托福基础口语课 第一讲第1讲

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1、托福基础口语课 第一讲By Sally Yang Copyright 2006Contact Information 联系方式 杨思晴 (Sally) Y PIN: ibt1314课上必备清单 蓝皮口语特训 白皮基础班口语讲义 眼睛2只 耳朵2个 嘴巴1个 红心1颗1. Introduction of TOEFL IBT TOEFL is used to measure English language proficiency. If you are applying to a college or university where English is the language of in

2、struction, your TOEFL score is a key to your study goal.新托福加入口语考试的原因: 使TOEFL变得更科学,更好地满足美国大 学的需要。 帮助考生更好地适应未来的校园生活和学 习。 使考生通过练习,提高口头表达能力。继 而在生活中更好地与外界沟通、互动,获 取更多的外界信息和资源,了解更多的异 域文化。新托福改革对中国学生的影响: 中国式发音受到挑战(rose, think, good) 中国考生虽考试经验技巧丰富,但听说方 面是薄弱环节,应对新考试容易有挫败感 。 准备时间短促,对考生的英语表达能力要 求提高(15/ 30/ 20),对

3、考生语言的综 合素质和应变能力也是严峻的挑战。 考生们长期养成的中文式思维方式和表达 ,也将成为考试的绊脚石。培养个人美语 思维能力(American way of thinking)显 然势在必行。2. Brief Introduction of 6 Tasks 题型简介 Refer to the additional material (参见基础班口语讲义P2)1. Personal Experience P:15 sec / R:45 sec2. Personal Preference P:15 sec / R: 45 sec3.Reading (40-45 Sec) + Listeni

4、ng + Speaking (campus related) P:30 sec / R:60 sec4. Reading (40-45 Sec)+ Listening + Speaking (Text and Lecture) P:30 sec / R: 60 sec5. Listening + Speaking (Campus related conv. + problem solving) P: 20 sec / R: 60 sec6. Listening+ Speaking (Profs Lecture+ Retell) P: 20 sec / R: 60 sec3. Pronuncia

5、tion and Intonation 语音关注点中国人日常发音误区之一 R音节读法:rose / rain / road / real/ round / room / rope / root / tomorrow/ it plays an important role/2.句子连读热身: 听写练习跟读训练 Whatre you doing here? I should ask you the same question. Where are you going ? Come and see. What about you? Not right now. Cant wait to get ou

6、t of here. Class starts at eight. Campus Conversation (Please refer to your textbooks.) 你住哪儿啊?Where are you living? 你的专业是什么啊?Whats your major? 你还选修了什么课啊?What other classes are you taking? Econ (Economy:经济学);Poli Sci(Political Science: 政治学); Lit (Literature:文学,即是英文课); Writing(写作课);Chem( Chemistry:化学课

7、); Physics(物理课);Bio (Biology:生物课);Pre-Med (Pre-Medical:医学预科);Com Sci(Computer Science计算机科学);Philosophy(哲学); Linguistic (语言学);Telecommunication(通信工程 );Television Languages(电视语言) 你觉得教授教的怎么样啊?What do you think of the professor? 我觉得他还好吧。Hes all right/ Hes okay 上课守时:Hes punctual/hes always prompt in his

8、class,常拖堂run over time/late, 这老师讲课太无聊了。Hes really boring. 这老师讲的太棒了。Hes really good. 天啊!我根本听不懂他在讲些什么:Oh my God, I dont understand him. 她讲课拖拖拉拉的:Her class is a drag. 听不懂: Im lost/ Im in the dark 听的懂:I think I can figure out what she says /I think I can catch her/ I can follow his words / it makes sens

9、e to me/ 上他的课很难保持清醒:I can hardly stay awake in his class. 上他的课总是不能精力集中:I can hardly concentrate on his class. 上课一直看表看时间:I keep watching the clock, keep counting the time. 你觉得课程怎么样啊?What do you think of the class? 课程还行:Its okay/ Its all right. 功课太难了:The homework is really hard. 老师让我们读的篇子太多了:Theres to

10、o much reading. 作业太多:Shes given us too much homework5. Movie Studies(P6)-TerminalCheck it out the movie clip, answer the following questions: How many people are there in the story? Who are they? Where does the story happen? How many questions did the black guy ask in the story? What are they? How m

11、any things did the guy require to see? Try to re-tell the story.Show and TellCould be:a cup, a pen, a book, a mp3 player, a music box, or a mobile Key Words: Color, Design, Who (gave it to u), When (did u start to have it) , How long (have u been using it), Special reasons.Supporting Sentences Lets

12、take a look at this cup. Its a cup (blue, yellow, pink, etc.) It has beautiful design on it. Sth. are embedded on the cup. I have been using it for (3 years) Sb. gave it to me as (a birthday gift) It is a token of sth. (love, hope, good luck, friendship or gratitude) It reminds me of sth/sb.Retellin

13、g Exercises Blue cup Embedded with cute little stars Grand mom gave 5 years Token of buti4 memory Reminds me of old daysP64-Personal Possessions Of all the gifts you have received, what is your favorite? Why is it your favorite? Include details to support your explanation.Assignment Campus English 口语特训P42- 1 Place P46- 2 Person P52 3 Animal P64 10 Personal possession Have a listen of the English song- Lemon TreeTHE END



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