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1、非谓语动词中考 考查重点讲解动词的基本用法是做放在主语之后做谓语。eg. I work in a factory.当句中有谓语动词时,如在需要用动词就只 能用非谓语动词,非谓语动词重要包括:动词不 定式(to do)、动名词、分词(现在分词、过去分 词)Eg. 1) I decide to work in a factory.Eg. 1) I decide to work in a factory.2) I enjoy working in a factory. 2) I enjoy working in a factory. 3) He is the man working in a fac

2、tory.3) He is the man working in a factory.4) Please hand in your written exercises. 4) Please hand in your written exercises.一、动词不定式 1、动词不定式做主语动词不定式作主语时,常用it做形式主语,而将 真正的主语放在句末.其结构是 Its +adj.+of/ for sb + to do. Eg .To learn English well is usefulIts useful to learn well.注意:此时用of还是用for 关键是看形容词形容的 是什

3、么,如果是形容做此事怎么样用for,反之如形 容人的性格特征的用of 1)Its very kind _you to help me.2)Its necessary _us to master a foreign language.3) Its nice _you to invite us.4) Its interesting _ us to play football.offoroffor2 2、不定式做宾语、不定式做宾语 1)一些动词只能用动词不定式做宾语。如: want, decide, hope, agree, wish, need ,promise, would like, plan

4、等。eg. We hope_(see) the film. Would you like _(go) with us?to see to go2)在find, think后用it做形式宾语,而将真正的宾语 放在句末。Eg. I find _necessry _ (master) a foreign language.to seeitto master3)常见的一些用不带to的动词不定式做宾语,这 类动词有:Why not do-,had better(not) do, would rather do- than do, could/would you please doEg. I woul r

5、ather _(stay) at home than _(go) out.stay go3.不定式做宾补1)不定式做宾补时,与宾语之间有逻辑上的主谓 关系,常见的动词有tell, ask,want, allow, get, invite, encourage等。否定形式在to do前加not1) My mother often encourage me _(study) hard.2) We dont allow people _(smoke) here.3) The students are often told_(not give) up.4) He asked me _(not driv

6、e) here.to studyto smokenot to givenot to drive2)使让动词和感官动词用省略to 的不定式做宾补 Eg.1.The boss made the workers _(work) for another 2 hours.2. I saw lucy _(go) out just now.workgo4 4、不定式做定语,放在被修饰词后,一般并与、不定式做定语,放在被修饰词后,一般并与 被修饰词间有动宾关系被修饰词间有动宾关系Eg. Would you like something _(eat)?There is nothing _(worry) abou

7、t.Have you got anything else _(say)He is often the first one_(get) here.to eatto worryto sayto get注意:此时变为被动语态必须将to 加上.如: Lucy was seen to go out just now.5.不定式放在疑问词what, where, which how之后,此时相当于一个宾语从句Eg. I dont know what _(do) tomorrow.= I dont know _ tomorrow. He didnt know where_(go) for the holid

8、ay. He didnt know where_ for the holiday. I wonder how_(处理)it next. I wonder how _it next.I should deal withto goWhat I should doto deal withhe would goto go二、动名词1.动名词做主语,此时谓语动词用单数 Eg. _(collect) stamps _(be) my favorite.Collectingis2.动名词做动词或介词的宾语。此类动词有动名词做动词或介词的宾语。此类动词有 keep, enjoy,preferto , mind,

9、 cant help, finish,feel like,practise ,Would you mind _(smoke) here?Knives are used for _(cut) things.smokingcutting1.做定语,单个的分词作定语放在被修饰词前,分词短语 作定语放在被修饰词的后面。三、分词。分词分为现在分词(动词+ing)和过去分词两 种,现在分词表示主动进行,过去分词表被动、完 成。1)This is a _(read) room.2) His _(speak) English is very good.3) Do you know the man _(stan

10、d) under the tree.4) The woman swept the leaves _(fall ) on the ground.fallenstandingspokenreading2.现在分词作状语,表伴随Eg. The students went out of the class, _ (talk) and _(laugh)talkinglaughing3.3.分词作宾语补足语。现在分词作宾补与宾语之间分词作宾语补足语。现在分词作宾补与宾语之间 有逻辑上的主谓关系(主动),过去分词作宾补与有逻辑上的主谓关系(主动),过去分词作宾补与 宾语之间有逻辑上的动宾关系(被动)。宾语之

11、间有逻辑上的动宾关系(被动)。 Eg. Dont keep us _(wait) for so long.She speaks loudly to make herself_(hear).I heard her _(sing) in the next room when I passed by.We have to make our hair _(cut)waiting heardsingingcut四、注意区分:1、动词不定式做宾语与动名词做宾语 :无差别 begin , start Lets begin _(have) an English class.to have /having:有一

12、定差别 like , love, hateDoing表示爱好,to do 表示具体动作。如:I like _(swim) a lot ,but this evening I love _(go) skating.swimming to goC:差别很大 动词动词 to do sth.(未做)+doing sth.(已做)remember记记得要做某事记记得曾做某事forget忘记记做某事忘记记做了某事stop停下来去做另一事停止正做的事try尽力去做某事尝试尝试 做某事She tried a composition.她试着写作文。writing她设法(尽力)打电话给你。She tried yo

13、u .to callI remember the door just now. 我记得我刚才开了门。openingPlease remember the door after work.to close 请记住下班后关门。I forgot him the news.我忘记已经告诉他这个消息了。 I forgot him the news .to tell我忘记了告诉他这个消息。tellingTest 一、选择 1. He has promised better latter.A. behaving B. behave C. to behave2. He hated her.A. trouble B. to troubling C. to trouble 3. He stopped when the teacher came in.A. to talk B. talking C. talked4. I have finished the room.A. clean B. to read it C. cleaning5. I give you a book .A. to read B. to read it C. reading it6. There is nothing for us



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