very watchable and focuses on the good that the people are doing to help rather than showing nothing but gory video/photos. It was well worth the time to watch. Why do I recommend this film.被发现会有生命危险Once discovered , they will have life dan

4、ger The shooting as a military action is not a little exaggeration 把拍摄比喻成一场军事行动一点不夸张 . 3分钟场景震惊世界3 minutes of scenes that shocked the world . Oscar historical most high score奥斯卡历史最高分Oscar best film “ the Hurt Locker “(拆弹部队) scoring only 8.8“Avatar “ is only 9.3 But,this film gets 9.9Content summary R

5、ichard OBarry was the man who captured and trained the dolphins for the television show Flipper. OBarrys view of cetaceans in captivity changed from that experience when as the last straw he saw that one of the dolphins playing Flipper - her name being Kathy - basically committed suicide in his arms

6、 because of the stress of being in captivity. Since that time, he has become one of the leading advocates against cetaceans in captivity and for the preservation of cetaceans in the wild. OBarry and filmmaker Louie Psihoyos go about trying to expose one of what they see as the most cruel acts agains

7、t wild dolphins in the world in Taiji, Japan, where dolphins are routinely corralled, either to be sold alive to aquariums and marine parks, or slaughtered for meat. The primary secluded cove where this activity is taking place is heavily guarded. OBarry and Psihoyos are well known as enemies by the

8、 authorities in Taiji. Written by HuggoIWC (International Whaling Commission) banned commercial whaling in 1986, one year after the killing of dolphins in Japan tripled the amount, and started large-scale lethal whale research projects in each of the dolphins 23000 were slaughtered for human consump

9、tionSince 1986, the Japanese delegationTried to reverse the IWC ban on commercial whaling in recent years, they re a powerful voting groups to be supported,The pro-whaling countries:Antigua and Barbuda, Benin, China, Cameroon, Cte dIvoire, Dominica, Gabon, Grenada, Guinea, Iceland, Japan, Kiribati,

10、Korea, Mauritania, Mongolia, Morocco, Nauru, Nicaragua, Norway, Palau, Russia, , St. Christopher and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Senegal, Suriname, TuvaluChina! ! ! What a dazzling text, which reflect the life and death of dolphins, also in our hands of the Chinese people! Dolphins, lik

11、e humans have ability to learn, or even slightly better than the chimps also have the sea, “Wise Old Man,“ said. Studies have shown that, whether it is an absolute brain weight and relative brain weight, dolphins are far more than the chimpanzee, while the learning ability and intelligence are close

12、ly related to well-developed. Some people think that dolphins brain size bigger than chimpanzees is obviously a high intelligence of animals, is a kind of thinking ability of the animals, it is the life-saving “feat“ is a conscious act. Because in most cases, the dolphins are the human into the shor

13、e, but not into the sea. The early 20th century, Mauritania, where the verge of the Atlantic there is a poor fishing village 艾尔玛哈拉, the Atlantic Ocean, dolphins seem to know that people affected by hunger and suffering in pain, often from a large number of fish on the high seas into the harbor in ti

14、me to assist fishermen scatter net fishing. In addition, similar to the unheard-of dolphin fishing to help others in Australia, Burma, South America has also been reported.Dolphin for human single-minded way, in the end is for what? In the shark before the dolphin is a crazy god kill, attack human b

15、eings can be described as easy, but it never hurt the dolphins records. The most incomprehensible is that even when people are killed by a dolphin, others present only one side wait and see dolphins, not tit for tat. For the strong spirit of collaboration of dolphins, so that the performance really

16、deeply troubled by zoologists. Very much hope that the Japanese kill dolphins can be an exception for those no longer wait and see the side tooth for a tooth! 韩寒: 所有言语都苍白All words are pale In the face of this shocking scene, words are pale . There is a kind of systemic spreadsadness面对这震惊的一幕,言 语已经苍白了,感到悲哀,有一种蔓延全 身的悲凉 At last , I want to say: I know I will cry, but I do not know that I will cry so hardWorld peace



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