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1、运动会广播稿英语运动会广播稿英语Looked! That surface dances in the breeze against the wind the colored flag,is a fresh flower which is in full bloom;Listen! That intermittent earthshaking cheering,is the echo the rumor which wins nearby the ear.In athletic field you, are the victory symbol,in athletic field you, is

2、 youth acclaiming.Goes! Meets that great challenge,goes! Is the youth who expels wind from the body.You represent are-East, west, south, north-Wind!中文:看!那一面面迎风飘舞的彩旗,是一朵朵盛开的鲜花;听!那一阵阵惊天动地的欢呼,是回响在耳边胜利的风声。运动场上的你们,是胜利的标志,运动场上的你们,是青春的赞叹。去吧!去迎接那伟大的挑战,去吧!去做一名追风的少年。你们代表的是-东,西,南,北-风!The willow tree extracts t

3、he new bud, how could forget spring breeze swaying?The grass drills the soil, how could forget spring rain moistening?The flower splits open the beautiful smiling face, how could forget the sun to caress? The child growth cannot forget teachers raise.Today, can our result acquisition,how forget you,

4、 fair selfless referee teacher中文:柳树抽出新芽,怎能忘了春风的吹拂?小草钻出泥土,怎能忘了春雨的滋润?花儿绽开美丽笑脸,怎能忘了太阳爱抚?孩子们的成长更不能忘记老师的培养。今天,我们成绩的取得,怎能忘记您,公正无私的裁判员老师Cantabile sport, but there is no timeless tone. You do not know when it would play, when will it drop; sports such as tender round, but there is no change of direction, yo

5、u do not know when to go, when to stay,运动如歌,但却没有永恒的调子。你不知它何时会起,何时会落;运动如嫩轮,但却没有不变的方向,你不知道它何时要走,何时要留,In this down, back and forth, stop-and-go, the life will be filled with no regrets, filled with touching. Your life will be sweet brilliant!在这起起落落,反反复复,走走停停中,生命将写满无悔,写满感动。你的人生将绚丽可爱!Athletes, when you r

6、ide in the sports arena, you will conquer the others, you will conquer its own. Station no longer that hard before the starting line, that is, the moment of success you dream of. Yes, there is a lot of far-fetched dreams, but dreams can come true. Has broken Krylov said: “At this side of reality, th

7、e ideal at the other side, across the middle of the river rapids. Efforts to frame action is on a bridge in Sichuan.“ From the reality on this side and reach the other side of the ideal, focusing on efforts to focus on confidence. , and that more should be the spirit of our athletes.运动员,当你驰骋在运动场上,你便

8、征服了别人,你便征服了自己。站再那坚硬的起跑线前,也就是成就你梦想的时刻。是的,有很多梦时遥不可及的,但梦想是可以成真的。克雷洛夫有断名言:“现实在此岸,理想在彼岸,中间隔着湍急的河流。努力行动则是架在川上的桥梁。 ”要从现实的此岸,到达理想的彼岸,重在努力,重在自信。贵在坚持,而这更应该是我们运动健儿的精神。Eagle belong to the blue sky, white water belong to the sea, while our athletes are belong to the grass. It is hoped that the place up, it will

9、be come a stage win. Sports athletes are confident that when you fight for the dream, in order to win time and sweat, but also for the glory of our liuyang eight.雄鹰属于蓝天,激流属于大海,而我们的运动员则属于绿茵茵的草地。那是希望升起的地方,也将是胜利降临的舞台。自信的运动健儿们,当你们为梦想而拼搏,为胜利而流汗时,也在为我们浏阳八中争光。Undoubtedly, in this highly competitive sports

10、arena, there is success there is failure, it ran a successful flower-hyun rotten, and the failure of the snow is also lovely. Same winds will favor, in fact, everyone wants to glory, but someone afraid of magma emitted burn themselves, select run, on the successful selection, they chose the injured;

11、 select high jump, on the win at select when they select a fall. When the mussels force by pregnancy after suffering a dazzling crystal pearl, when the athletes are going through a painful after the creation of an astonishing score. Clare said: “The people are some kind of faith in order to live.“ H

12、earts there is hope that无疑的,在这竞争激烈的运动场上,有成功也有失败,成功的花故然炫烂,而失败的雪也同样可爱。风儿同样会青睐,其实每个人都想辉煌,只不过有人怕喷出的岩浆灼伤自己,选择跑步,就在选择成功时,也选择了受伤;选择跳高,就在选择胜利时,也选择了跌倒。当蚌力经痛苦后孕出晶莹夺目的珍珠,当运动员们经历痛苦后就创造了惊人的成绩。克莱尔说:“人是为了某种信念而活“。心中有希望,Only the hearts of the road, has the hearts of the road will be down at the foot. Athletes, when

13、you with the ideal and the sweat, through the painful Ze Chao will find a bright road.心中才有路,心中有路,脚下才会踏实。运动员们,当你们带着理想与汗水,穿过痛苦的诏泽,定会找到光明的道路。Will become exhausted, only to struggle a turn for the better, life will become humble and the great tragic. Sport athletes. We have seen, through the sweat of yo

14、ur crystal, we have seen in xinyuan hope that you crossed the Pentium pace, we see hope, hope to see tomorrow.只有挣扎会使山穷水尽变得柳暗花明,会使卑微的生命变得悲壮与伟大。运动健儿们。我们看到了, 透过你们晶莹的汗水,我们看到了新元的希望,越过你们奔腾的脚步,我们看到了希望,看到了希望的明天。Travel, life does not return this stadium.Wild. NOT back to life in this stadium.Touched, your sp

15、irit of sport. courage.旅行,生命这没有回程的运动场。拓荒。生命这没有回头的运动场。感动,你们运动的精神。拼博的勇气。As also the hero, lost heroes also. You will always be the true heroes we have in mind, the first person who crossed the finish line of course is our idol, and the runway is still worked hard for the Olympic spirit, more worthy of

16、 our respect Chong, never give up, never admit defeat, the end of not really the end, sports is bound to break through the limits of humanity.Perhaps your failure is a shame, a hope dashed. Months of hard training and hopes go down the drain in a twinkling of an eye, make you depressed, sad, but tried to see if you worked hard for the moment. With tears in his eyes we do not think so, you are courageous, you are strong, you use your determination to complete your task. Proud to see



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